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引用本文:林芳,;黄梓良,;虞祥忠,;黄清山,;钱永平,;余燕华. 小叶青冈群落主要种群生态位研究[J]. 吉林林学院学报, 2014, 0(5): 684-688
作者姓名:林芳,  黄梓良,  虞祥忠,  黄清山,  钱永平,  余燕华
作者单位:[1]福建林业职业技术学院资源环境系,福建南平353000; [2]南平市延平区林业局,福建南平353000
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41176092); 福建省教育厅科技项目(JB14160)
摘    要:采用定量分析的方法对福建茫荡山自然保护区小叶青冈群落11个主要优势种进行了生态位研究,测定其生态位宽度、生态位相似比例等生态位特征值.结果表明:生态位宽度排在前6位的分别是小叶青冈、甜槠、木荷、弯蒴杜鹃、乌饭和深山含笑.小叶青冈与其他种群的生态位相似比例、生态位重叠值相对较高(猴头杜鹃例外),表明它与其他种群之间的竞争相对激烈,易与生态位宽的树种形成共优群落.

关 键 词:小叶青冈  生态位宽度  种群  生态位相似比例  生态位重叠

On the Niche of Major Population of Cyclobalanopsis gracilis Natural Forest Community
Affiliation:Lin Fang, Huang Ziliang, Yu Xiangzhong, Huang Qingshan, Qian Yongping, Yu Yanhua ( 1. Resources and Environment Department of Fujian Forestry Vocational and Technical College, Nanping 353000, China ; 2. Forestry Bureau of Yanping District, Nanping 353000, China)
Abstract:Through quantitative analysis,the author conducts ecological niche research on 11 dominant species of Cyclobalanopsis gracilis community in Mangdang Nature Reserve of Fujian province and determines the characteristic values of the niche such as width and proportional similarity specifically. The results are as follows:in terms of niche width,the top six species are Cyclobalanopsis gracilis,Castanopsis eyrei,Schima superb,Rhodoendron henryi,Vaccinium bracteatum,and Michelia maudiae. Except Rhododendron simiarum,the proportional similarity and overlap value of Cyclobalanopsis gracilis are relatively higher than other population,which reveals fierce competition with other populations and is prone to become mixed forest with those species that have broad niche.
Keywords:Cyclobalanopsis gracilis  niche width  population  proportional similarity of niche  niche overlap
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