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为提高北方城市园林的绿化水平,丰富寒地园林植物的种质资源,1991年黑龙江省农业科学院园艺分院引入俄罗斯紫叶李,经过多年的田间和生产试验观察,选育出抗寒性强、观赏价值较高的李树新品种。该品种叶片为紫红色,花为粉色,果实鲜红色;幼树茎干紫色、光滑,树姿较直立,可作为北方生态型园林城市的景观树种。2009年3月通过黑龙江省农作物品种审定委员会审定,命名为“龙引紫叶李”。  相似文献   
The changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence, caused by high temperature (HT), have been used to study heat-tolerance in nine common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) accessions (3 cultivars and 6 lines) available in the gene banks of Maritsa Vegetable Crops Research Institute and Institute for Plant Genetic Resources. The plants were grown in controlled greenhouse conditions until the blossoming stage, treated with HT (45° C) for 2 h and returned for recovery for 4 h at 23° C. The obtained results allowed us to differentiate four groups, among the studied bean plants, by their response to HT. The first group, includes a single cultivar – ‘Secuntsa’. The accession was considered heat sensitive, because it showed a decrease of its total performance index (PItotal), calculated by JIP-test, during HT stress and did not recover to the initial values. The second group, comprised of lines RH13, BBSR17, BBSR28, and ‘Starozagorski cher’, expressed an increase in PItotal during heat stress, which however was followed by a decline in PItotal values during recovery after HT treatment. The third group – RRR46 displayed a decrease in various JIP-test parameters during HT treatment followed by full recovery after returning the plants to 23° C. The accessions from the fourth group RH26D, ‘Ranit’, similarly to the control heat tolerant line 83201007 did not show significant alteration in PItotal. We assumed that the accessions from the fourth group are heat-tolerant. The line RRR46 is also promising in terms of heat tolerance because of its flexible response to HT treatment. These genotypes will be used in our further breeding program.  相似文献   
The combined toxic effect of ochratoxin A (OTA) and penicillic acid (PA) on the body mass, the weight and pathomorphology of some internal organs was studied in 85 broiler chickens fed a mouldy diet containing 130, 300 or 800 ppb OTA and 1000-2000 ppb PA. The main pathomorphological changes were cloudy swelling and granular degeneration in the epithelium and mononuclear cell proliferation and activation of capillary endothelium in the kidney and liver; degenerative changes and depletion of lymphoid cells in lymphoid organs (bursa of Fabricius, thymus and spleen) were also seen. Protective effects of 5% total water extract of artichoke and a new natural phytosubstance Rosallsat against these pathomorphological changes were observed. A significant decrease in body mass and relative weight of lymphoid organs was found after 6 weeks of exposure and a greater decrease after 10 weeks of exposure to OTA and PA, and a protective effect of artichoke extract and a slight effect of Rosallsat against that decrease was observed. A significant increase in relative weight of liver and kidneys was also observed as well as a protective effect of artichoke extract against that increase. The quantity of OTA and the percentage of positive samples were significantly lower in tissues of chickens treated with artichoke extract or Rosallsat in addition to OTA than in those treated with only OTA.  相似文献   
引进国外蓝莓品种的组织培养及快繁技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以从保加利亚引进的蓝莓品种B91和B92的未萌动枝条为试验材料,进行了顶芽、茎尖和茎段的萌发与分化、茎段的继代丛生与快繁、试管苗生根与移栽等技术的研究。结果表明:对未萌动枝条进行预处理能明显提高接种效率;WPM+ZEA 2.0 mg.L-1是接种茎段的适宜培养基,WPM+ZEA 1.0 mg.L-1是大量产生丛生芽的快繁培养基,1/2 WPM+IBA 2.0 mg.L-1+NAA 0.5 mg.L-1是生根的理想培养基;在温室中草炭、河砂和园土按1∶1∶1混合,经过硫粉调酸后是试管苗移栽的较好基质;移植到示范果园的试管苗长势旺盛。  相似文献   
There is limited veterinary literature about dogs or cats with ileocolic junction resection and its long-term follow-up. To evaluate the long-term outcome in a cohort of dogs and cats that underwent resection of the ileocolic junction without extensive (≥50%) small or large bowel resection. Medical records of dogs and cats that had the ileocolic junction resected were reviewed. Follow-up information was obtained either by telephone interview or e-mail correspondence with the referring veterinary surgeons. Nine dogs and nine cats were included. The most common cause of ileocolic junction resection was intussusception in dogs (5/9) and neoplasia in cats (6/9). Two dogs with ileocolic junction lymphoma died postoperatively. Only 2 of 15 animals, for which long-term follow-up information was available, had soft stools. However, three dogs with suspected chronic enteropathy required long-term treatment with hypoallergenic diets alone or in combination with medical treatment to avoid the development of diarrhoea. Four of 6 cats with ileocolic junction neoplasia were euthanised as a consequence of progressive disease. Dogs and cats undergoing ileocolic junction resection and surviving the perioperative period may have a good long-term outcome with mild or absent clinical signs but long-term medical management may be required.  相似文献   
The Arabidopsis gene DDM1 is required to maintain DNA methylation levels and is responsible for transposon and transgene silencing. However, rather than encoding a DNA methyltransferase, DDM1 has similarity to the SWI/SNF family of adenosine triphosphate-dependent chromatin remodeling genes, suggesting an indirect role in DNA methylation. Here we show that DDM1 is also required to maintain histone H3 methylation patterns. In wild-type heterochromatin, transposons and silent genes are associated with histone H3 methylated at lysine 9, whereas known genes are preferentially associated with methylated lysine 4. In ddm1 heterochromatin, DNA methylation is lost, and methylation of lysine 9 is largely replaced by methylation of lysine 4. Because DNA methylation has recently been shown to depend on histone H3 lysine 9 methylation, our results suggest that transposon methylation may be guided by histone H3 methylation in plant genomes. This would account for the epigenetic inheritance of hypomethylated DNA once histone H3 methylation patterns are altered.  相似文献   
This work describes the method for total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and/or total content of phenolics (TCP) analysis in wines using microdialysis online-coupled with amperometric detection using a carbon microfiber working electrode. The system was tested on 10 selected wine samples, and the results were compared with total reactive antioxidant potential (TRAP), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), and chemiluminescent determination of total antioxidant capacity (CL-TAC) methods using Trolox and catechin as standards. Microdialysis online-coupled with amperometric detection gives similar results to the widely used cyclic voltammetry methodology and closely correlates with ORAC and TRAP. The problem of electrode fouling is overcome by the introduction of an electrochemical cleaning step (1-2 min at the potential of 0 V vs Ag/AgCl). Such a procedure is sufficient to fully regenerate the electrode response for both red and white wine samples as well as catechin/Trolox standards. The appropriate size of microdialysis probes enables easy automation of the electrochemical TAC/TCP measurement using 96-well microtitration plates.  相似文献   
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