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Sandy‐textured Mediterranean soils are invariably depleted in organic matter and supply only small amounts of N to crops. To compensate for these deficiencies, we tested the N supply from six organic wastes applied to a Cambic Arenosol in pots growing ryegrass. The results showed that the behaviour of the wastes in supplying N to a ryegrass crop grown in this soil can be predicted by observing their performance in laboratory aerobic incubations. The N made available during these incubations fitted well to a one‐pool kinetic model.  相似文献   


Interactions between landscape-scale processes and fine-grained habitat heterogeneity are usually invoked to explain species occupancy in fragmented landscapes. In variegated landscapes, however, organisms face continuous variation in micro-habitat features, which makes necessary to consider ecologically meaningful estimates of habitat quality at different spatial scales.


We evaluated the spatial scales at which forest cover and tree quality make the greatest contribution to the occupancy of the long-horned beetle Microplophorus magellanicus (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in a variegated forest landscape.


We used averaged data of tree quality (as derived from remote sensing estimates of the decay stage of single trees) and spatially independent pheromone-baited traps to model the occurrence probability as a function of multiple cross-scale combinations between forest cover and tree quality (with scales ranging between 50 and 400 m).


Model support and performance increased monotonically with the increasing scale at which tree quality was measured. Forest cover was not significant, and did not exhibit scale-specific effects on the occurrence probability of M. magellanicus. The interactive effect between tree quality and forest cover was stronger than the independent (additive) effects of tree quality and particularly forest cover. Significant interactions included tree quality measured at spatial scales ≥200 m, but cross-scale interactions occurred only in four of the seven best-supported models.


M. magellanicus respond to the high-quality trees available in the landscape rather than to the amount of forest per se. Conservation of viable metapopulations of M. magellanicus should consider the quality of trees at spatial scales >200 m.
This study investigated the influence of heat shock during in vitro maturation on embryo development following in vitro fertilization (IVF) or parthenogenesis (Part). Immature bovine cumulus–oocyte complexes were exposed to heat shock (41.0°C) during the first 12 hr of in vitro maturation (IVM), followed by 12 hr at 38.5°C. Control group consisted of in vitro maturation for 24 hr at 38.5°C. Oocytes were in vitro‐fertilized or activated with ionomycin and cultured in vitro for 192 hr post‐in vitro insemination or parthenogenetic activation (hpia). There was an interaction (p < .01) between temperature of IVM and method of oocyte activation (IVF or Part) for cleavage at 48 hpia. Heat shock had a negative impact (p < .01) on cleavage of IVF embryos, whereas no (p > .05) effect was found in the Part embryos. Embryo development towards blastocyst stage at 168 and 192 hpia decreased in both IVF and Part embryos derived from heat‐shocked oocytes. Heat shock increased (p < .05) the apoptotic index in Part blastocysts, but no effect (p > .05) was found in IVF counterparts. Heat shock also down‐regulated the expression of AQP3 (p < .01) and up‐regulated the expression of HSP70.1 (p < .01) in Part blastocysts, whereas it down‐regulated the expression of ATP1A1 (p < .05) in IVF blastocysts. In conclusion, the effects of heat shock during IVM on early embryo cleavage and blastocyst apoptosis are influenced by the method of oocyte activation and expression of some genes can be disturbed in embryos derived from heat‐shocked oocytes.  相似文献   
The recruitment patterns of six teleosts were studied at King’s Beach, Algoa Bay. February to May marked the major recruitment period for Diplodus sargus, Lithognathus mormyrus, Rhabdosargus globiceps and Trachurus capensis. The major recruitment of Sarpa salpa fry took place between August and September. Pomadasys olivaceum fry of < 5 cm total length were caught throughout the year indicating an extended breeding period. The estimated growth rates of new recruits between February and May (autumn/winter) was 0,60 cm month -1 for L. mormyrus, 0,75 cm month-1 for ft globiceps and 0,40 cm month-1 for T. capensis. The empirical growth curve derived for S. salpa indicated a growth rate of 0,75 cm month-1. No growth estimates could be made for P. olivaceum or D. sargus.  相似文献   
Meloidogyne incognita is one of the most polyphagous species of root-knot nematodes occurring in Brazil and worldwide. Eight M. incognita isolates were studied, representing two enzymatic phenotypes (esterase and malate desydrogenase: I1/N1, I2/N1) and four cryptic Meloidogyne sp.1 (S2/N1) isolates, representing one cytological type (3n?=?40–46). Three M. hispanica isolates (Hi3/N1, 2n?=?32–36) and two of an atypical Meloidogyne sp.2 (S2a/N3, 3n?=?40–44) were included in this study for comparison. All isolates were tested with three M. incognita-specific molecular markers. The primer pairs B06F/R, miF/R and incK14F/R amplified three species-specific fragments of 1,200?bp, 955?bp and 399?bp, respectively for M. incognita and Meloidogyne sp.1 isolates. No amplification occurred in the M. hispanica and Meloidogyne sp.2 isolates, except with primers miF/R (1,650?bp). The genetic variability of the Meloidogyne spp. isolates was evaluated, using RAPD and ISSR markers. The phylogenetic analyses revealed two strongly supported monophyletic clades: clade I, consisting of M. hispanica and the atypical Meloidogyne sp.2 isolates, and clade II, clustering together all M. incognita and the Meloidogyne sp.1 isolates. Considering the biometrical, cytological and molecular approaches, it was possible to conclude that the isolates with three enzymatic phenotypes (I1/N1, I2/N1 and S2/N1) presented the characteristics described for M. incognita. Some correlations were detected between the isozymatic phenotypes and the tree topology (S2a/N3, Hi3/N1, I1/N1, S2/N1), but no strict correlation could be observed for the phenotype I2/N1 and one isolate of S2/N1. Morphologically, the Msp.2 isolates differ from M. incognita and M. hispanica by the female stylet features presenting straight cone tip and round pear shaped knobs, posteriorly sloping. The results of this study suggested that the Msp.2 isolates with phenotypes S2aN3 belong to a new or an unidentified species closely related to M. hispanica.  相似文献   
In the common bean crop in Brazil, the requirement of the value for cultivation and use trials is that these experiments must be conducted over two years in three locations per region. Information in regard to the necessary number of years to ensure precision in cultivar recommendation and the influence of evaluated years in the estimation of the GE interaction are still scarce. Using grain yield of five check varieties assessed over 11 years in three sowing seasons per year, the aims of this study are as follows: to measure the relative contribution of the GE interaction, evaluating the implication of the number of years in the estimates of the GE interaction, and infer how many years are needed to ensure precision in cultivar recommendation. For instances, analysis of variance was carried out involving all environments and also combinations of years. The results showed that the GE interaction was greater than all other cross‐effects involving lines. The use of at least two years allows good coincidence in cultivar recommendation compared to the whole period. Increasing the evaluation time is a good strategy, especially when it is difficult to grow three different sowing seasons.  相似文献   
Summary This study investigated the relationship between resumption of ovarian activity and body condition in a herd of 20 zebu cows in the humid tropics. Blood chemistry profiles to monitor nutritional status were also evaluated. Plasma progesterone was used to determine ovarian activity. During the study, which lasted 18 weekspost partum, 7 of the animals resumed ovarian activity while 13 remained in the anoestrous stage. The beginning of the first luteal phase was registered on day 87±19 (range 60 to 106). The animals which resumed cyclicity were in significantly better body condition and had significantly higher mean body weight than anoestrous cows. In the group which resumed ovarian activity, calcium levels decreased significantly from 3 weeks before until the first rise of progesterone in the first normal cycle. The study was divided into 2 periods corresponding to weeks 0 to 8 (I) and 9 to 18 (II) based on the finding that until week 8 all animals were reproductively inactive. During period I there were no significant differences between the groups in blood concentrations of albumin, glucose, urea, cholesterol, calcium and phosphorus. During period II albumin was significantly higher and urea significantly lower in the cows resuming ovarian activity. The results suggest that cows able to maintain their body condition from calving through the earlypost-partum period will have shorter intervals to firstpost-partum oestrus than cows which have lost body weight. The lower urea and higher albumin levels in the cyclic animals probably reflected a better feed efficiency—the demands of lactation were compensated by an altered nitrogen metabolism.
Reinicio De La Actividad Ovarica En Vacas Zebu (Bos Indicus) En El Tropico Humedo: Influencia De La Condicion Corporal Y De Los Niveles Plasmaticos De Algunos Compuestos Relacionados Con La Nutricion
Resumen Este estudio investigó la relación entre el reinicio de la actividad ovárica y la condición corporal en un rebaño de 20 vacas zebú en el trópico húmedo. Se realizaron también análisis de sangre para monitorizar el estado nutricional de los animales. Se utilizaron los niveles plasmáticos de progesterona para determinar actividad ovárica. Durante el estudio, que duró las primeras 18 semanas postparto, 7 animales reiniciaron la actividad ovárica mientras que los 13 restantes permanecieron en anoestro. El inicio de la primera fase luteínica tuvo lugar el día 87±19 postparto (rango 16–106). Los animales que reiniciaron la actividad ovárica tenían una condición corporal significativamente mejor y un peso significativamente más alto que los animales que se mantuvieron en anoestro. En el grupo de animales que reinició la actividad ovárica, la concentración plasmática de calcio disminuyó significativamente durante las tres últimas semanas antes del aumento en la concentración de progesterona correspondiente al primer ciclo ovárico. Debido a que hasta la octava semana después del parto todos los animales estuvieron en anoestro, el estudio se dividió en dos períodos: período I (semanas 1 a 8) y período II (semanas 9 a 18). Durante el período I no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los dos grupos de animales en las concentraciones plasmáticas de albúmina, glucosa, urea, colesterol, calcio ni fósforo. Durante el período II la concentración de albúmina fue significativamente más alta en el grupo de animales que reiniciaron la actividad ovárica, mientras que la concetración de urea fue significativamente mayor en los animales que permanecieron en anoestro. Los resultados sugieren que las vacas que son capaces de mantener su condición corporal durante las primeras semanas postparto tienen intervalos parto-estro más cortos que las vacas que han perdido condición corporal. El hecho de que los animales que reiniciaron antes su actividad ovárica tuvieran una concentración plasmática de albúmina superior y una concentración de urea inferior que los que permanecieron en anoestro probablemente refleja una mayor eficiencia en la utilización del alimento en los animales que reiniciaron la actividad ovárica. Es decir, las demanadas energéticas de la lactación fueron compensadas mediante un cambio en el metabolismo del nitrógeno.

Reprise De l'Activite Ovarienne Chez Des Femelles Zebus (Bos Indicus) Dans Les Pays Tropicaux Humides: Influence De l'Etat De Sante Et Des Teneurs De Certains Composants Sanguins Lies A l'Alimentation
Résumé Cette étude examina la relation centre la reprise de l'activité ovarienne et l'état de santé d'un groupe de 20 femelles zébus des pays tropicaux humides. Les profiles chimiques du sang furent aussi analysés pour contrôler l'état nutritionnel. La teneur en progestérone du plasma fut utilisée pour déterminer l'activité ovarienne. Pendant l'étude, qui dura 18 semaines après le vêlage, sept animaux reprirent une activité ovarienne alors que treize restèrent à un stade sans oestrus. Le début de la première phase lutéale fut enregistré au jour 87±19 (écart 60–106). Les animaux qui reprirent des cycles furent de façon significative en meilleure condition physique et eurent un poids moyen significativement superieur aux femelles sans oestrus. Dans le groupe qui reprit une activité ovarienne, les teneurs en calcium diminuèrent de façon significative trois semaines avant la première montée de progestérone du premier cycle normalisé. L'étude fut divisée en deux périodes correspondant aux semaines 0–8 (phase I) et 9–18 (phase II) se basant sur le fait que les animaux furent tous inactifs du point de vue reproductif jusqu'a la huitième semaine. Pendant la phase I, il n'y eut pas de différences significatives entre les groupes pour les concentrations sanguines en albumine, glucose, urée, cholestérol, calcium et phosphore. Pendant la phase II l'albumine fut de façon significative plus élevée et l'urée plus basse chez les femelles reprenant une activité ovarienne. Les résultats suggèrent que les femelles capables de maintenir leur condition physique pendant toute la période du vêlage auront un premier oestrus plus rapide que les femelles ayant perdu du poids. Les teneurs plus faibles en urée et plus fortes en albumine chez les animaux ayant un cycle reflètent probablement d'une meilleure efficacité dans la nutrition. Les demands en lactation furent compensées par l'altération due métabolisme azoté.
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