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Aeolian-fluvial interplay erosion regions are subject to intense soil erosion and are of particular concern in loess areas of northwestern China.Understanding the composition,distribution,and transport processes of eroded sediments in these regions is of considerable scientific significance for controlling soil erosion.In this study,based on laboratory rainfall simulation experiments,we analyzed rainfall-induced erosion processes on sand-covered loess slopes(SS)with different sand cover patterns(including length and thickness)and uncovered loess slopes(LS)to investigate the influences of sand cover on erosion processes of loess slopes in case regions of aeolian-fluvial erosion.The grain-size curves of eroded sediments were fitted using the Weibull function.Compositions of eroded sediments under different sand cover patterns and rainfall intensities were analyzed to explore sediment transport modes of SS.The influences of sand cover amount and pattern on erosion processes of loess slopes were also discussed.The results show that sand cover on loess slopes influences the proportion of loess erosion and that the compositions of eroded sediments vary between SS and LS.Sand cover on loess slopes transforms silt erosion into sand erosion by reducing splash erosion and changing the rainfall-induced erosion processes.The percentage of eroded sand from SS in the early stage of runoff and sediment generation is always higher than that in the late stage.Sand cover on loess slopes aggravates loess erosion,not only by adding sand as additional eroded sediments but also by increasing the amount of eroded loess,compared with the loess slopes without sand cover.The influence of sand cover pattern on runoff yield and the amount of eroded sediments is larger than that of sand cover amount.Furthermore,given the same sand cover pattern,a thicker sand cover could increase sand erosion while a thinner sand cover could aggravate loess erosion.This difference explains the existence of intense erosion on slopes that are thinly covered with sand in regions where aeolian erosion and fluvial erosion interact.  相似文献   
In order to assess its potential for estimating soil redistribution rates, the naturally occurring fallout radionuclide 210Pbex has been used in parallel with 137Cs, derived from the atmospheric testing of nuclear weapon testing in the 1950s to 1970s, to estimate rates of soil redistribution on a sloping field with traditional erosion control measures located near Jiajia Village, Jianyang County, in the Sichuan Hilly Basin of China. The local 210Pbex reference inventory of 12,860 Bq m− 2 is higher than those reported for many other areas of the world and may reflect the influence of cloudy weather in preventing 210Pb released to the atmosphere across the local region moving up into the upper troposphere, where is would be more widely dispersed. The mean 210Pbex and 137Cs inventories measured in cores collected from the upper part of the field with an average slope of 10° were 8028 Bq m− 2 and 993 Bq m− 2, respectively, and the equivalent values for the lower part of the field, where the slopes are steeper (20°) were 11,388 Bq m− 2 and 1299 Bq m− 2. The pattern of post-fallout 210Pbex and 137Cs redistribution on the sloping field reflects not only the effects of water erosion and redistribution by tillage, but also the local traditional practice of “Tiaoshamiantu”, whereby sediment trapped in the ditches is returned to the fields by the farmer. The estimates of annual rates of soil loss provided by the 210Pbex measurement are closely comparable with those derived from the 137Cs measurements and are consistent with existing knowledge for the study area. The results obtained from this study confirm the potential for using 210Pbex measurement to estimate soil erosion rates over medium-term timescale of 50–100 years. By combining the estimates of erosion rates provided by the 210Pbex and 137Cs measurements, the weighted mean net soil loss was estimated to be 48.7 t ha− 1 year− 1 from the upper subfield and 16.9 t ha− 1 year− 1 from the lower subfield. These rates are considerably lower than the erosion rates obtained from runoff plot measurements in the local area. It is suggested that the traditional erosion control practices and the practice of “Tiaoshamiantu” have a significant effect in reducing soil loss and conserving valuable cultivated soil on sloping fields in the Sichuan Hilly Basin.  相似文献   
晋西黄土丘陵沟壑区沟坡防护林造林技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对土壤水分和当地具有代表性的树种——刺槐活立木解析资料的分析,将晋西黄土丘陵沟壑区的沟坡宜林地划为三个质量等级,将沟坡造林立地条件划分为黄土阴沟坡、红土阴沟坡和黄土阳沟坡、红土阳沟坡四类型;在此基础上,根据引种、造林试验和调查资料,得出了不同立地条件下的适宜造林树种.依据试验和推广情况,提出了深坑栽植、油松丛植、集流林业、雨季造林,冬季幼树埋土、ABT生根粉浸根等宜在晋西黄土丘陵沟壑区推广的实用造林技术.  相似文献   
切沟侵蚀是黄土高原丘陵沟壑区水土流失的重要形式之一,然而极端暴雨条件下不同土地利用类型坡面切沟侵蚀研究还鲜见报道。该研究以陕北2017年"7·26"特大暴雨为例,研究了岔巴沟流域3种土地利用类型(农地、休闲地和撂荒地)坡面切沟发育形态特征及体积估算模型。结果表明:1)农地、休闲地和撂荒地切沟长度分布在20 m内的占比分别为55.6%、34.8%和44.8%;农地切沟平均深度为110 cm,分别比休闲地和撂荒地高18.3%、19.2%;农地和休闲地切沟平均宽深比分别为0.87和0.84,横断面呈"宽-浅型",而撂荒地切沟呈"方型"(宽深比1.01)。2)撂荒地切沟侵蚀体积分别比农地和休闲地减少47.8%和28.3%,表明植被恢复有效地削弱了极端暴雨作用下的切沟侵蚀。3)农地切沟不同坡段侵蚀体积由高到低为下坡、上坡、中坡,而休闲地和撂荒地切沟侵蚀体积沿坡长方向呈递增趋势;3种土地利用类型切沟在上坡段的沟岸拓宽速率大于下切速率,中下坡则相反。4)农地、休闲地和撂荒地切沟侵蚀体积均与切沟长度、横断面面积呈极显著幂函数关系(P<0.001),横断面面积是切沟体积估算更为有效的参数。研究结果可为黄土高原丘陵沟壑区不同土地利用类型坡面切沟侵蚀体积估算及其防治提供重要依据。  相似文献   
砂田在干旱山区农业持续发展中的作用与效益   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
砂田在干旱山区农业持续发展中的作用与效益杨国强,杨敬青(甘肃省会宁县水保站,730700)张明玺(甘肃省白银市水电处)一、砂田的起源与分布概况甘肃省中部地区的兰州市、白银市以及河西走廊地区是砂田的起源地,也是砂田分布最多的地区。这里冬季寒冷,夏季炎热...  相似文献   
坡耕地增产措施试验研究李新会(河南省宜阳县水利局,471600)一、试验区概况试验区位于河南省宜阳县董王庄乡恒庄村,属风化片麻岩丘陵区,土壤多为砂壤土和白灰土,地处暖温带季风气候区。年平均气温为14.4℃,≥10℃累计积温为4617.9℃,年日照时数...  相似文献   
The application of geotextile mats constructed from the palm leaves of Borassus aethiopum (Borassus) and Mauritia flexuosa (Buriti) was investigated in field experiments. The use of geotextiles caused improved soil moisture storage during dry summer periods on a steep (21–25°) roadside slope in Lithuania. The enhanced soil moisture under the Borassus and Buriti mats encouraged better root development of perennial grasses, increased the number and weight of earthworms and increased the dry biomass of perennial grasses by 50.5 and 18.2%, respectively, compared with a grassland control. The mean rate of water erosion from bare soil during the study period from 17/04/2007 to 11/12/2008 was 33.21 Mg/ha. The cover of palm‐mat geotextiles decreased soil losses from bare fallow soil by 94.8–91.1%. An erosion rate of 0.85 Mg/ha over this 21‐month period was measured on the slope under perennial grasses without geotextile cover. Application of geotextile cover on perennial grasses completely prevented soil erosion by water. Therefore, use of geotextiles has clear soil and water conservation benefits on industrial slopes susceptible to erosion. The use of geotextiles has multiple benefits including soil conservation, the improvement of plant growth conditions and the encouragement of earthworm populations.  相似文献   
为揭示天山北坡不同类型草地的土壤呼吸规律,采用土壤碳通量测量系统LI-840A对天山北坡荒漠草原和灌丛草甸土壤呼吸(soil respiration,Rs)日变化和季节动态进行监测,并利用多元回归模型分析温度和水分对草地土壤呼吸的协同影响。结果表明,2种草地类型生长季土壤呼吸速率均表现为日间先增高后降低,夜间较平缓的日变化趋势,日最大排放速率出现在12:00—16:00,最小值出现在6:00—7:00左右;灌丛草甸生长季各个月份的土壤呼吸速率均高于荒漠草原。2种草地类型土壤呼吸速率与温度均呈指数相关;土壤含水量与灌丛草甸土壤呼吸速率的相关性高于与荒漠草原土壤呼吸速率的相关性;土壤呼吸速率受5 cm土壤温度(T)和5 cm土壤含水量(W)的影响显著,荒漠草原土壤呼吸速率与二者之间满足最佳拟合模型Rs=130.515e0.031TW2.513,灌丛草甸满足最佳拟合模型Rs =-1.290+0.010T+28.007W+1.199TW。研究结果揭示了荒漠草原和灌丛草甸土壤呼吸的变化规律,为天山北坡草地碳循环研究提供基础数据和理论支持。  相似文献   
[目的] 分析优先流在香根草边坡中的发育特征,研究植物根系与优先流之间的关系,为进一步研究降雨条件下植物根系对边坡土体稳定性的影响提供理论依据。[方法] 以种植间距为50 cm和10 cm的香根草为研究对象,模拟30 mm和50 mm两种不同的降雨量,采用示踪剂试验研究了香根草边坡土壤的优先流发育特征。[结果] 香根草种植间距从50 cm减少到10 cm会增大边坡的水力响应。在50 mm的降雨量作用下,10 cm种植间距的香根草边坡土壤的染色面积比率和优先流比分别是50 cm的1.55,1.76倍。表层土0—10 cm土层深度范围内染色路径数量变化不明显,在10—35 cm深度土层范围,10 cm种植间距的染色路径数量多于50 cm种植间距的香根草边坡土壤。当降雨量由30 mm增加至50 mm时,水流会通过优势通道更迅速迁移到边坡土壤中。降雨量为30 mm土壤的染色面积比率(36.11%)和优先流比(67.25%)小于50 mm土壤的染色面积比率(49.68%)和优先流比(79.96%),并且染色路径数量随着降雨量的增加而增多。[结论] 香根草根系特征与优先流关系密切。选择植物护坡时,应合理选择植物的种植间距,使根系护坡在力学效应和水文效应上最大化。  相似文献   
长白山为主体的双坡旅游开发设想及措施   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
通过对长白山西、北坡旅游资源评价及旅游业的发展现状分析,提出了中国境内长白山为主体的旅游开发设想和开发措施。  相似文献   
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