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应用遥感技术提取水稻种植信息是农业遥感的重要内容。GF-1卫星WFV数据为农业信息提取提供了新的途径,面向对象的分类方法是遥感解译的重要方法。本研究以扬州市为研究区域,基于GF-1影像WFV数据,采用面向对象的分类方法,提取水稻种植信息,并实地调查验证试验结果,试图探讨GF-1数据面向对象分类方法在水稻种植信息提取中的可行性与影响提取精度的因素。结果表明,应用GF-1数据,采用面向对象的分类方法能够很好地完成扬州市水稻种植信息的提取,2016年扬州市有水稻种植面积214 524 hm~2,总体精度达到98.5%,Kappa系数0.95,面积精度达97.5%;实地考察能够提高提取精度,地形破碎程度越低,提取精度越高。  相似文献   
正维护保养是延长拖拉机使用寿命和降低使用成本的关键。拖拉机使用过程中,用户要做好维护保养工作,不仅能使农机安全运转,而且可以延长使用寿命。因此,在作业前后,要按规定对拖拉机进行检查、保养。1.离合器的使用与养护离合器的使用寿命与拖拉机行驶条件和驾驶员的操作方式有很大关系。驾驶拖拉机时,切断动力要迅速,离合器踏板要一次踩到底;接合动力要柔和而不拖延,松抬离合器踏板一般是"快一慢一快"的抬脚过程;不要频繁地换挡使  相似文献   
为探究赤霉素和磷肥配合施用对胡麻叶片光合酶活性以及籽粒产量的影响,以‘轮选2号’为材料,采用田间二因素裂区试验设计,研究了不同磷肥用量水平(P0:0 kg·hm-2 P2O5,P1:67.5 kg·hm-2 P2O5,P2:135 kg·hm-2 P2O5)和赤霉素(Gibberellin acid, GA3)喷施浓度(G0:0 mg L-1,G1:15 mg·L-1,G2:30 mg·L-1)对胡麻光合同化酶活性、干物质积累量及籽粒产量的影响。结果表明:施磷和喷施赤霉素均显著提高了胡麻叶片RuBP(Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate)、PEP(Phospho...  相似文献   
依据抚顺地区气候特点,经过几年的科研与生产实践,该文总结了林下香菇栽培技术要点,阐述了香菇林下栽培的优势、季节安排、林地选择、拱棚搭建、品种选择、菌棒制作、出菇管理等关键技术和注意事项。与传统大地冷棚栽培相比,林下天然的出菇环境,湿度大、温度低、昼夜温差大,减少了早晚管理工作量;夏季伏天高温季节保证正常出菇,优质菇率提高10%左右;节省耕地,减少了棚被、草帘、遮阳网成本,平均每标准袋(棒)增加收入0.3元左右。  相似文献   
正时下,正值春耕时节,安顺正掀起一股产业革命:调减玉米种植,发展蔬菜、茶叶、食用菌、中药材、生态家禽等产业。新产业新希望,全新的产业怎么发展?安顺的答案是:千名专家来服务。日前,安顺市农技人员奔赴田间地头,采用田间课堂、面对面、手把手、集中培训等方式,为基层群众特别是农村贫困劳动力提供种、养、加、销关键环节技术服务,实现对每个扶贫产业、每个贫困村、每个合作社的全覆盖,  相似文献   
随着养殖业的快速发展,海安市的肉鸡养殖产业也在不断寻找一种更高效、安全的养殖模式,于是肉种鸡养殖集成技术应运而生。该技术不仅提高了肉种鸡的生产性能,还合理地利用了资源,增加了养殖收益。本文主要分析了肉种鸡养殖集成技术的要点:平养改笼养、种公鸡定期检测淘汰、疫病综合防控、适当延长人工授精时间等及其对肉种鸡生产性能的影响。  相似文献   
<正>(接《新饲料》2014年第12期57页)3.2血液和免疫学特性Fe-Gly对断奶仔猪血液成分和免疫球蛋白的影响见表3。血红蛋白、铁浓度、PCV随着Fe-Gly补铁水平的增加而增加。血红蛋白(P=0.03)和PCV(P=0.001)分别在铁含量为90mg/kg和120mg/kg时达到最高水平。与对照组相比,以Fe SO4形式补铁120mg/kg能够增加血浆铁浓度(P=0.001)。然而,与对照组相比,以Fe-Gly形式补充不同的铁或者补充Fe SO4,免疫球蛋白  相似文献   
This research aimed to identify a suitable planting pattern for oilseed flax production in a dry-farming region. A long-term field experiment was started in 2012 with a 4-year crop rotation cycle,designed to measure the effects on flax crop performance of previous crop,and various patterns of flax planting interval within the four-year rotation,compared with continuous flax cropping. Crop parameters measured included plant height,stem diameter,dry matter accumulation and distribution,and the experiment included six different crop rotation patterns:Flax→flax →flax→flax[(F)FFF];Flax→wheat→potato→flax[(F)WPF];Flax→potato→flax→wheat[(F)PFW];Flax→ flax→wheat→potato[(F)FWP];Flax→wheat→flax→potato[(F)WFP]and flax→wheat→potato→wheat[(F)WPW]. Results for the ninth year showed significantly increased grain yield(29. 89%-109. 57%)in crop rotation treatments compared with continuous cropping of oilseed flax. The ranking of the six tested rotations for yield was:(F)WPW>(F)FWP>(F)WFP>(F)PFW>(F)WPF>(F)FFF. The grain yield of oilseed flax was significantly affected by previous crop,frequency and years interval of flax cropping and number of years of continuous flax cropping. Yield was increased by 54. 45%-59. 29% under wheat stubble and potato stubble compared with oilseed flax stubble,and increased by 30. 66% and 109. 57%,respectively,under 50% and 25% frequencies,compared with 100% frequency. The grain yield of oilseed flax under two-year continuous cropping was higher by 29. 89% than four-year continuous cropping,and increased with increase in years interval between flax crops. Correlation analysis identified a significantly positive correlation between oilseed flax grain yield and effective capsule number,branch number and 1000-seed weight. The effective capsule number,branch number and 1000-seed weight of oilseed flax under rotation treatment were increased by 35. 88%-108. 91%,15. 47%-46. 19% and 14. 61%-16. 34%,respectively(P<0. 05),compared with continuous cropping. In addition,the high grain yield of oilseed flax was accompanied by an increase in plant height,stem diameter and dry matter accumulation and these increases were,respectively,5. 11%-42. 24%,2. 77%-39. 92% and 31. 25%-117. 89% under the rotation regimes,compared with continuous cropping. Reduction in the number of years of continuous cropping years,change of crop stubble,decreased flax planting frequency and increased of interval between flax crops also improved flax crop performance. In summary,crop rotation improved the vigor of oilseed flax,resulting in greater plant height and stem diameter,improved dry matter accumulation and distribution,leading to increased branch number,effective capsule number and 1000-seed weight,and increase in the crop yield of oilseed flax. The results indicated that a multiple-crop rotation pattern was an effective way to avoid the yield reduction caused by continuous cropping in oilseed flax. The rotation: Flax→wheat→potato→wheat performed best among those tested and can be recommended as an appropriate cropping rotation for oilseed flax production in the dry region of northwest China. © 2022 Editorial Office of Acta Prataculturae Sinica. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
对18年生尾巨桉(Eucalyptus urophlla×E.grandis)无性系木材纤维特征与基本密度进行研究,通过测定木材的纤维长度、宽度、壁厚、腔径、木材基本密度,分析结果表明:木材基本密度、纤维长度、纤维长宽比、壁厚、壁腔比在树干径向方向由髓心向外有逐渐增大的规律。纤维长度与基本密度之间呈显著的负相关,纤维宽...  相似文献   
对于机动车驾驶员来说,安全驾驶始终是第一位的作为一名合格的拖拉机驾驶员,必须具备在不同条件下相应的正确操作技术。一、拖拉机在特殊条件下的安全驾驶1、起步(1)拖拉机正常启动后,观察周围情况,有无人员和障碍,关好车门,发出信号。  相似文献   
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