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引用本文:陈艳瑞,尹林克,孟林,胡玉昆,王进. 塔里木河中下游地区苏丹草生态适应性研究[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2005, 19(1): 183-187
作者姓名:陈艳瑞  尹林克  孟林  胡玉昆  王进
基金项目:中国科学院知识创新重大项目 :塔里木河中下游荒漠化防治与绿洲生态系统管理试验示范 (KZCX1-0 8-0 2 )
摘    要:针对干旱荒漠地区生态环境的特点 ,本文系统论述了苏丹草在塔里木河中下游干旱地区引种的生物学特性 ,并对其栽培与管理方法、各物候期的积温、日照、旬平均气温等环境因子进行了研究 ,分析了一年中的累积植株生长量和植株生长量与主导作用的气象因子的关系 ,突出苏丹草的物候期、生长规律、生物量和营养成份的变化 ,评价此物种在塔河中下游地区种植的适宜性和优质高产生产性能 ,试验结果表明苏丹草年产鲜草 91 369.85~ 1 47646.2kg/hm2 ,苏丹草的种子的耐盐性 ( >2 .0 % )明显高于苜蓿 ,具有很强的适宜性 ,具有相当高的生态、经济、社会效益。

关 键 词:塔里木河  苏丹草  生态适应性

The Ecological Adaptability of Sudan Grass in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River
CHEN Yan-rui YIN Lin-ke HU Yu-kun MENG Lin WANG Jin. The Ecological Adaptability of Sudan Grass in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River[J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2005, 19(1): 183-187
Authors:CHEN Yan-rui YIN Lin-ke HU Yu-kun MENG Lin WANG Jin
Affiliation:CHEN Yan-rui 1 YIN Lin-ke 1 HU Yu-kun 1 MENG Lin 2 WANG Jin 3
Abstract:Desertification is one of the important ecological characters in the arid desert regions. This research carried out the experiment on ecologicaladaptation of Sudan grass such as enduring capabilityin drought and salt,phenological period, the changesofthegrowth ,the annual yield of grass, fertilization and the management in the field, its nutrient analysis in the Lowermiddleand Lower middle reaches of Tarim River, Xinjiang, China. The experiment showed that it could reap fouror fivetimes one yearand the totalyield of forage grass could get 91369.85~147 646.2kg/hm 2 annually. The average content of thick protein, thick fibre, thick fat, thick ash, calcium and phosphor in the hay of Sudan grass were 6.89%, 20.17%, 1.66%, 11.52%, 0.24%and 0.05% respectively. It had a great drought- enduring and salt-enduring capabilityand couldgain high biomass and enrich nutrition. Itsenduring capabilityin salt was (>2.0%)higher than purple medic. As a result, Sudan grass was one of the adaptable species and advantageous for the ecology, economy and society in the region.
Keywords:Tarim River  Sudan grass  ecological ecological adaptation
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