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为探索适合我省大中型湖泊水面高效渔业新途径 ,自 97年开始到 99年连续三年分别在江西省波阳县境内的珠湖、球场湖和东湖进行了中型网箱养殖罗非鱼、中小型无结网箱养殖鲢、鳙、鳊鱼冬片、小体积网箱养殖罗非鱼和淡水白鲳等多品种试验 ,均取得了较好的试验效果。其中 99年的小体积网箱养殖罗非鱼已通过有关部门和专家验收。现将 98年和 99年的小体积网箱养殖罗非鱼试验情况报告如下 :1. 条件和方法1.1 水面条件网箱养鱼水域选在鄱阳镇东湖大道两侧 ,总面积 6 6 6 7余hm2 ,设置网箱的南侧水面积近4 6 6 7hm2 ,水深为 2 - 5m ,有…  相似文献   
不同播种方式对毛叶苕子田间萌芽率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验研究了不同播种方式对毛叶苕子田间萌芽率的影响,并测定了供试种子的千粒重为25.4±0.8g,室内萌芽率为75%。结果表明:播种后及时覆土会显著提高种子在田间的萌芽率,最高可达44.21%,不进行覆土操作的种子萌芽率仅为23.82%;试验同时说明播种前对种子催芽处理与种子田间最终萌芽率影响不大,其差异仅为3.1%-4.08%。  相似文献   
[目的]分析海南典型热带山地雨林分布区域尖峰岭60 hm2大样地内豆科树种对邻体树木的影响,并探讨其可能的影响机制。[方法]利用尖峰岭60 hm2大样地的2012年和2018年2次调查数据,对样地内7种豆科树木的邻体非豆科树木的多度、丰富度和存活率进行比较分析。[结果]2次调查期间,7种豆科树木的邻体多度和丰富度无显著变化。与非豆科树木相比,软荚红豆(Ormosia semicastrata Hance)、猴耳环(Archidendron clypearia (Jack) I.C.Nielsen)和亮叶猴耳环(A. lucidum (Benth.) Nielsen)具有较高的邻体多度和丰富度,而肥荚红豆(O. fordiana Oliv.)、木荚红豆(O. xylocarpa Chun ex L. Chen)、长脐红豆(O. blansae Drake)和薄叶猴耳环(A. utile Chun et How)具有较低的邻体多度和丰富度。软荚红豆、肥荚红豆和猴耳环具有较高的邻体树木的存活率,而长脐红豆、薄叶猴耳环、亮叶猴耳环和木荚红豆具有较低的...  相似文献   
低能Ar+注入对玉米花粉萌发及Ca2+浓度分布的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To investigate the effect of low energy ion implantation on maize pollen germination and cytosolic Ca2+ distribution during pollen germination process, the argon ion (Ar+) with energy of 30 keV, dose of 0.78 ×1015-13×1015 ion/cm2 was implanted into maize pollen by irradiation, and the germination of pollen and cytosolic Ca2+ distribution during pollen germination process of the Ar+ implanted pollen were studied. The results showed that when been irradiated with Ar+ with dose of 5.2×1015 ion/cm2, the germination rate of maize pollen increased remarkably, while implantation of ions with dose exceeding 5.2×1015 ion/cm2 sharply decreased the germination rate of maize pollen. Meanwhile, tracing of esterified Ca2+ fluorescence probe fluo-3 AM for intact pollen showed that variation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration was consistent with the change of pollen fertility. The dynamics of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration caused by low energy ion implantation may be concluded as the initial effects of pollen germination.  相似文献   
微囊藻毒素(Microcystins,MCs)为富营养化水体中最常见的藻类毒素,它的危害性在饮用水中的存在,迫切需要建立一种工作原理简单易行、分析速度快、灵敏度较高的统一的检测方法,以便对水体中特别是饮用水源中的微囊藻毒素进行检测。该文介绍了近年来发展起来的几类微囊藻毒素检测技术,以及微囊藻毒素检测技术尚要解决的问题和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   
[目的]研究低能离子注入对花粉萌发及萌发过程中游离Ca2+的影响。[方法]利用能量为30 keV,剂量为0.78×1015~13×1015ion/cm2的Ar+注入玉米花粉粒,研究注入后玉米花粉的萌发情况和萌发过程中游离Ca2+的分布情况。[结果]当Ar+注入剂量为5.2×1015ions/cm2时,玉米花粉的萌发率有了明显的提高;而注入剂量超过7.8×1015ion/cm2以后,萌发率呈急剧下降趋势;同时利用低温孵育法在完整的玉米花粉粒中,载入酯化形式的Ca2+荧光探针fluo-3 AM后发现,花粉细胞中游离Ca2+浓度变化与花粉萌发活性变化相一致。[结论]低能离子注入后引起的花粉内Ca2+浓度的动态变化可能是花粉萌发变化的初始效应。  相似文献   
新疆是我国实施精准扶贫战略的重点和难点地区,将农村电商与精准扶贫相结合,是加快新疆贫困区脱贫的有效手段。通过阐述新疆贫困区农村现状特征与农村电商发展的基本情况,结合精准扶贫战略与新疆农村电商的关联性,从实际情况出发,对新疆农村电商参与精准扶贫适应性差、农户对电商脱贫缺乏认知、电商扶贫机制不完善等问题进行分析,并提出相应的对策建议。旨在推动新疆农村电商与精准扶贫有效结合,加速新疆农村经济发展,加快打赢脱贫攻坚战。  相似文献   
To investigate the effect of low energy ion implantation on maize pollen germination and cytosolic Ca2+ distribution during pollen germination process, the argon ion (Ar+) with energy of 30 keV, dose of 0.78 ×1015-13×1015 ion/cm2 was implanted into maize pollen by irradiation, and the germination of pollen and cytosolic Ca2+ distribution during pollen germination process of the Ar+ implanted pollen were studied. The results showed that when been irradiated with Ar+ with dose of 5.2×1015 ion/cm2, the germination rate of maize pollen increased remarkably, while implantation of ions with dose exceeding 5.2×1015 ion/cm2 sharply decreased the germination rate of maize pollen. Meanwhile, tracing of esterified Ca2+ fluorescence probe fluo-3 AM for intact pollen showed that variation of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration was consistent with the change of pollen fertility. The dynamics of cytosolic Ca2+ concentration caused by low energy ion implantation may be concluded as the initial effects of pollen germination.  相似文献   
2016-2017年试验证明,在果实干物质累积关键时期(坐果后45天-85天)使用100-400ppm浓度的亚硫酸氢钠喷施中华猕猴桃(金实1号、红实2号)叶面,每7-10天/次,连续使用3-5次后,对猕猴桃果实的品质基本无明显影响。  相似文献   
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