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The effects of thermal treatments on induction of triploidy in Atlantic cod have been investigated. Cold shock [−1.7±0.1°C at 20 min post fertilization (PF) for 2 h] was based on a previously developed protocol, and heat shocks, below the lethal threshold of 24°C, were at 16, 18 or 20°C applied 20, 30 or 40 min PF for 20 min. Cold shock did not affect larval survival and was ineffective for producing triploids (range 0–4%). A heat shock of 20°C at 20 min PF generated the highest percentages (range 66–100%) of triploid larvae at hatching, with survival ranging from 10% to 20% relative to the controls. Lower heat shock temperatures or delayed shocks increased survival but decreased the number of triploids, providing no net gain in triploid yield (range 1–9%). Heat shocks applied later than 20 min PF produced 2–4% tetraploid larvae at hatching. A thermal shock of 20°C initiated at 20 min PF and lasting 20 min proved to be the most generally efficient treatment for induction of triploidy in Atlantic cod.  相似文献   
Sea bass, Lates calcarifer, fingerlings were acclimated to 0. 15, and 32 ppt, and the toxic effects of nitrite exposure were assessed. The 96-hour median lethal concentrations (96-hour LC50 for nitrite were estimated to be 14.5 mg/L at 0 ppt, 105 mg/L at 15 ppt and 93 mg/L at 32 ppt salinity. Chronic exposure to a nitrite concentration equivalent to 10% of the respective 96 hour LC50 resulted in marked growth reduction: growth being reduced in the order of 0 ppt > 32 ppt > 15 ppt. In nitrite-free water, growth rate for fish raised at a salinity of 15 ppt was higher compared to fish raised at salinities of 0 ppt and 32 ppt, a phenomenon which probably reflected the advantage of a reduction in osmoregulatory work in an iso-osmotic environment.  相似文献   
Carcass and flesh morphometric, reological and chemical traits of triploid (3n) and diploid (2n) shi drum (Umbrina cirrosa L.) were evaluated through 7 months. Three age groups, 17‐, 21‐ and 24‐month‐old fish, were investigated. The effects of ploidy were statistically evaluated and the weight of fish was included in the model as a covariate because triploids grew less than diploids. As expected, fish weight was found to be significantly correlated with all the investigated morphometric traits, but showed a negative correlation with some chemical (pH) and colour traits (lightness) of raw fillet. In comparison with controls, triploid shi drums were characterized by different morphological traits that involved a slender body shape. In triploids, a reduction in condition factor, backbone weight, dressing index and an increase in the agility index were also recorded. When the commercial size (i.e. over 300 g) was achieved, triploids exhibited larger coelomatic and fillet (dorsal white muscle) fat deposition than diploids. Among reological traits, colour and texture were affected by ploidy; raw fillet lightness and cooked flesh tenderness were higher among triploids in all the investigated age groups. As fish were fed with a restricted feeding regimen, fillet fat deposition was supposed to be limited. Thus, the effects of ploidy on reological traits may be only partially explained by lipid fillet amount and are supposed to be more related to different fibre muscle architecture.  相似文献   
Optimal conditions of 6‐dimethylaminopurine (6‐DMAP) for triploidy induction in the blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra (Leach, 1814) were investigated, targeting inhibition of second polar body (PB2) formation. Two experiments were conducted at a water temperature of 17.5–18.5°C where factorial combination of (1) four dosages (DSs) of 100, 150, 200 and 250 μM 6‐DMAP, four starting times (STs) of 15, 20, 25 and 30 min post fertilization, and two treatment durations (TDs) of 20 and 30 min and (2) three DSs of 50, 100 and 150 μM 6‐DMAP, three STs of 15, 20 and 25 min post fertilization, and three TDs of 10, 20 and 30 min, were applied respectively. Day 3 larvae were sampled for triploidy and survival. Percent triploidy was verified using flow cytometry (FCM). Results show that optimal inductions that combine both high rates of triploidy and reasonable survival were those treatments commenced 15 or 20 min post fertilization and continued for 20 or 30 min, using 100 μM 6‐DMAP. These conditions induced rates of triploidy and relative survival of 80.5–93.3% and 36.5–40.2%, respectively, in the first experiment, and corresponding rates were 79.1–93.6% and 20.7–43.0% in the second experiment. High percent triploidy were also obtained in a number of treatments using 150 μM 6‐DMAP, but with overall survival rates generally lower than those using 100 μM 6‐DMAP.  相似文献   
长牡蛎中国群体和美国群体杂交效应与三倍体的优势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将长牡蛎中国群体二倍体分别与美国群体二倍体和四倍体进行杂交,实验共设置4组,分别为杂交二倍体组、杂交三倍体组、中国二倍体组和美国二倍体组,比较了各实验组卵裂率、D幼率、D形幼虫大小及幼虫期、稚贝期的壳高生长、存活率等生物学指标,并估算杂交二倍体的杂种优势率和杂交三倍体的三倍体优势率。结果表明,杂交二倍体幼虫壳高生长的杂种优势率不明显,平均杂种优势率为1.21%,幼虫的存活率及稚贝的壳高生长表现出明显的杂种优势,平均杂种优势率分别为34.47%和20.39%。杂交三倍体的D形幼虫大小、幼虫和稚贝的壳高生长、存活率均表现出三倍体优势,D形幼虫大小三倍体优势率为5.19%,幼虫期壳高生长和存活的平均三倍体优势率分别为4.00%和19.92%,稚贝壳高生长和存活的平均三倍体优势率分别为30.18%和54.43%,200日龄,杂交三倍体鲜体质量的三倍体优势率为202.96%,存活三倍体优势率为73.60%。此外,稚贝期的杂交二倍体生长性状的杂种优势率和杂交三倍体的三倍体优势率均高于幼虫期的优势率。研究表明,中、美两地理群体杂交获得的三倍体长牡蛎子代生长和存活性状都比二倍体优良。杂交三倍体的优良性状主要是三倍体优势,杂交优势的贡献率还有待进一步实验证实。  相似文献   
Three‐summers‐old all‐female triploid and diploid rainbow trout were compared after one on‐growing season in sea net cages. Slaughter traits of round weight, gutted weight, fillet weight, carcass% and fillet% were measured at three times in November 2017, January and April 2018. The triploid group had lower daily growth coefficient mean (4.25) and higher feed conversion ratio (1.18) than diploids (4.48 and 1.05, respectively) during on‐growing (June–November). In November, no difference of means was found between mature or immature diploids and triploids for any of the weight traits when the effect of vertebrae defects was statistically removed. However, the triploids had attained higher means than mature or immature diploids in gutted and fillet weight by January, suggesting that the loss of muscle mass during early winter was lower in triploids. Sexually maturing diploids (46%) had lower slaughter yield means compared to triploids or immature diploids at each measurement time, and these differences also increased during overwintering. Instead, the means of yield traits remained similar between the triploid and immature diploid groups through the winter. Likewise, fillet redness remained at equally high level in triploids and immature diploids, whereas in maturing diploids this attribute decreased substantially during overwintering. The triploid group had a higher incidence of vertebral defects (12.0%) than diploids (5.3%). The present results demonstrate the potential of triploid trout in producing large‐sized (>2 kg) fillet fish until spring markets. However, more detailed investigations are needed, particularly regarding the animal health and growth efficiency in triploids, relative to their diploid counterparts.  相似文献   
静水压休克诱导淡水鲳鱼三倍体的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用静水压休克法,对淡水鲳鱼进行三倍体诱导实验研究,结果表明,在卵子受精后4min,60mPa静水压处理1.5min,尾芽期三倍体率可达100%,相对孵化率大于60%。文中对静水压休克的处理条件、效应期及其与三倍体出现率和胚胎存活率的关系进行了分析。  相似文献   
Different durations of a cytochalasin B (CB) treatment were tested for tetraploid induction by meiosis inhibition in the dwarf surfclam Mulinia lateralis Say. Cytochalasin B, 0.67 mg L?1, was applied to newly fertilized eggs at 8–10‐min post fertilization and removed when in the untreated eggs: (1) Polar body 1 (PB1) was released in 90% of the eggs and polar body 2 (PB2) began to form (T1); (2) Polar body 2 was released in about 25–30% of the eggs (T2); (3) Polar body 2 was released in about 70–75% of the eggs (T3); or (4) eggs began to enter mitosis I or the polar lobe began to form (T4). Three replicates were produced using different sets of parents. The ploidy of resultant larvae and juveniles was determined by flow cytometry. Blocking PB1 alone in T1 groups produced mostly tetraploids, and longer CB treatments in T2 and T3 resulted in increasing numbers of pentaploids. In T4 groups where both PB1 and PB2 were inhibited, larvae were predominantly pentaploids. Pentaploid larvae were arrested at the trochophore stage. The majority of tetraploid larvae died as trochophores, although a small fraction reached D‐stage. Among 478 juvenile clams sampled from a T1 group, three (0.6%) were confirmed as tetraploids. This study shows that tetraploid embryos can be produced at high efficiencies (40–90%) by blocking meiosis I. Tetraploids produced by meiosis inhibition in normal eggs are viable in M. lateralis, but their survival beyond metamorphosis is extremely low.  相似文献   
In this study, groups of diploid (control) and triploid brook trout were subjected to a 5 min acute handling/confinement stress. Blood samples were collected from equal numbers of diploid and triploid fish at regular predetermined intervals, beginning prior to confinement and continuing for up to 3h after confinement. These blood samples were used for the measurement of hematocrit and plasma cortisol and glucose concentrations. The effects of cohort sampling and the diel cycle on these variables were also analysed. Except for minor differences, both groups responded similarly to the acute stress, with short-term elevations in plasma cortisol and hematocrit levels, and a more sustained increase in plasma glucose levels. No significant differences were found between diploid and triploid fish in their reactions to cohort sampling. However, the act of removing an individual from a tank caused significant changes in plasma cortisol levels in cohorts remaining in that tank (p < 0.001). Significant diel effects were observed for both ploidy groups in plasma cortisol (p < 0.05) but not in plasma glucose or hematocrit. To whom correspondence should be addressed  相似文献   
Inheritance and segregation at five microsatellite loci were studied in diploid gynogenetic and triploid backcross progenies obtained from koi × goldfish hybrid females, which produce diploid eggs. Gynogenetic and backcross progenies were obtained from three individual hybrid females by inseminating eggs with genetically inactivated and intact sperm of parental species respectively; no shock treatments were applied to the early embryos. Complete absence of paternally specific alleles at all investigated microsatellite loci has proven successful genetic inactivation of spermatozoa by irradiation and confirmed gynogenetic origin of progenies. Genotypic segregations at microsatellite loci showed almost complete homogeneity of gynogenetic progenies and their identity to female parents. These results correspond with previous cytogenetic data on the occurrence of premeiotic endomitosis in hybrid females producing diploid eggs. Fish from triploid backcross progenies had genotypes resulting from combination of entire diploid female genome and haploid genome from male.  相似文献   
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