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引用本文:李延频,袁寿其,陈德新. 工业循环冷却水余能利用及其关键技术[J]. 排灌机械工程学报, 2015, 33(8): 667-673. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8530.14.0184
作者姓名:李延频  袁寿其  陈德新
作者单位:1. 华北水利水电大学电力学院, 河南 郑州 450011; 2.江苏大学国家水泵及系统工程技术研究中心, 江苏 镇江 212013
摘    要:
基于工业循环冷却水系统构成方式的研究,归纳出了3种典型的循环水系统:冷热水串联系统、冷热水独立系统和循环水回水开敞式系统.通过对循环冷却水系统中剩余能量的分析发现:无论构成方式如何,其系统余能一般在5~30 m左右,少数可达到50 m左右,都属中低水头余能系统.根据循环冷却水余能特点,提出了3种典型的余能利用方式:水轮-风机组余能利用方式、小型或微型水轮发电装置向外送电的余能利用方式和透平泵余能利用方式.针对3种余能利用方式,指出了各自的关键技术或存在的问题:水轮-风机组的关键是超低比转数水轮机的设计,但其成本较高、效率较低、机型单一,现缺乏对超低比转数水轮机内部流场的研究;余能发电的关键在于水轮机的选型及其循环水的保护和发电机逆功率保护;透平泵的关键是水轮机或者反转水泵的设计,并且水泵反转作水力透平在工作过程、设计理论与方法、流道型式等方面与水轮机存在很大差异.因此,透平泵中透平部分是选反转水泵、水轮机,还是水泵水轮机,应经过经济技术比较才能确定.

关 键 词:余能利用  循环冷却水  超低比转数水轮机  水轮-风机组  水轮发电机  透平泵  

Surplus energy recovery of industrial circulating cooling water and its key technologies
Li Yanpin,Yuan Shouqi,Chen Dexin. Surplus energy recovery of industrial circulating cooling water and its key technologies[J]. Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering, 2015, 33(8): 667-673. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8530.14.0184
Authors:Li Yanpin  Yuan Shouqi  Chen Dexin
Affiliation:1.School of Electric Power, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou, Henan 450011, China; 2.National Research Center of Pumps, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu 212013, China
Based on the research of structural mode of the industrial circulating cooling water system, three typical circulating water systems have been summed up, including the heating and cooling water series system, the heating and cooling water independent system and the circulating water open system. Through the analysis of the residual energy in the circulating cooling water system, it is found that whatever the structural mode is, the surplus energy is about 5-30 m generally, and in some systems it can be up to 50 m or so. All these belong to the low surplus energy system. Based on the surplus energy characteristic of circulating cooling water systems, three typical surplus energy recovery ways have been proposed, including turbine-fan unit, small or micro hydropower generating device and the turbine pump unit. For the three surplus energy recovery ways, the respective key technology or problems have been pointed out. The key of turbine-fan unit is the design of the ultra-low specific speed turbine, but its high cost, low efficiency, single model, lack of research on flow field; the key of surplus energy power generation is the selection of the turbine and its circulating water protection and reverse power protection; the key of the turbine pump unit is the design of the turbine or the reverse pump as turbine(PAT). And the differences between the PAT and the turbine, including the working process, the design theories and methods and the flow passage have been also pointed out. These differences lead to the low-energy density and low efficiency of the PAT. Therefore, the economic and technological comparison between the PAT and the turbine should be made to determine which should be selected in turbine pump unit.
Keywords:surplus energy recovery  circulating cooling water  ultra-low specific speed turbine  turbine-fan unit  hydraulic generator  turbine-pump unit  
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