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[目的] 砾石是影响土壤孔隙和水分入渗的重要因素,明确砾石通过改变哪些土壤孔隙特征进而影响水分入渗具有重要意义。[方法] 以西南喀斯特地区砾石含量高的石灰土为研究对象,采用CT扫描和室内一维土柱入渗试验,对比分析2种砾石粒径(2.0~5.0,5.0~12.5 mm)和5种砾石含量(0,10%,20%,30%,40%)条件下的土壤孔隙特征及水分入渗特性,并使用结构方程模型探究土壤孔隙特征与入渗特性之间的耦合关系。[结果] (1)含砾石土壤的大孔隙度、孔隙连通率、孔隙形状因子、孔隙表面积和孔隙体积均高于无砾石土壤;且当砾石含量为20%和30%时,孔隙连通率与孔隙形状因子和无砾石土壤之间存在显著性差异(p<0.05);(2)砾石改善土壤入渗性能,粒径为2.0~5.0 mm时,砾石含量从10%到40%的稳定入渗率分别是无砾石土壤的4.02,5.00,2.88,5.14倍,累积入渗量分别是1.67,1.76,2.49,2.39倍;粒径为5.0~12.5 mm时,土壤稳定入渗率分别是无砾石的2.20,2.67,4.78,2.78倍,累积入渗量分别是1.42,1.75,2.46,2.02倍。(3)在结构方程模型中砾石含量与孔隙连通率、孔隙等效直径呈正相关关系,孔隙连通率对稳定入渗率的影响最大,孔隙等效直径对累积入渗量的影响最大。[结论] 砾石含量主要通过增加土壤孔隙连通率和孔隙等效直径促进水分入渗,研究结果可为深入认识西南喀斯特地区含砾石土壤的水文过程提供科学依据与理论参考。  相似文献   
Summary The author recalls that the late Professor Mercury S. Ghilarov, from the Institute of Animal Morphology and Ecology in Moscow, was a great pioneer in soil zoology and a far-sighted scientist in the evolution of terrestrial faunas. Professor Ghilarov agreed that during their evolution insects passed through the soil as a transitional medium from aquatic to terrestrial habitats. His theory, which is based on morphological and physiological observations, fits the thermodynamics of soil water the author describes when considering all porous bodies (porosphere), such as soil and other media, permitting a slow and gradual transition from an aquatic towards a xeric aerial system. In conclusion, a general concept of water accessibility for soil animals is formulated.Dedicated to the late Prof. Dr. M.S. Ghilarov  相似文献   
黄土塬边坡植被类型对土壤孔隙的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄土塬边坡植被建设以固坡为目的,不同植被的土壤孔隙结构有利于增加降水入渗,从而减少坡面产流的水蚀危害。本研究以长武塬黄土塬边坡的侧柏(Platycladus orientalis)林地、沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides)灌丛、草地和农地4种植被为研究对象,采集0–30 cm的原状土柱,利用CT扫描和图像处理技术,对其土壤孔隙度、孔隙数目、孔隙成圆率和孔隙分形维数进行定量分析,结合土层样品的理化性质,研究影响土壤孔隙结构的主要因素。结果表明,农地、侧柏孔隙的孔径大小分异不大,而草地、沙棘自身根系互动穿插生成的根孔扩展了孔径分布范围,不仅增加了孔隙度和大孔隙数目,也降低了孔隙成圆率。草地、沙棘有利于降水入渗,是固坡的优先选择。土壤有机质、粘粒含量等性质与孔隙参数之间具有极显著(P <0.001)或显著(P <0.05)相关关系,它们的改变对土壤孔隙特征变化和提高蓄水保土能力具有重要影响。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was (1) to find a matching factor (u) between infiltration rate and hydraulic conductivity during steady-state infiltration, and (2) to propose equations based on infiltration and soil moisture-retention functions for prediction of the hydraulic conductivity K(θ) within the rapidly (non-capillary) drainable pores (RDP) and capillary-matrix pores of soils. The K(θ) of capillary pores was divided into K(θ)SDP, K(θ)WHP and K(θ)FCP within slowly drainable pores (SDP), water-holding pores (WHP) and fine capillary pores (FCP), respectively. Five soil profiles of calcareous sandy loam, alluvial saline and non-saline clay, located at the Nile Delta, were used to apply the proposed equations. The highest and the lowest values of K(θ)RDP were observed in calcareous and saline clay soil profiles, respectively. Values of K(θ)RDP remained higher than those for capillary pores in the studied soils. The predicted values of K(θ) in capillary and non-capillary pores classes were in the expected range for unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. Water sorptivity (S) was determined at initial unsaturated soil water conditions and calculated at steady-state infiltration (S w) using a derived equation. There was a decrease in S with an increase in soil water content; i.e. at steady-state infiltration, S decreased by 35–40% in calcareous soils and by 45–60% in alluvial clay soils. The parameter values of u and S w tended to be uniform in calcareous soils, but nonuniform in saline and non-saline clay soils.  相似文献   
以明确自然界中广泛存在的层状结构土壤孔隙分布特征为目的。选黄土高原典型坝地土壤剖面为研究对象,利用CT扫描技术分析耕作层、犁底层、心土层土壤三维结构,探讨层状土孔隙参数随土层结构变化及界面层孔隙特征。结果表明:(1)瘦长型孔隙(孔隙形状系数≤0.2)是各土层土壤孔隙的主要形态。各土层的孔隙参数具有明显差异。耕作层的总孔隙度最高,大孔隙(≥1 mm)分布较多;犁底层孔隙总数量最高,含有较多孤立的小孔隙(≥0.1~0.5 mm)和微小孔隙(≥0.06~0.1 mm),但连通性最差;心土层孔隙参数多数介于耕作层与犁底层之间。(2)坝地剖面层状土壤具有一定厚度的界面层,各孔隙参数均在土层界面位置存在突变点,具有明显分界现象。孔隙特征参数均呈过渡位置渐变、界面位置突变的规律。在界面层,犁底层土壤总孔隙度和连通性与耕作层相比,分别显著下降41.6%,69.8%;心土层在界面层的土壤总孔隙度和连通性与犁底层相比,分别显著增高30.4%,52.3%。(3)孔隙孔径大小与孔隙形态密切相关,大孔隙形态多呈瘦长型,而微小孔隙形状则多呈规则型。(4)土层越深,连通性与总孔隙度、孔隙总数量、孔径分布及孔隙形状的...  相似文献   
CT扫描分析秸秆隔层孔隙特征及其对土壤水入渗的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为阐明不同物理形态玉米秸秆建立的隔层对盐碱土壤灌溉水入渗特征的影响机制,该文采用室内模拟试验方法,在距地表40~45 cm处均匀铺设同一隔层厚度(5 cm)段状秸秆(SL)、颗粒状秸秆(SK)与粉末状秸秆(SF),以不埋设秸秆隔层为对照(CK),并利用CT扫描和图像处理技术,定量分析不同形态秸秆隔层内部孔隙度、孔隙大小分布、连通度等孔隙参数及其与灌溉水入渗特征之间的关系。结果表明:与CK处理相比,不同物理形态的玉米秸秆隔层均显著提高了40~45 cm隔层处总孔隙度,其中以SF处理最高,分别较CK、SL与SK处理显著提高了29.25、12.09与12.61个百分点(P 0.05),但SL与SK处理间差异不显著。SF处理在灌溉水入渗各阶段均显著增加了孔隙直径≤1 mm的孔隙度(P 0.05),入渗开始前、结束后分别较SL与SK处理提高了19.18、17.25和9.45、9.41个百分点,从而增大了封闭气体体积,导致灌溉水入渗速率较慢,而SL处理在灌溉水入渗开始前孔隙直径1 mm孔隙度较SK处理提高了1.04个百分点,但在入渗结束后SK处理孔隙直径1 mm孔隙度较SL处理显著提高,这种 1 mm大孔隙的变化导致SK处理出现湿润锋通过秸秆隔层耗时长于SL处理,而湿润锋通过隔层后至土柱底部耗时短于SL处理的现象。相关性分析结果表明:湿润锋通过秸秆隔层用时与入渗开始前、结束后隔层处总孔隙度、≤1 mm直径孔隙度均呈极显著正相关,与入渗前 1 mm直径孔隙度呈极显著负相关(P 0.01),而在入渗结束后这种大孔隙的作用减弱,但≤1 mm孔隙度的阻渗作用依旧显著,孔隙连通度对灌溉水入渗速率的影响较总孔隙度小。可见,不同形态玉米秸秆隔层均影响灌溉水入渗过程,CT扫描技术可作为定量研究秸秆隔层内部孔隙结构及其对灌溉水入渗影响机制的手段,该结果可为筛选和建立盐碱土壤最佳灌溉淋盐效果的物理形态秸秆隔层提供参考。  相似文献   
川中紫色丘陵区人工林表层土壤侵蚀率与土壤结构性关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川中紫色丘陵区人工林下土壤侵蚀现象较为严重,在中国科学院盐亭农业生态试验站取土样分析了表层土壤结构性,研究其与表层土壤侵蚀率的关系。结果表明:研究区人工林土壤团聚体稳定性较差、非毛管孔隙数量少;表层土壤侵蚀率(SER)较大并与>0.25mm水稳性团聚体含量(WSA)、结构体破坏率(SPBR)、团聚体平均重量直径差值(MWDC)、非毛管孔隙度具有明显的对应关系。简要分析了土壤结构性差、侵蚀严重的原因,同时提出了改进措施。  相似文献   
川中丘陵区人工林土壤结构性及对土壤侵蚀的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
为分析川中丘陵区人工林下土壤侵蚀现象较为严重的原因,在中国科学院盐亭农业生态试验站取土样分析了土壤结构性,研究了其与表层土壤侵蚀率的关系。结果表明,研究区人工林土壤团聚体稳定性较差、非毛管孔隙数量少;表层土壤侵蚀率(SER)较大并与>0.25mm水稳性团聚体含量(WSA)、结构体破坏率(SPBR)、团聚体平均重量直径差值(MWDC)、非毛管孔隙度具有明显的对应关系。简要分析并提出了土壤结构性差、侵蚀严重的原因及措施。  相似文献   
Land use change (LUC) alters soil structure and, consequently, the functions and services provided by these soils. Conversion from extensive pasture to sugarcane is one of the largest land transitions in Brazil as a result of the growth of the domestic and global demands of bioenergy. However, the impacts of sugarcane expansion on the soil structure under extensive pasture remains unclear, especially when considering changes at the microscale. We investigated whether LUC for sugarcane cultivation impacted soil microstructure quality. Undisturbed soil samples were taken from two soil layers (0–10 and 10–20 cm) under three contrasting land uses (native vegetation—NV, pasture—PA and sugarcane—SC) in three different locations in the central-southern Brazil. Oriented thin sections (30 μm) were used for micromorphological analysis. The total area of pores decreased following the LUC in the following order: NV > PA > SC in both soil layers. The area of large complex packing pores (>0.01 mm²) also decreased with the LUC sequence: NV>PA>SC. Qualitative and semi-quantitative micromorphological analysis confirmed porosity reduction was driven by the decrease in complex packing pores and that biological features decreased in the same LUC sequence as the quantitative parameters. Therefore, LUC for sugarcane expansion reduced microscale soil porosity, irrespectively of soil type and site-specific conditions, indicating that the adoption of more sustainable management practices is imperative to preserve soil structure and sustain soil functions in Brazilian sugarcane fields.  相似文献   
利用扫描电镜观察了青杨脊虎天牛(Xylotrechus rusticus)触角上各类表皮孔的形态特征和分布规律,并设定样方计算了取样区域内的表皮孔密度。结果表明:在青杨脊虎天牛触角上共有3种表皮孔;除雌虫触角背面外,在触角各鞭亚节中部的表皮孔数量均显著多于端部凹窝内的数量,但在各鞭亚节的分布无明显规律。  相似文献   
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