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陕西关中东部灌区施用氮磷钾肥对夏玉米产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对陕西关中东部灌区夏玉米施用氮磷钾肥进行了研究,结果表明:施用氮磷钾肥能显著增加玉米产量,是夺取玉米高产的有效措施。氮磷钾肥对玉米产量和经济性状影响的顺序是:N>P>K。  相似文献   
黄土高原北部垄膜沟植田间集雨高效栽培技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在黄土高原北部,采用起垄覆膜(垄上覆膜种植马铃薯,垄沟种植谷子)的垄沟间作田间集雨补灌栽培并结合增施氮、磷、钾化肥,具有显著的增产、增收效果。该技术可大大提高化肥的增产效果和肥料利用率,有明显的集雨增墒效果,同时采用起垄覆膜种植马铃薯与垄沟种植谷子能够合理利用有限的工程集雨,有利于充分利用有限的降水资源,进行节约化农业经营。  相似文献   
氮磷钾配施沼气肥对早稻产量和品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间试验研究沼气肥对土壤供氮能力以及早稻产量及其构成因素、品质性状、稻田主要病虫害的影响。结果表明:增施沼气肥可显著提高早稻的有效穗数和实粒数,显著提高产量。在等量氮磷钾下,与常规施肥相比增产17.81%。等量沼气肥下,沼气肥与常规施肥中减少20%氮和33%钾用量西施处理比与常规施肥配施处理略有减产,仅增产4.24%,但比常规施肥处理增产13.03%。施用沼气肥对早稻稻米碾米品质和外观品质影响不明显,但稻米的食味品质和营养品质明显改善。施用沼气肥还可以减轻水稻主要病虫害的发生和危害。  相似文献   
对不同生长阶段的长林53品系油茶,采用L27(313)正交试验设计,分别喷施不同浓度的生长素(IAA)、赤霉素(GA)、细胞分裂素(CTK)和芸苔素内酯(BRs),研究植物激素对油茶生长的影响。结果表明:①IAA是影响产量和叶片相对叶绿素含量的关键因子,GA是影响叶片钾含量的关键因子,IAA与GA交互作用是影响籽出仁率和仁出油率的关键因子,影响花提前开放的关键因子是GA和CTK互作,IAA、GA和CTK互作是影响干物质积累的关键因子,IAA和BRs是影响叶片磷的关键因子,CTK和BRs互作是影响叶片含氮关键因子;②在5月和10月喷施10 mg/L IAA、10 mg/L GA、10 mg/L CTK和0.001 mg/L BRs,长林53号油茶最早开花;5月和9月喷施10 mg/L IAA、0.1 mg/L GA、0.1 mg/L CTK和0.001mg/L BRs,叶片SPAD值最高;5月和9月喷施0.1 mg/L IAA、0.1 mg/L GA、10 mg/L CTK和0.001 mg/L BRs,有最高的干物质积累;5月和10月喷施1 mg/L IAA、1 mg/L GA、10 mg/L CTK和0.0...  相似文献   
初投产茶园氮磷钾配比施用与产量、品质的关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过水泥池培育方法,进行初期投产茶园氮磷钾肥料配比试验.结果显示,氮磷钾不同配比施用对幼龄茶树生长性状及茶园产量影响很大,处理问差异均达到显著或极显著水平;氮磷钾肥不同水平配施或单因素施入对茶树芽叶生化成分影响显著,随着氮肥施入量的增加,氨基酸含量有明显提高;磷钾肥对提高红茶品质有着较大的作用,单施氮肥将使红茶品质变差...  相似文献   
高效节能型日光温室黄瓜养分的吸收规律   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
高效节能型日光温室黄瓜干物质和氮、磷、钾的积累都呈“S”形曲线 ;氮、磷、钾吸收最大期为盛瓜初期至盛瓜后期 ,占总吸收量的 80 %以上 ;每形成 10 0kg黄瓜需吸收N量0 .2 0 0 2kg ,P2 O50 .0 92 1kg ,K2 O 0 .2 32 2kg ,其比例为 1∶0 .4 6∶1.16 ;每 6 6 7m2 产 130 0 0kg黄瓜 ,在盛瓜期氮、磷、钾吸收速率分别为N 190~ 2 70、P2 O577~ 135、K2 O 199~ 347g·(d·6 6 7m2 ) - 1。  相似文献   
Most agricultural soils in sub-Saharan Africa are degraded, compromising the grain yield of rice and farmers return on investment. A 3-year field study was undertaken to explore the effect of the application of compost or inorganic NPK fertilizer applied alone or in combination with biochar on soil quality, grain yield of rice and net income. The five treatments were laid out using a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments were applied to supply approximately 75 kg N ha–1. The best fertilizer input was compost+biochar which resulted in the greatest improvement in soil physico-chemical properties by reducing bulk density and increasing porosity and moisture retention, organic matter content, percent nitrogen, available phosphorus and cation exchange capacity. Apart from treatment with inorganic fertilizer alone, treated soils showed a decrease in pH. Bacterial and fungal counts and basal respiration decreased in soils in the following order: compost+biochar>compost only>inorganic NPK fertilizer+biochar>inorganic NPK fertilizer>control. The increase in pooled grain yield and net income in response to treatment followed the order: compost+biochar>NPK+biochar>NPK>compost>control. The findings suggest that the use of compost or NPK alone might improve soil quality and increase grain yield and net income, but it is greatly recommended to co-apply these fertilisers with biochar.  相似文献   
花生施用TBS环保生态肥、三元复混肥作花生基肥,能促进植株健壮生长,增加单株结果数,提高饱果率,从而提高花生产量和经济效益。尤其施用TBS环保生态肥比对照增长15.4%,效果尤为显著,同时也尤于施三元复混肥。  相似文献   
In vermicomposting, the main product is the worm casts, but a leachate is generated that contains large amounts of plant nutrients. This leachate is normally diluted to avoid plant damage. We investigated how dilution of vermicompost leachate combined with different concentrations of nitrogen (N) - phosphorus (P) - potassium (K) triple 17 fertilizer, and polyoxyethylene tridecyl alcohol as dispersant and polyethylene nonylphenol as adherent to increase efficiency of fertilizer uptake, affected sugarcane plant development. The vermicomposting leachate with pH 7.8 and electrolytic conductivity 2.6 dS m?1, contained 834 mg potassium (K) l?1, 247 mg nitrate (NO3?) l?1 and 168 mg phosphate (PO43?) l?1, was free of pathogens and resulted in a 65% germination index. Vermicompost leachate did not inhibit sugarcane growth and mixed with 170 g l?1 NPK triple 17 fertilizer resulted in the best plant development. No dispersant or adherent was required to improve plant height and stem development.  相似文献   
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