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夫妻双方的年龄、受教育程度、收入以及户籍方面的差异会影响婚后的主观幸福感。夫妻双方的年龄差距越大,生活幸福感越弱,且这种影响更多地存在于男性和农业户籍人口中;夫妻双方的受教育程度差距虽然有利于女性主观幸福感的提升,却会恶化男性的主观幸福感;夫妻双方的收入差距越大,生活幸福感越强,且对于女性和农业户籍人口而言,收入差距对生活幸福感的影响更为显著;与夫妻双方都是农业户籍相比,夫妻双方都是非农业户籍的幸福感更强。夫妻双方的个人特征差异对婚后主观幸福感的影响存在性别与户籍差异。  相似文献   
总结、分析了2019年及近年我国农药登记的基本情况和特点。最近7年来,每年微毒/低毒农药登记数量与当年农药登记总量的比值,及与本年度新增登记数量的比值均持续上升,其比值的年均值分别为82.0%和93.4%;环境友好的剂型在迅速增加,悬浮剂与本年度新增产品登记数量的比值一直处于领先位置,可分散油悬浮剂的比值增长突显,乳油比值在逐年递减;杀虫剂、杀菌剂和除草剂3大类农药登记数量与本年度新增登记数量的比值趋向显著平均;低风险的新农药登记数量在不断增加,生物源农药登记数量增长稳定,5年来其有效成分和产品的年均增长率分别为9.88%和9.46%。从政策和技术上促进特色小宗作物用药登记产品数量快速增加。上述特点表明,我国农药正朝着有利于人畜健康和生态环境安全的方向发展。  相似文献   
与三系杂交水稻相比,两系水稻具有育种效率高、繁制种成本低、丰产优势强、品质相对优等优势,近年来在以重庆为代表的长江流域稻区得以迅速发展。为明确重庆市两系稻产业现状及发展趋势,本文统计了2006—2015年10年间重庆市两系水稻的种植面积、主推品种及两系品种的审定情况。结果显示,10年间两系稻在种植面积上呈明显的增长态势,2014年占水稻种植总面积的17.2%,推广面积最大的两系水稻品种是‘Y两优1号’和‘深两优5814’。在品种推广上,两系主导品种比例由2006年的5.9%上升到2015年的31.3%,且两系主导品种全为优质稻品种;在品种审定上,10年间重庆市审定(认定)的两系稻品种几乎全部为市外育种单位选育的品种,重庆市内农业科研单位在两系稻品种审定上一直保持着零的记录。  相似文献   
Alpha-shape算法构建枣树点云三维模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了实现枣树智能化修剪作业,该研究提出了基于点云配准的自然光照环境下的果树三维重构方法,并针对传统最近点迭代(Iterative Closest Point,ICP)算法对待配准点云的空间位置要求苛刻的问题,提出了改进的点云配准算法。首先,使用彩色深度(RGB-D)相机采集不同角度下的枣树彩色和深度图像,并通过信息融合实现相应角度下的点云获取。其次,对点云进行背景去除和滤波处理,基于直方图设定分割阈值,提取单株枣树点云,并将放置在树根附近的标靶球作为标记,使用人工标记法进行两站点云初配准。最后,在初配准基础上计算点云的曲面法向量和曲率,由曲率相近的点构成配对点对,使用k维树最近点迭代(k dimensional-tree-Iterative Closest Point,kd-tree-ICP)算法完成精配准,对点云使用Alpha-shape算法面片化,实现表面重构。利用上述方法对多棵枣树进行全局配准并完整重构果树模型。试验结果表明,通过引入初配准,有效提高了点云配准的准确性和稳定性,配准误差均控制在1.0 cm以内,平均配准误差为0.78 cm;重构模型真实感较强,在外观上更加接近真实树,枝干相对误差控制在7%以内。该研究重构模型精度较高,可为枣树智能修剪提供可视化研究基础和技术支持。  相似文献   
Many of 450 common wheat cultivars bred and registered during the twentieth century in 12 countries were proved, due to seed-by-seed analysis, to be composed of two or more biotypes differing in their alleles at the gliadin (Gli) loci. These multiple biotypes may be regarded as authentic progeny of the respective parent lines, as evidenced by the gliadin composition of the respective parents. Therefore, the official claim for each cultivar to be uniform is commonly not maintained in practice. The most frequent was a non-uniform cultivar composed of two biotypes differing at one Gli locus, but there were cultivars represented by a large set of related genotypes differing at several Gli loci. The proportion of the multi-biotype cultivars was never less than 15% for a country collection, exceeding 50% in other countries. This proportion differed significantly between neighbouring countries. In Australia, all multi-biotype cultivars were found in eastern states; in the state of Victoria, their frequency was statistically higher than in the rest of the country. The proportion of multi-biotype cultivars among newly-released cultivars decreased with time in Australia and the UK. Thus, the non-uniformity of registered cultivars represents a general and important phenomenon of common wheat as a crop.  相似文献   
The field of veterinary radiation therapy (RT) has gained substantial momentum in recent decades with significant advances in conformal treatment planning, image‐guided radiation therapy (IGRT), and intensity‐modulated (IMRT) techniques. At the root of these advancements lie improvements in tumor imaging, image alignment (registration), target volume delineation, and identification of critical structures. Image registration has been widely used to combine information from multimodality images such as computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET) to improve the accuracy of radiation delivery and reliably identify tumor‐bearing areas. Many different techniques have been applied in image registration. This review provides an overview of medical image registration in RT and its applications in veterinary oncology. A summary of the most commonly used approaches in human and veterinary medicine is presented along with their current use in IGRT and adaptive radiation therapy (ART). It is important to realize that registration does not guarantee that target volumes, such as the gross tumor volume (GTV), are correctly identified on the image being registered, as limitations unique to registration algorithms exist. Research involving novel registration frameworks for automatic segmentation of tumor volumes is ongoing and comparative oncology programs offer a unique opportunity to test the efficacy of proposed algorithms.  相似文献   
The mechanism of MIPv4 regional registration and the low latency handoff protocols are introduced. Ways and procedure of pre-registration handoff and post-registration handoff are discussed also. The authors analyze the performance of the low latency handoff protocols combined with low latency handoffs over a wireless access based on IEEE 802. 11 standard in a tree-like network topology. The performance of pre-registration and post-registration scheme is given by simulation.  相似文献   
纵观历届全国农药登记评审会要点,可从侧面看到开创我国农药登记乃至农药管理工作的发展过程,记载了政策和措施的变迁。如今我国已建立并在逐渐完善登记管理制度,中国农药正走向世界,朝着具有中国特色的农药管理体系迈进。  相似文献   
我国现行的户籍制度是城乡分割的二元户籍制度。这种户籍制度将户口划分为"农业户口"与"非农业户口",将城乡居民分别纳入两种不同的管理体系。这种划分绝不只是称谓的不同,而是意味着户籍背后所附着的各种地位、机会和福利待遇等的不同。近几年来,一些省市将"农业户口"与"非农业户口"统一为了"居民户口",但户籍背后的利益问题并未得到很好的解决,二元户籍制度的本质并未根本改变。二元户籍制度是特定  相似文献   
在集体林权制度改革中,为了提高《林权登记申请表》制作效率和质量,探索出利用Word"邮件合并"功能引用已有的Excel林权登记数据批量制作文档的方法,可以加快工作速度,提高工作质量。这种方法可广泛应用于利用Excel数据批量制作统一格式Word文档的工作。  相似文献   
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