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A 12‐week feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the effects of replacing fishmeal (FM) with soybean meal (SBM), rapeseed meal (RM) and cottonseed meal (CSM) on growth, feed utilization and body composition of juvenile hybrid sturgeon Acipenser baerii ♀ × Acipenser schrenckii ♂ (initial body weight, 8.63 ± 0.24 g). Five isonitrogenous and isoenergetic diets were formulated as follows: a control diet (FM60) containing 600 g/kg FM and four other diets (FM45, FM30, FM15 and FM0 containing 450, 300, 150 and 0 g/kg FM, respectively) where protein from FM was substituted by a mixture of SBM, RM and CSM. Fish fed FM0 and FM15 had poorer growth performance, feed utilization, apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, protein, lipid and gross energy, and fed FM0 had poorer hepatosomatic index and survival compared with the fish fed FM60. The whole body lipid in fish fed FM0 was significantly higher than that in fish fed FM60 and FM15. This study indicates that 300 g/kg of FM can be replaced with a mixture of SBM, RM and CSM in the diet of juvenile hybrid sturgeon without compromising growth performance, feed utilization and body composition.  相似文献   
城市半自然森林具有独特的群落结构和生物多样性特征,研究城市化影响的半自然森林更新特征,可以为城市生物多样性保育与地带性植被恢复重建提供借鉴。文章以上海辰山残存半自然森林1 hm^2固定监测样地为对象,调查分析半自然森林更新苗的物种组成特征。结果表明:1 hm^2样地更新苗共5 937株,分属22科32属37种,其中上海自然分布的乡土种占57.89%,明显高于城市人工林的乡土树种比例;香樟、构树、天竺桂、朴树和小蜡等5种更新苗占总数的57.2%,聚集性分布格局明显;在11个植被群落类型中,各类型更新苗的丰富度普遍较高,不同树种的更新苗存活和发育潜力存在差异。  相似文献   
人类活动对大亚湾海域鱼类群落多样性及其演替的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据2015—2016年间对大亚湾海域进行的4个航次底拖网调查数据,分析了大亚湾鱼类群落的种类组成和多样性特征。结果表明,调查共采集到鱼类131种,隶属14目、53科、84属。其中以鲈形目(Perciformes)占绝对优势(54.20%),其次是鳗鲡目(Agunilliformes)和鲽形目(Pleuronectiformes),均占9.92%。种类数具明显季节变化,以夏季最高,69种;春季最低,32种。鱼类群落优势种组成主要以二长棘犁齿鲷(Evynnis cardinalis)、李氏(Callionymus richardsoni)、斑(Clupanodon punctatus)、竹荚鱼(Trachurus japonicus)、黄鳍马面鲀(Thamnaconus hypargyreus)、短吻鲾(Leiognathus brevirostris)和细条天竺鲷(Apogon lineatus)等小型鱼类为主。多样性分析显示,鱼类物种多样性存在明显的季节差异和空间差异。季节变化上,多样性指数(H')季节变化范围为1.516~1.998,以冬季最高,秋季最低;均匀度指数(J')季节变化范围为0.494~0.869,以冬季最高,夏季最低;丰富度指数(D')季节变化范围为2.230~3.777,以夏季最高,秋季最低。典范对应分析表明,温度、盐度和水深是影响大亚湾海域鱼类群落结构的主要环境因子。空间分布上,海湾中部海域鱼类多样性水平高于沿岸海域。与历史资料相比,由于人类活动对大亚湾生态系统的干扰,鱼类群落结构发生了较大变化,优势种组成更替明显,多样性水平降低,鱼类群落结构趋向简单化。  相似文献   
旨在研究陕西菜田烟粉虱和白粉虱的数量结构,为粉虱风险评估和防治策略制定提供理论依据。利用定点调查与普查相结合的方法,对陕西关中、陕南和陕北不同生态区、不同季节、不同蔬菜作物以及不同菜田烟粉虱和温室白粉虱的种群分布和组成进行研究,并结合mtDNA-CO1标记基因实现对陕西菜田烟粉虱的生物型鉴定。结果表明,烟粉虱和温室白粉虱的分布和种群组成因地区、季节、作物种植模式不同而异。其中烟粉虱均呈现优势分布,并占到种群数量的67.2%~100%。采用标记基因技术、序列同源性分析和系统发育研究,明确了陕西菜田烟粉虱生物型为Q型烟粉虱。  相似文献   
角质层包括角质和蜡质,是覆盖在花、叶和非木质茎等植物地上部分器官的一层疏水性脂类物质,具有限制植物体内水分过度散失、抵御紫外辐射、防止病虫害入侵等功能,在植物生长发育和适应生物与非生物逆境过程中起到重要保护作用。角质层结构以及化学组成是影响其生物学功能的主要原因,具有十分重要的研究价值。综述了植物角质层的结构组成、生物学功能及其常用分离方法,并对已有研究中存在的问题进行了探讨,以期为今后角质层生理作用及其生物学功能方面研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   
渤海鱼类的食物关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究通过对2010~2011年渤海大面调查所获得的渔获物进行胃含物分析,了解当前渤海鱼类的食物关系及其变化。结果显示,渤海生态系统的27种鱼类有12种低营养级鱼类、12种中营养级鱼类和3种高营养级鱼类,包括了杂食性鱼类、浮游动物食性鱼类、底栖动物食性鱼类、混合动物食性鱼类和鱼食性鱼类,各鱼种营养级较20世纪90年代变化不大。3种高营养级鱼类均为鱼食性鱼类,饵料生境宽度值均很低,属于狭食性鱼类;矛尾虾虎鱼(Chaeturichthys stigmatias)和小黄鱼(Pseudosciaena polyactis)是渤海饵料生境宽度最大的2种鱼,同时也是当前渤海生态系统食物网中最重要的饵料种类,其广食性有利于食物网各营养层次的物质、能量流动。当前渤海食物网中浮游食物链削弱,主要食物链转变为“植物、有机碎屑→鼓虾→鱼类”和“底栖动物→虾虎鱼、小黄鱼→大型经济鱼类”。  相似文献   
This study investigated the growth performance and nutritional composition of scale artificially cultured cuttlefish Sepia pharaonis. Juveniles were cultured in an open‐culturing cement pool system for 120 days. The body weight increased from 10.21 ± 1.44 g to 570.71 ± 126.32 g from 50 days old to 170 days old, and the average growth rate was 4.67%. The proximate, amino acid and fatty acid compositions of S. pharaonis muscles were analysed every 40 days to compare the quality. The cultured S. pharaonis were rich in essential amino acids (EAAs), functional amino acids (FAAs), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which accounted for 32%, 46%, 28% and 54% (dry weight) respectively. Total amino acids (TAAs) and EAAs exhibited a clear distinction between ages, and significant differences were observed among the levels of individual amino acids, including Pro, Ala, Asp and Lys, which were significantly higher at 130–170 days old than at 50 days old (< 0.05). Although the total saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and PUFAs were statistically similar between ages, C17:0, C22:6 n‐3 and PUFAs were higher at 130–170 days old than at 50 days old (< 0.05). The results indicate that large‐scale artificial culture of S. pharaonis can be achieved under the conditions of a cement pool. This study also provides new information regarding the growth performance and nutritional composition of cultured S. pharaonis, which will contribute to the development of aquaculture practices for this species.  相似文献   
以豫南地区42份茶树种质资源的茶籽为研究对象,分析了茶籽含仁率及茶籽仁的脂肪含量,范围分别在33.53%~71.60%、17.77%~38.39%。利用气-质联用技术(GC-MS)检测了茶籽仁中的脂肪酸组成和含量,共检测到21种脂肪酸,其中主要成分棕榈酸、硬脂酸、顺-油酸、亚油酸和α-亚麻酸的含量分别在2.64%~5.70%、0.21%~1.11%、7.33%~17.29%、0.09%~8.44%和0.01%~0.15%;相关性分析显示,顺-油酸与十三碳酸、十四碳酸和顺-二十碳二烯酸的含量呈极显著负相关,亚油酸与反-油酸、顺-二十二碳六烯酸含量呈极显著负相关;除了水仙7202茶籽仁中的饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸和多不饱和脂肪酸含量比值为3.08∶12.16∶1,其余茶树种质资源茶籽仁中,这三类脂肪酸的比值均约为1∶2.69∶1.37。中黄1号、农抗早、迎霜、鄂茶11号、龙井43、中选8号、崂山3号和黄金叶8个茶树品种,不仅含仁率和脂肪含量较高,而且茶籽仁脂肪酸的组分和含量丰富、均衡,可初步筛选出来作为豫南地区叶籽两用茶园的候选品种。  相似文献   
Background: Nitrogen losses is an economic problem for wheat production and a high risk to the environment. Therefore, improved N fertilizer management is a key to increasing the N efficiency and minimizing N losses. To increase N efficiency, enhanced fertilizers such as urea combined with urease inhibitor can be used. Aims: The aim of present study was to evaluate the effects of different N forms on grain storage protein subunits in winter wheat and to examine whether the observed changes correlate with parameters of baking quality. Methods: The investigation was performed over two consecutive years at two locations in Germany. Protein subunits were analyzed by SDS‐PAGE. Results: Protein concentrations were similarly increased after fertilization with ammonium nitrate and urea + urease inhibitor. Analysis of the individual storage protein fractions indicated that both fertilizers specifically enhanced ω‐gliadins and HMW glutenins, but the effect was more pronounced in the ammonium nitrate treatment. Application of urea + urease inhibitor had greater influence on the protein composition and resulted in higher specific baking volume as well as the best fresh keeping ability, in comparison with urea treatment. Conclusion: Considering that the urea + urease inhibitor treatment resulted in almost comparable improvements of NUE and baking quality, with the additional benefit of reduced N losses in combination with easy handling, urea + urease inhibitor can be recommended as a viable alternative to both urea alone and ammonium nitrate treatments. This opens up an opportunity for the reduction of N loss in wheat production when use of urea is preferred.  相似文献   
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