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Characterization of three Colletotrichum acutatum isolates from Capsicum spp.
Authors:Chein-Yao Liao  Mei-Ya Chen  Yuh-Kun Chen  Tien-Cheng Wang  Zong-Ming Sheu  Ker-Chung Kuo  Pi-Fang Linda Chang  Kuang-Ren Chung  Miin-Huey Lee
Affiliation:1. Department of Plant Pathology, National Chung-Hsing University, No. 250 Kuo-Kuang Rd. South District, Taichung, 40227, Taiwan
2. AVRDC-The World Vegetable Center, PO Box 42, Shanhua, Tainan, 74199, Taiwan
3. Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, 9Fl., No. 51, Sec. 2, Chungching S. Rd., Jungjeng Chiu, Taipei, 10075, Taiwan
4. Citrus Research and Education Center, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), University of Florida, 700 Experiment Station Road, Lake Alfred, FL, 33850, USA
Colletotrichum acutatum causes anthracnose on peppers (Capsicum spp.), resulting in severe yield losses in Taiwan. Fungal isolates Coll-153, Coll-365 and Coll-524 collected from diseased peppers were found to differ in pathogenicity. Pathogenicity assays on various index plants revealed that Coll-524 was highly virulent and Coll-153 was moderately virulent to three commercially available pepper cultivars. Both isolates induced anthracnose lesions and produced abundant conidia. Coll-365 was only weakly virulent on pepper fruit, where it caused small lesions and hardly produced conidia on pepper fruit. However, Coll-365 was highly pathogenic to tomato fruit and mango leaves, where it caused anthracnose lesions and formed acervuli and conidia. All three isolates showed similar abilities in the attachment and germination of conidia, formation of highly branched hyphae and appressoria, penetration of cuticles, and infection of epidermal cells on chili peppers. Coll-365 accumulated less turgor pressure in appressoria but produced higher levels of cutinase and protease activity than Coll-153 and Coll-524 did. All three isolates invaded the neighbouring cells through plasmodesmata in chili peppers and showed similar pectinase or cellulase activities in culture. However, the most virulent strain Coll-524 expressed stronger laccase activity and was more resistant to capsaicin compared to Coll-153 and Coll-365. The three isolates are different in numbers and sizes of double-stranded RNAs. Depending on the cultivar genotypes, cellular resistance of chili pepper to C. acutatum might rely on the ability to restrict penetration, colonization, or conidiation of the pathogen. We conclude that the differences in pathogenicity among the three C. acutatum isolates of pepper are attributed to their ability to colonize the host plant.
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