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农田防护林更新树种选择及配置模式研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对农田防护林更新树种和配置模式进行了分析研究。从新品种的引种上筛选出适于河西走廊发展的农田防护林树种为三倍体毛白杨B10 0 8和BT85 ,并能在瘠薄和盐碱化土壤上良好生长 ;经抗寒性分析得出垂柳、云杉、白榆、柽柳、沙枣抗冻性较强 ;为减缓天牛等蛀干害虫危害 ,在林网配置模式上引入了云杉、侧柏、樟子松、垂柳、小叶白蜡、国槐等耐瘠薄抗寒性强的树种 ,营造多树种林带 ,组成混交林网结构 ,使林网中感虫杨树的比例占 2 0 %左右 ,增加了林网结构的稳定性和长效性  相似文献   
民勤绿洲枣树、杨树防护林经济效益对比分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对民勤绿洲枣树林带、杨树林带及其防护下的作物进行经济效益对比分析 ,结果表明 :枣树林带防护下小麦的产量比杨树下的高 7.9% ,玉米的产量比杨树下的高 4 .2 % ;枣树林带胁地范围比杨树林带小 3~ 6m ;枣树林带的年均净收入是 6 584 .2 3元 / (hm2 林网 ) ,投入产出比是 9.2 8,分别是杨树林带的 16 .7倍和 3.78倍。枣树林带相对杨树林带经济效益明显。近林带 30m的范围内作物的产量曲线呈“S”型 ,可分为强烈减产带、平稳过渡带和产量恢复带。适宜在民勤地区大力推广经济型枣树防护林  相似文献   
影响防风带近距离防风效果的结构因子的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以山西北部半干旱风沙区为研究区,调查现有防风林带的距离防风效果,用回归分析法分析了冠层疏通度、冠下疏通度、林带宽度、栽植密度、林带与风向夹角、林带高和平均枝下高占林带高的百分比与距离带缘5倍树高处的风速降低百分数之间的关系。结果表明:影响防风林带近距离防风效果的主导因子为冠下疏透度、林带与风向的夹角和枝下高占林带高的百分比。  相似文献   
The effectiveness of windbreaks in windspeed reduction is often evaluated without regard to the objects to be protected. In fact, many objects may have different sensitivities to wind and often require different degrees of wind protection. Since commonly used indexes do not consider the sensitivity to wind, a concept of specific protection efficiency is developed. A critical windspeed is used to represent the sensitivity of each object. Windspeeds greater than this value are considered damaging. A dimensionless protection index is defined to evaluate windbreak efficiency. The maximum index value is 1 for the highest protection, and the index is negative when sheltered windspeed is greater than the critical windspeed. This index can be compared, summed, and averaged across different windbreaks, objects, and leeward locations. A sample of critical windspeed values was compiled from the literature. The index was evaluated using actual wind data measured under both sheltered and open conditions. The results indicated that the index can be used for evaluating windbreak effectiveness in terms of objects protected under various conditions. This model could be used as a tool for windbreak-related research and policy making.  相似文献   
The T'OLCHE' is a protected forest belt about 10–20 m wide that runs through the Mayan landscape on the limits of the maize fields of the farmers. This study explores its traditional use and management and traces how it has changed in the last 30 years in the study village in Yucatán, Mexico. A major change is in its extent; little remains of the 10–20% of the area it occupied in the past. Two of the causes of this are identified as being a credit programme of the local bank and 1973 state legislation concerning cattle. The causes and consequences of this decline are discussed in relation with other farmer-perceived changes in overall landuse, including a fall in maize yields. The ecological roles of the T'OLCHE' are examined. It is argued that the T'OLCHE' plays an essential role in the regeneration of the fallow vegetation and in the maintenance of biological diversity. The case of the T'OLCHE' suggests the need for a diversified and politicized look on Common Property Resource Management.  相似文献   
乌兰布和地区光,热,水,土资源丰富,在国家开发西北地区的大政策下,适合进行农,林,牧业开发,但是限于本地区干旱,少雨,风沙大的现状,开发要在以改善生态环境为目的的防护林建设的基础上进行,为本地区增选抗性强,生长快,见效快的灌木品种是当务之急,也是长远需要,本试验选取了干旱地区常见的8种沙旱生灌木进行造林实验,选择出最适于该地区生长的灌木品种主造林方式。  相似文献   
干旱区绿洲农田防护林增产效益研究——以民勤绿洲为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对民勤绿洲巴丹吉林沙漠边缘25条农田防护林带的详细调查,研究农田防护林对林带生态环境要素影响和林下作物的生长状况。结果表明:1)农田防护林对林下作物叶面积有显著影响(P〈0.05),主要集中在林下1倍树高范围内;2)农田防护林土壤含水量和土壤温度均有显著影响,随着与林带距离的增加,不同深度土壤含水量呈增加趋势(F=...  相似文献   
上虞市沿海防护林建设始于上个世纪七十年代,笔者对上虞市沿海防护林历年来病虫危害情况、防治措施及防治效果考察记录进行了总结,发现近10年来上虞市沿海防护林主要受黄刺蛾、杨扇舟蛾、樟巢螟、桑天牛、星天牛、云斑天牛、黑蚱蝉等7种害虫的危害,并提出了相应的防治对策。  相似文献   
陕北地区公路景观防护林管理养护技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合陕北不同类型区域公路景观防护林工程建设环境特点及多年生产经验,从补植、灌水、松土除草、施肥、修剪、病虫害防治等方面提出了公路防护林养护管理技术。  相似文献   
文章阐述了木麻黄沿海林带改进营林技术措施,包括育苗技术和造林技术,并分析了造林成效.文章认为加快沿海基干林带的修复进程,提高建设质量,改进营林技术措施是关键.文章提出的改进营林技术值得推广应用.  相似文献   
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