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We introduce a novel approach to building corridors in spatial conservation prioritization. The underlying working principle is the use of a penalty structure in an iterative algorithm used for producing a spatial priority ranking. The penalty term aims to prevent loss or degradation of structural connections, or, equivalently, to promote to a higher rank landscape elements that are required to keep networks connected. The proposed method shows several convenient properties: (1) it does not require a priori specification of habitat patches, end points or related thresholds, (2) it does not rely on resistance coefficients for different habitats, (3) it does not require species targets, and (4) the cost of additional connectivity via corridors can be quantified in terms of habitat quality lost across species. Corridor strength and width parameters control the trade-off between increased structural connectivity via corridors and other considerations relevant to conservation planning. Habitat suitability or dispersal suitability layers used in the analysis can be species specific, thus allowing analysis both in terms of structural and functional connectivity. The proposed method can also be used for targeting habitat restoration, by identifying areas of low habitat quality included in corridors. These methods have been implemented in the Zonation software, and can be applied to large scale and high resolution spatial prioritization, effectively integrating corridor design and spatial conservation prioritization. Since the method operates on novel principles and combines with a large number of features already operational in Zonation, we expect it to be of utility in spatial conservation planning.  相似文献   
The most widespread reserve selection strategy is target-based planning, as specified under the framework of systematic conservation planning. Targets are given for the representation levels of biodiversity features, and site selection algorithms are employed to either meet the targets with least cost (the minimum set formulation) or to maximize the number of targets met with a given resource (maximum coverage). Benefit functions are another recent approach to reserve selection. In the benefit function framework the objective is to maximize the value of the reserve network, however value is defined. In one benefit function formulation value is a sum over species-specific values, and species-specific value is an increasing function of representation. This benefit function approach is computationally convenient, but because it allows free tradeoffs between species, it essentially makes the assumption that species are acting as surrogates, or samples from a larger regional species pool. The Zonation algorithm is a recent computational method that produces a hierarchy of conservation priority through the landscape. This hierarchy is produced via iterative removal of selection units (cells) using the criterion of least marginal loss of conservation value to decide which cell to remove next. The first variant of Zonation, here called core-area Zonation, has a characteristic of emphasizing core-areas of all species. Here I separate the Zonation meta-algorithm from the cell removal rule, the definition of marginal loss of conservation value utilized inside the algorithm. I show how additive benefit functions and target-based planning can be implemented into the Zonation framework via the use of particular kinds of cell removal rules. The core-area, additive benefit function and targeting benefit function variants of Zonation have interesting conceptual differences in how they treat and trade off between species in the planning process.  相似文献   
Population connectivity: recent advances and new perspectives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Landscape Ecology - Connectivity is a vital component of metapopulation and landscape ecology, influencing fundamental processes such as population dynamics, evolution, and community responses to...  相似文献   
Spatial reserve design concerns the planning of biological reserves for conservation. Typical reserve selection formulations operate on a large set of landscape elements, which could be grid cells or irregular sites, and selection algorithms aim to select the set of sites that achieves biodiversity target levels with minimum cost. This study presents a completely different optimization approach to reserve design. The reserve selection problem can be considerably simplified given the reasonable assumptions that: (i) maximum reserve cost is known; (ii) the approximate number of new reserves to be established is known; (iii) individual reserves need to be spatially contiguous. Further assuming the ability to construct a set of reserves in an efficient and close to optimal manner around designated reserve locations, the reserve selection problem can be turned into a search for a single interior point and area for each reserve. The utility of the proposed method is demonstrated for a data set of seven indicator species living in an conservation priority area in Southern Australia consisting of ca 73,000 selection units, with up to 10,000 cells chosen for inclusion in a reserve network. Requirements (ii) and (iii) above make interior point search computationally very efficient, allowing use with landscapes in the order of millions of elements. The method could also be used with non-linear species distribution models.  相似文献   
The Kola Peninsula is characterised by vast environmental contrasts. Large areas are almost in pristine condition. However, mining and associated industrial activity generate one of the largest sources of heavy metal and sulphur emissions in the world and create `technogenic wastelands' around smelters. Due to the lack of monitoring data, insufficient knowledge is available regarding the acidification history of lakes on the peninsula. In this study, palaeolimnological techniques were used to reveal the pre-industrial pH status of 32 small lakes in order to evaluate the role of human impacts on freshwater ecosystems. Diatom-inferred pH reconstructions demonstrated that for 22 (68.75%) of the lakes, the pH was below 6.5 and in eight (25%) below 6.0 during the pre-industrial period; signs of recent acidification could be detected only in seven lakes of which five are located relatively close to current pollution sources. Furthermore, no substantial changes between the pre-industrial and modern species richness and composition were observed, indicating relatively stable environmental conditions. Most of the lakes seem to have undergone long-term acidification and are mainly affected by natural acidifying factors (e.g., vegetation, bedrock, climate, sea salt). The effect of anthropogenic emissions seems to be surprisingly geographically restricted and controlled mainly by the surrounding topography and prevailing winds. However, although many lakes seem to be in relatively pristine condition, only a significant reduction in heavy metal and sulphur emissions will prevent the lakes from acidifying in the future.  相似文献   
Since formalin is widely used in prevention of Saprolegnia infections in salmonid fish hatcheries, there is a need for more environmentally safe treatment methods. Therefore, we screened 360 bacterial isolates against their ability to antagonize the growth of Saprolegnia parasitica hyphae in vitro, and best strains were selected according to their antagonistic properties and colonization capability on rainbow trout egg surface. Protective bacterial cultures of Pseudomonas sp. M162, Pseudomonas sp. M174 and Janthinobacterium M169 were tested for prevention of Saprolegnia sp. infections during incubation trials of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs with UV irradiated (400 mWs cm?2) and non‐treated inlet water. UV irradiation of inlet water significantly decreased mortality during the incubation. Lowest mortalities were observed in protective culture treated groups incubated with UV‐irradiated inlet water. UV irradiation increased the dominance of the main bacterial colonizers and variation in the bacterial species diversity between the experimental units.  相似文献   
It has been widely argued that habitat fragmentation is bad for (meta)population persistence and that a high level of fragmentation is a similarly undesirable characteristic for a reserve network. However, modelling the effects of fragmentation for many species is very difficult due to high data demands and uncertainty concerning its effect on particular species. Hence, several reserve selection methods employ qualitative heuristics such as boundary length penalties that aggregate reserve network structures. This aggregation usually comes at a cost because low quality habitats will be included for the sake of increased connectivity. Here a biologically justified method for designing aggregated reserve networks based on a technique called distribution smoothing is investigated. As with the boundary length penalty, its use incurs an apparent biological cost. However, taking a step further, potential negative effects of fragmentation on individual species are evaluated using a decision-theoretic uncertainty analysis approach. This analysis shows that the aggregated reserve network (based on smoothed distributions) is likely to be biologically more valuable than a more fragmented one (based on habitat model predictions). The method is illustrated with a reserve design case study in the Hunter Valley of south-eastern Australia. The uncertainty analysis method, based on information-gap decision theory, provides a systematic framework for making robust decisions under severe uncertainty, making it particularly well adapted to reserve design problems.  相似文献   
Acid mine drainage (AMD) is acknowledged to have long-lasting impacts on aquatic environments. Hence, mines have also been detected to pose problems years after closure due to the leaching of toxic drainage initiated by sulfide oxidation. To assess the effects of chronic but relatively low volume acid mine drainage derived from the Haveri copper–gold mine operating between 1938 and 1960 on a freshwater bay in southern Finland, we compared cladoceran assemblages from the pre-mining period with contemporary populations using paleolimnological approaches and multiple sediment cores. The cladoceran community of the pre-mining era differed significantly from the contemporary community of the lake (ANOSIM R = 0.91; p = 0.0001), but closely resembled the contemporary community of a nearby non-polluted reference site. Our results suggest that the differences in species compositions between pre-mining and contemporary samples are most likely caused by eutrophication and not by the AMD impact. Because AMD at our study site is most intense during the spring snowmelt period, cladocerans may avoid seasonal pollution peaks through winter dormancy. Possible pollution peaks resulting from heavy rains during the summer may have negative impacts on the cladoceran community, but such short-term impacts are probably rapidly counteracted by immigration from cleaner areas of the lake.  相似文献   
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