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引用本文:林什全,仲崇禄,白嘉雨. 广东省电白县5年生山地木麻黄种源试验及评选[J]. 林业科学研究, 2003, 16(4): 506-510
作者姓名:林什全  仲崇禄  白嘉雨
摘    要:山地木麻黄(CasuarinajunghuhnianaMiq.)原产于印度尼西亚,属木麻黄科(Casuarinaceae),树干通直,生长快,抗干旱,耐水湿,可生长于多种类型土壤,成熟林木高可达35m,胸径可达65~100cm。其天然分布为7°~10°S,110°~127°E,海拔1000~3100m的山地,但海平面附近地区也有出现,降水为夏雨型,年降水量为700~1500mm,有的高达2000mm,年平均气温13~28℃。山地木麻黄木材热值高,适于作薪材、木炭产品、建筑用材、矿柱和电杆等。国内外对山地木麻黄的研究主要涉及分类、分布、引种和生长表现[1~11]。1985年,中澳合作项目ACIAR8457我国首次引进…

关 键 词:山地木麻黄  种源试验  遗传参数

Provenance Trials of 5-year-old Casuarina junghuhniana at Dianbai,Guangdong,China
LIN Shi-quan,ZHONG Chong-lu and BAI Jia-yu. Provenance Trials of 5-year-old Casuarina junghuhniana at Dianbai,Guangdong,China[J]. Forest Research, 2003, 16(4): 506-510
Authors:LIN Shi-quan  ZHONG Chong-lu  BAI Jia-yu
Affiliation:Dianbai Forest Disease and Insect Prevention and Quarantine Center, Dianbai525400, Guangdong, China;Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, CAF, Guangzhou510520, Guangdong, China;Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, CAF, Guangzhou510520, Guangdong, China
Abstract:A provenance trial of Casuarina junghuhniana was established at Dianbai, Guangdong Province in southern China. All the 28 seedlots of seeds came from Australian Tree Seed Centre. A complete randomized block design was employed with 16 trees per plot and 4 replicates. From 1 to 5 years old, tree heights (H) and diameters at breast height (DBH) were measured, the single tree volume (V) and tree survival percentage (S) were calculated. The results at 5 years old provenances showed that there were significant differences in tree height, DBH and single tree volume among provenances, which indicated that those provenances were genetic variation in tree growth indexes. Provenance genetic variation coefficient (GCV) and broad heritability (H2) were estimated, GCV was 23.54 % in tree height, 35.78 % in DBH and 84.76 % in single tree volume, and H 2 were 28.87 % in tree height, 24.98 % in DBH and 21.21 % in single tree volume. Using H, DBH, V and S of 5 years old provenances, by Multiple Objective Strategic Decision Analysis method,the provenances were optimized and ranked. For the purpose of high timber yield in plantation, the selected provenance rate was 25 % of the total seedlots in the trials. Seven seedlots, 19240, 17877, 17878, 19491, 19489, 19490 and 13950, were screened out as better provenances. After selecting, the provenance genetic gains were 16.08 % in tree height, 22.73 % in DBH and 49.61 % in single tree volume.
Keywords:Casuarina junghuhniana  provenance trial  genetic variation parameter
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