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Genomic selection (GS) is now practiced successfully across many species. However, many questions remain, such as long-term effects, estimations of genomic parameters, robustness of genome-wide association study (GWAS) with small and large datasets, and stability of genomic predictions. This study summarizes presentations from the authors at the 2020 American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) symposium. The focus of many studies until now is on linkage disequilibrium between two loci. Ignoring higher-level equilibrium may lead to phantom dominance and epistasis. The Bulmer effect leads to a reduction of the additive variance; however, the selection for increased recombination rate can release anew genetic variance. With genomic information, estimates of genetic parameters may be biased by genomic preselection, but costs of estimation can increase drastically due to the dense form of the genomic information. To make the computation of estimates feasible, genotypes could be retained only for the most important animals, and methods of estimation should use algorithms that can recognize dense blocks in sparse matrices. GWASs using small genomic datasets frequently find many marker-trait associations, whereas studies using much bigger datasets find only a few. Most of the current tools use very simple models for GWAS, possibly causing artifacts. These models are adequate for large datasets where pseudo-phenotypes such as deregressed proofs indirectly account for important effects for traits of interest. Artifacts arising in GWAS with small datasets can be minimized by using data from all animals (whether genotyped or not), realistic models, and methods that account for population structure. Recent developments permit the computation of P-values from genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP), where models can be arbitrarily complex but restricted to genotyped animals only, and single-step GBLUP that also uses phenotypes from ungenotyped animals. Stability was an important part of nongenomic evaluations, where genetic predictions were stable in the absence of new data even with low prediction accuracies. Unfortunately, genomic evaluations for such animals change because all animals with genotypes are connected. A top-ranked animal can easily drop in the next evaluation, causing a crisis of confidence in genomic evaluations. While correlations between consecutive genomic evaluations are high, outliers can have differences as high as 1 SD. A solution to fluctuating genomic evaluations is to base selection decisions on groups of animals. Although many issues in GS have been solved, many new issues that require additional research continue to surface.  相似文献   
Efficient computing techniques allow the estimation of variance components for virtually any traditional dataset. When genomic information is available, variance components can be estimated using genomic REML (GREML). If only a portion of the animals have genotypes, single-step GREML (ssGREML) is the method of choice. The genomic relationship matrix (G) used in both cases is dense, limiting computations depending on the number of genotyped animals. The algorithm for proven and young (APY) can be used to create a sparse inverse of G (GAPY~-1) with close to linear memory and computing requirements. In ssGREML, the inverse of the realized relationship matrix (H−1) also includes the inverse of the pedigree relationship matrix, which can be dense with a long pedigree, but sparser with short. The main purpose of this study was to investigate whether costs of ssGREML can be reduced using APY with truncated pedigree and phenotypes. We also investigated the impact of truncation on variance components estimation when different numbers of core animals are used in APY. Simulations included 150K animals from 10 generations, with selection. Phenotypes (h2 = 0.3) were available for all animals in generations 1–9. A total of 30K animals in generations 8 and 9, and 15K validation animals in generation 10 were genotyped for 52,890 SNP. Average information REML and ssGREML with G−1 and GAPY~-1 using 1K, 5K, 9K, and 14K core animals were compared. Variance components are impacted when the core group in APY represents the number of eigenvalues explaining a small fraction of the total variation in G. The most time-consuming operation was the inversion of G, with more than 50% of the total time. Next, numerical factorization consumed nearly 30% of the total computing time. On average, a 7% decrease in the computing time for ordering was observed by removing each generation of data. APY can be successfully applied to create the inverse of the genomic relationship matrix used in ssGREML for estimating variance components. To ensure reliable variance component estimation, it is important to use a core size that corresponds to the number of largest eigenvalues explaining around 98% of total variation in G. When APY is used, pedigrees can be truncated to increase the sparsity of H and slightly reduce computing time for ordering and symbolic factorization, with no impact on the estimates.  相似文献   
Accuracy of genomic predictions is an important component of the selection response. The objectives of this research were: 1) to investigate trends for prediction accuracies over time in a broiler population of accumulated phenotypes, genotypes, and pedigrees and 2) to test if data from distant generations are useful to maintain prediction accuracies in selection candidates. The data contained 820K phenotypes for a growth trait (GT), 200K for two feed efficiency traits (FE1 and FE2), and 42K for a carcass yield trait (CY). The pedigree included 1,252,619 birds hatched over 7 years, of which 154,318 from the last 4 years were genotyped. Training populations were constructed adding 1 year of data sequentially, persistency of accuracy over time was evaluated using predictions from birds hatched in the three generations following or in the years after the training populations. In the first generation, before genotypes became available for the training populations (first 3 years of data), accuracies remained almost stable with successive additions of phenotypes and pedigree to the accumulated dataset. The inclusion of 1 year of genotypes in addition to 4 years of phenotypes and pedigree in the training population led to increases in accuracy of 54% for GT, 76% for FE1, 110% for CY, and 38% for FE2; on average, 74% of the increase was due to genomics. Prediction accuracies declined faster without than with genomic information in the training populations. When genotypes were unavailable, the average decline in prediction accuracy across traits was 41% from the first to the second generation of validation, and 51% from the second to the third generation of validation. When genotypes were available, the average decline across traits was 14% from the first to the second generation of validation, and 3% from the second to the third generation of validation. Prediction accuracies in the last three generations were the same when the training population included 5 or 2 years of data, and a decrease of ~7% was observed when the training population included only 1 year of data. Training sets including genomic information provided an increase in accuracy and persistence of genomic predictions compared with training sets without genomic data. The two most recent years of pedigree, phenotypic, and genomic data were sufficient to maintain prediction accuracies in selection candidates. Similar conclusions were obtained using validation populations per year.  相似文献   
The introduction of animals from a different environment or population is a common practice in commercial livestock populations. In this study, we modeled the inclusion of a group of external birds into a local broiler chicken population for the purpose of genomic evaluations. The pedigree was composed of 242,413 birds and genotypes were available for 107,216 birds. A five-trait model that included one growth, two yield, and two efficiency traits was used for the analyses. The strategies to model the introduction of external birds were to include a fixed effect representing the origin of parents and to use unknown parent groups (UPG) or metafounders (MF). Genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) were obtained with single-step GBLUP using the Algorithm for Proven and Young. Bias, dispersion, and accuracy of GEBV for the validation birds, that is, from the most recent generation, were computed. The bias and dispersion were estimated with the linear regression (LR) method,whereas accuracy was estimated by the LR method and predictive ability. When fixed UPG were fit without estimated inbreeding, the model did not converge. In contrast, models with fixed UPG and estimated inbreeding or random UPG converged and resulted in similar GEBV. The inclusion of an extra fixed effect in the model made the GEBV unbiased and reduced the inflation. Genomic predictions with MF were slightly biased and inflated due to the unbalanced number of observations assigned to each metafounder. When combining local and external populations, the greatest accuracy can be obtained by adding an extra fixed effect to account for the origin of parents plus UPG with estimated inbreeding or random UPG. To estimate the accuracy, the LR method is more consistent among scenarios, whereas the predictive ability greatly depends on the model specification.  相似文献   
Genomic information has a limited dimensionality (number of independent chromosome segments [Me]) related to the effective population size. Under the additive model, the persistence of genomic accuracies over generations should be high when the nongenomic information (pedigree and phenotypes) is equivalent to Me animals with high accuracy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the decay in accuracy over time and to compare the magnitude of decay with varying quantities of data and with traits of low and moderate heritability. The dataset included 161,897 phenotypic records for a growth trait (GT) and 27,669 phenotypic records for a fitness trait (FT) related to prolificacy in a population with dimensionality around 5,000. The pedigree included 404,979 animals from 2008 to 2020, of which 55,118 were genotyped. Two single-trait models were used with all ancestral data and sliding subsets of 3-, 2-, and 1-generation intervals. Single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction (ssGBLUP) was used to compute genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV). Estimated accuracies were calculated by the linear regression (LR) method. The validation population consisted of single generations succeeding the training population and continued forward for all generations available. The average accuracy for the first generation after training with all ancestral data was 0.69 and 0.46 for GT and FT, respectively. The average decay in accuracy from the first generation after training to generation 9 was −0.13 and −0.19 for GT and FT, respectively. The persistence of accuracy improves with more data. Old data have a limited impact on the predictions for young animals for a trait with a large amount of information but a bigger impact for a trait with less information.  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of different strategies for genotyping populations on variance components and heritabilities estimated with an animal model under restricted maximum likelihood (REML), genomic REML (GREML), and single‐step GREML (ssGREML). A population with 10 generations was simulated. Animals from the last one, two or three generations were genotyped with 45,116 SNP evenly distributed on 27 chromosomes. Animals to be genotyped were chosen randomly or based on EBV. Each scenario was replicated five times. A single trait was simulated with three heritability levels (low, moderate, high). Phenotypes were simulated for only females to mimic dairy sheep and also for both sexes to mimic meat sheep. Variance component estimates from genomic data and phenotypes for one or two generations were more biased than from three generations. Estimates in the scenario without selection were the most accurate across heritability levels and methods. When selection was present in the simulations, the best option was to use genotypes of randomly selected animals. For selective genotyping, heritabilities from GREML were more biased compared to those estimated by ssGREML, because ssGREML was less affected by selective or limited genotyping.  相似文献   
In the pig industry, purebred animals are raised in nucleus herds and selected to produce crossbred progeny to perform in commercial environments. Crossbred and purebred performances are different, correlated traits. All purebreds in a pen have their performance assessed together at the end of a performance test. However, only selected crossbreds are removed (based on visual inspection) and measured at different times creating many small contemporary groups (CGs). This may reduce estimated breeding value (EBV) prediction accuracies. Considering this sequential recording of crossbreds, the objective was to investigate the impact of different CG definitions on genetic parameters and EBV prediction accuracy for crossbred traits. Growth rate (GP) and ultrasound backfat (BFP) records were available for purebreds. Lifetime growth (GX) and backfat (BFX) were recorded on crossbreds. Different CGs were tested: CG_all included farm, sex, birth year, and birth week; CG_week added slaughter week; and CG_day used slaughter day instead of week. Data of 124,709 crossbreds were used. The purebred phenotypes (62,274 animals) included three generations of purebred ancestors of these crossbreds and their CG mates. Variance components for four-trait models with different CG definitions were estimated with average information restricted maximum likelihood. Purebred traits’ variance components remained stable across CG definitions and varied slightly for BFX. Additive genetic variances (and heritabilities) for GX fluctuated more: 812 ± 36 (0.28 ± 0.01), 257 ± 15 (0.17 ± 0.01), and 204 ± 13 (0.15 ± 0.01) for CG_all, CG_week, and CG_day, respectively. Age at slaughter (AAS) and hot carcass weight (HCW) adjusted for age were investigated as alternatives for GX. Both have potential for selection but lower heritabilities compared with GX: 0.21 ± 0.01 (0.18 ± 0.01), 0.16 ± 0.02 (0.16 + 0.01), and 0.10 ± 0.01 (0.14 ± 0.01) for AAS (HCW) using CG_all, CG_week, and CG_day, respectively. The predictive ability, linear regression (LR) accuracy, bias, and dispersion of crossbred traits in crossbreds favored CG_day, but correlations with unadjusted phenotypes favored CG_all. In purebreds, CG_all showed the best LR accuracy, while showing small relative differences in bias and dispersion. Different CG scenarios showed no relevant impact on BFX EBV. This study shows that different CG definitions may affect evaluation stability and animal ranking. Results suggest that ignoring slaughter dates in CG is more appropriate for estimating crossbred trait EBV for purebred animals.  相似文献   
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