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<正>1月20日中国尿素批发价格指数(CNPI)为1790.18点上周(1月13日-1月17日)国内尿素市场成交清淡,价格走稳。1月20日CNPI为1790.18点,环比上涨2.16点,涨幅为0.12%;同比下跌435.42点,跌幅为19.56%;比基期下跌73.07点,跌幅为3.92%。CNPI整体呈现疲软下滑走势。  相似文献   
[目的]研究土壤中联苯菊酯样品索氏提取法与震荡提取法之间的差异。[方法]在白蚁预防施工过程中,随机抽取8个样品。分别用索氏提取法和震荡提取法进行样品的提取,再用气相色谱检测。[结果]试验提供8个样品进行对比试验,其中6个样品经索氏提取后检测浓度明显高于震荡提取后检测浓度,只有2个样品前者浓度低于后者。[结论]索氏提取法可以用于土壤中联苯菊酯样品的提取。  相似文献   
<正>上周(7月28日-8月1日)国内尿素市场需求疲软,市场价格稳中略降。8月4日CNPI为1594.01点,环比下跌2.94点,跌幅为0.18%;同比下跌216.76点,跌幅为11.97%;比基期下跌269.24点,跌幅为14.45%。供给情况:国内尿素企业开工率继续保持稳定运行,开工率保持在65%以上。从原材料市场来看,无烟煤市场保持弱势平稳运行;目前煤炭市场供应充足,下游需求低迷,后期市场仍不被看好。  相似文献   
为了研究高原地区不同月龄的藏绵羊生理生化指标的变化规律,试验以饲养于四川省红原县的藏绵羊为研究对象,按生长发育阶段测定其生理生化指标。结果表明:3~24月龄的藏绵羊呼吸、体温和心率的范围分别为(24.60±6.33)~(50.30±21.18)次/min、(39.14±0.28)~(39.61±0.35)℃和(91.00±13.27)~(109.10±6.82)次/min;藏绵羊3,6,15,18月龄白细胞计数(WBC)、血细胞比容(HCT)和红细胞体积分布宽度变异系数(RDW-CV)等指标相对低于9,12,21,24月龄,3,6,15,18月龄红细胞计数(RBC)、平均红细胞体积(MCV)、平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)、平均红细胞血红蛋白含量(MCH)等指标相对高于9,12,21,24月龄,血红蛋白含量(HGB)和血小板计数(PLT)两指标不呈现月龄变化;谷丙转氨酶(ALT)、白蛋白(ALB)、球蛋白(GLO)和总胆固醇(CHOL)等指标在21月龄时达到最大值,碱性磷酸酶(ALKP)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、血糖(GLU)、胆碱酯酶(PCHE)等指标在3月龄时达到最大值,总钙(CA)、总蛋白(TP)、谷草转氨酶(AST)等指标分别在9,18,24月龄时达到最大值。  相似文献   
心率变异度(HRV)是评估交感和副交感神经系统的电生理检查,目前已广泛应用于临床各领域,皮肤交感反应(SSR)联合R-R间期变化率(RRIV)在检测自主神经功能方面与HRV比较,寻找反映自主神经系统功能的最佳的检测手段。  相似文献   
正自2014年5月猪价出现异常上涨以来,6月份猪价进入了震荡期,并保持弱势,猪料比连续23周处于4.4∶1的盈亏平衡线以下。2014年第24周全国自繁自养出栏猪头均盈利水平至深度亏损。本文将探讨我国生猪市场近段时间市场变化。一、生猪市场基本行情及问题产生的原因(一)生猪价格保持弱势发改委数据显示,截至2014年6月11日,全国大中城市生猪出场价格为13.35元/千克,比前一周下降0.37%。主要批发市场玉米价格为2.46元/千克,比前一周上涨0.82元/千克;猪粮比价为5.43∶1,  相似文献   
正1月18日中国化肥批发价格综合指数(CFCI)为1880.99点上周(1月11日-1月15日),中国化肥批发价格综合指数(CFCI)小幅下跌。1月18日,CFCI为1880.99点,环比下跌62.72点,跌幅为3.23%;同比下跌149.42点,跌幅为7.36%;比基期下跌497.88点,跌幅为20.93%。1月18日,中国复合肥零售价格指数(CCRI)为2458.05点,环比下跌3.33点,跌幅在0.14%;比基期上涨11.34点,涨  相似文献   
【Objective】 The objective of this study was to analyze the effect of different training stages on the performance and heart rate variability(HRV) of Yili horses and to provide data for reference in the conditioning training of 1 600 m distance Yili horses.【Method】 Eight 3-year-old Yili horses (stallions) were selected as test subjects.A 3-month speed specific performance training program was conducted, and a speed test race was organized in the last week of each month of training, and HRV was collected before, immediately after, 0.5 h after, and 1 h after 1 600 m test race.Among them, the time-domain indexes included the mean of all R-R intervals (Mean RR), the standard deviation of all R-R intervals (SDNN), the mean heart rate (Mean HR), the root mean square of the difference between adjacent R-R intervals (RMSSD), the number of adjacent R-R intervals with a difference greater than 50 ms (NN50), and the percentage of adjacent R-R intervals with a difference greater than 50 ms to the total number of heartbeats (pNN50).Frequency domain metrics included very low frequency (VLF), low frequency power (LF), high frequency power (HF) and nonlinear metrics:standard deviation (Y) of all R-R-spacing (SD1), standard deviation (X) of all R-R-spacing (SD2).Consequently, the variability of HRV indexes in horses at different training stages was analyzed.【Result】 The race time in the post training period in 1 600 m speed test race of Yili horses was significantly lower than that in the early training period (P<0.05), and Mean RR, NN50 and pNN50 in the middle and post training periods were significantly lower than that in the early training period (P<0.05).Mean HR in the beginning of training was significantly lower than that in post training (P<0.05).VLF and LF in the end of training were significantly lower than that in the beginning of training (P<0.05).【Conclusion】 Under the conditions of this test, the HRV indexes of 1 600 m test race of Yili horses in different conditioning training stages were analyzed.The outcomes demonstrated that the types of neural activity in Yili horses at the beginning, middle and end of training presented some differences, showing changes of increased sympathetic excitability and decreased parasympathetic excitability, and the horses' athletic performance improved.Therefore, HRV could be considered as an effective tool to evaluate the training load and intensity of Yili horses during training.  相似文献   
付宇 《新农业》2013,(8):35
2013年第一季度,全国及辽宁肉鸡收购价格震荡下滑。受禽流感事件影响,二季度行情不甚乐观。市场概述2013年第一季度全国及辽宁地区肉鸡整体市场行情波动较大,可谓"风起云涌"。全国肉鸡收购价格前两周呈小幅上扬趋势,第三周开始逐步走低,第六周迎来转机,价格小幅回升,第九周价格失守,持续跌落。  相似文献   
<正>5月27日中国氯化钾批发价格指数(CKPI)为2479.43点上周(5月20日-5月24日),钾肥市场销售充斥悲观氛围,商家低价出货现象频现。5月27日,中国氯化钾批发价格指数(CNPI)为2479.43点,环比下跌19.49点,跌幅为0.78%;比基期下跌811.16点,跌幅为24.65%。供应情况:国产钾肥企业开工正常,发运也基本正常,但  相似文献   
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