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摘    要:[Objective] The aim of experiment was to provide a new germplasm for wheat breeding by further using desirable genes in 2V chromosome of Haynaldia villosa.[Method] Through hybridization between common wheat(Triticum aestivum)-Haynaldia villosa disomic substitution line and common wheat Nonglin26-3C chromosome of Aegilops triuncialis disomic addition line,the analysis methods such as chromosome C-banding,genomic in situ hybridization and molecular marker technique were comprehensively applied and combined characters investigation.[Result] The wheat-Haynaldia villosa translocation line(T6BS·6BL-2VS)was selected from hybrid progenies to conduct characters investigation,which found some bristles on glume ridge of T6BS·6BL-2VS.[Conclusion] The translocation line induced by gametocidal chromosome was a small segment translocation line and the gene of bristle on glume ridge of Haynaldia villosa was located between the middle and the terminal of 2VS.

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