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佛山市高明区古树名木现状及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对佛山市高明区古树名木调查现状进行总结发现,区域内现有古树名木251株,分属12科15属15种。在对古树名木树种构成、生长情况、树龄和胸径情况等进行具体分析的基础上,分析了高明区危害古树名木的因素,并提出有效的保护对策,以期为古树名木的保护提供参考。  相似文献   
旨在调查当地人对祁连山国家公园生态保护意识的强弱,以地处祁连山国家公园腹地的祁连县县城为例,随机选取祁连县县城流动人口及固定商户,使用问卷调查法进行研究。结果表明:18岁以下调查对象生态保护意识较低,其再受教育水平空间较大,生态保护意识提升空间较大;46~60岁年龄阶段学历层次及政策性知识了解程度较高,对生态保护意识较强;60岁以上调查对象生态保护意识较差,其对生态保护知识及相关政策性知识了解较旧。生态保护意识的强弱伴随年龄及受教育程度的提高而变强,受教育程度是影响生态保护意识最显著的因素,可针对性提出政策以提高生态文明水平及保护意识,积极推动国家公园生态发展。  相似文献   
在广西龙滩自然保护区生物多样性调查及现状各因子评价的基础上,分析了滇西北至广东特高压直流输电工程建设对保护区生境特别是主要保护对象黑颈长尾雉及其栖息地的影响,提出了切合实际的保护对策和管理措施,以利于该区域生态系统的恢复和维护。  相似文献   
以拟建的四方井水库为例,从水库蓄水与淹没、大坝阻隔及上下游河道径流变化等方面,分析水库建设和运行对陆生动植物、水生生物及鱼类资源产生的影响;针对主要生态影响,结合工程布置、区域特点和景观要求,提出可行的对重点保护动植物、古树名木、鱼类资源、生态流量的保护措施,以期最大限度地降低不利生态环境影响,使工程经济效益、生态效益和社会效益得到协调发展。  相似文献   
The landscape style and features of historical and cultural blocks in Handan show the landscape characteristics of Handan in the specific cultural and historical period.To explore the landscape style and features of historical and cultural blocks in Handan is of great practical significance to maintain the characteristics of historical and cultural blocks,improve city quality,continue city culture and retain cultural characteristics.According to the advantaged natural geography,human geography factors and the current situation of landscape style and features in Handan City,this study discussed the landscape style and features of historical and cultural blocks through practical investigation and scientific research,found out the main problems and put forward corresponding protection and promotion strategies,in order to create a landscape pattern of historical and cultural blocks with cultural connotation,harmony and order,and distinctive characteristics.  相似文献   
As superficial structures,non-glandular trichomes,protect plant organs against multiple biotic and abiotic stresses.The protective and defensive roles of these epidermal appendages are crucial to developing organs and can be attributed to the excellent combination of suitable structural traits and chemical reinforcement in the form of phenolic compounds,primarily fl avonoids.Both the formation of trichomes and the accumulation of phenolics are interrelated at the molecular level.During the early stages of development,non-glandular trichomes show strong morphological similarities to glandular ones such as the balloon-like apical cells with numerous phenolics.At later developmental stages,and during secondary wall thickening,phenolics are transferred to the cell walls of the trichomes.Due to the diff use deposition of phenolics in the cell walls,trichomes provide protection against UV-B radiation by behaving as optical fi lters,screening out wavelengths that could damage sensitive tissues.Protection from strong visible radiation is also aff orded by increased surface light refl ectance.Moreover,the mixtures of trichome phenolics represent a superfi-cial chemical barrier that provides protection against biotic stress factors such as herbivores and pathogens.Although the cells of some trichomes die at maturity,they can modulate their quantitative and qualitative characteristics during development,depending on the prevailing conditions of the external biotic or abiotic environment.In fact,the structure and chemical constituents of trichomes may change due to the particular light regime,herbivore damage,wounding,water stress,salinity and the presence of heavy metals.Hence,trichomes represent dynamic protective structures that may greatly aff ect the outcome of many plant–environment interactions.  相似文献   
论农业文化遗产保护与美丽乡村建设——以云南为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
曹茂  莫力  杨玲 《农学学报》2020,10(8):89-94
党的十九大提出了乡村振兴战略,美丽乡村是农业文明的重要体现,是中华民族的文化根脉和精神家园。云南有着丰厚的农业文化遗产,本文从农业文化遗产地村落景观保护、特有农作物品种保护和加大农业文化遗产宣传保护等层面,提出了挖掘云南农业文化遗产及建设云南美丽乡村的对策建议。  相似文献   
为了促进人与自然和谐相处,保障生态文明建设,应做好森林资源保护培育工作。通过分析浙江龙泉地区珍贵阔叶树种保护培育工作的现状及问题,提出相应的对策,以完善龙泉地区森林资源建设,促进林业可持续发展。  相似文献   
楼子山国家级自然保护区自位于辽宁省西部,朝阳市的西南部,与葫芦岛市建昌县相邻,地理坐标为E 119° 54′ 50″ ~ 120° 2′ 50″,N 41° 0′ 20″ ~ 11′ 10″,处于燕山山脉的东端。保护区总面积11150.0 hm2,其中核心区面积4588.0 hm2,缓冲区面积2448.0 hm2,实验区面积4114.0 hm2,。主要为山地环境,具有典型的华北山地植被特征,拥有森林、灌丛、湿地等生境类型。多样的地形地貌和植被类型,为野生动物生存提供了条件。通过多年详细调查为今后保护野生动物资源栖息、繁衍提供了可靠保障。  相似文献   
笔者通过黄土丘陵区防护林综合配套技术构建的实践与探索,结合林业工程的生态公益性出发,以参与式PDCA项目周期管理方法为基础,创造性地引入培训(Train)这一环节,提出了增能扩效PTDCA项目周期管理模式。具体阐述了PTDCA的涵义,从制定计划、培训、项目实施、监测评估和完善改进5个方面介绍了PTDCA在防护林建设中的应用过程,指出了项目实施具有提高森林覆盖率、提高造林成活率与保存率、增加林木生长量和加强培训效果4个方面的成效,最后对PTDCA项目周期管理模式今后的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   
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