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The objective of this retrospective study is to determine normal reference values for 2-Dimension (2D) and Motion-mode (M-mode) echocardiographic parameters in nonsedated healthy young adult Sphynx cats and to compare them to those of the domestic shorthair (DSH). 131 Sphynx cats underwent cardiac screening prior to breeding. The control group consisted of 30 healthy adult domestic cats. A complete cardiac ultrasound was performed on all cats using right parasternal long and short axis views. There were few echocardiographic parameters in the Sphynx that differed from those of the healthy DSH. Only the left atrial (LA) dimension in 2D and M-mode, the left atrial/aortic (LA/Ao) ratio and the internal dimension of the left ventricle in systole (LVIDs) measured with M-mode were different. In conclusion, although the heart of Sphynx cat can often have a particular 2-D echocardiographic appearance, the M-mode cardiac dimensions are similar to those of the DSH.  相似文献   
Influence of mineral nutrition on the predisposition of Phaseolus vulgaris against Colletrotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc.et Magn.) Br.et Cav. I. Effects of different mineral nutrients and leaf-age on the disease severity 1. The N-concentration between 2–12 mMol N/I did hardly influence the disease, higher concentrations up to 52 mMol/I led to a severe disease increase. Potassium at concentrations of 5–10 mMol/I showed little effect on disease, higher concentrations up to 50 mMol also strongly increased the predisposition. 2. Calcium had a remarkable influence on symptom expression. Lower concentrations (1.15–0.25 mMol/I) increased the symptoms, higher concentrations up to 4.25 mMol/I reduced the disease, but only at a high disease level resulting from high N- or K-concentration. 3. The influences of Mg, P and Fe were of minor importance. 4. Usually, bean-leaves show resistance against C. lindermuthianum when the leaves are old. This is prevented by high N- and K-concentrations. 5. The change of predisposition related to the N- and K-concentration in the nutrient solution was confirmed with 3 additional bean varieties (‘Comtessa’ ‘Perry Marrow’, ‘Pizzaro’). No further increase of disease severity could be achieed with variety ‘Wavero’ which was generally very sensitive. 6. The monogenic resistance of incompatible combinations (‘Titan’/δ and ‘Titan’/λ) could not be changed with high N- or K-concentrations.  相似文献   
Effect of applications of phenyl-ureas, -carbamates and -amides on synthesis of sugar in carrots . In field and pot trials with mineral and peaty soil respectively lower moor the synthesis of sugar was studied with carrots treated with herbicides of the type of phenyl-ureas, -carbamates and amides. In field trials the success of the chemical weed control determines the yield and sugar content. In pot trials the application of herbicides diminishes the yield and formation of sugar. From the 3 predominant sugars of carrots (glucose, fructose and sucrose) the disaccharid is reduced the most in spite of frequently unchanged respectively slowly increased reducing sugars. It is supposed, that the synthesis of disaccharides from monosaccharides is inhibited by an increased activity of phosphatase.  相似文献   
Influence of mineral nutrition on the predisposition of Phaseolus vulgaris against Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. et Magn.) Br. et Cav. II. Organic and anorganic components in relation to predisposition with varying N-, K- and Ca supply
  • 1 The predisposition of Phaseolus vulgaris vs. Colletotrichum lindemuthianum was increased with higher N- and K-concentrations in the nutrient solution.
  • 2 No correlation between these changes of susceptibility and organic plant constituents, the content of which was also influenced by the nutrition (total carbohydrates, chlorophyll, total N, precipitable N, total protein, individual amino acids).
  • 3 Analysis of inorganic plant constituents (K, Ca, Mg, Fe, at increased N- and K-nutrition showed a negative correlation between the predisposition and the content of Ca and, to a lesser extent of Mg.
  • 4 The influence of N-nutrition on the susceptibility was only related to the ammonium-ion. The nitrate concentration in the nutrient solution had no effect.
  • 5 The predisposition was also influenced by Ca-nutrition: low Ca-concentration in the nutrient solution, low Ca-content and high susceptibility, on the other hand high Ca-concentration, high Ca-content and low susceptibility. At a certain level of Ca no further reduction of the disease level could be achieved (35 and 25mg Cdg dry matter for primary leaves and the third leaf, respectively).
  • 6 The relation between N- and K-nutrition and Ca-content is presumably caused by the ion uptake antagonism between K′, NH4′ and Ca2+.
A case of aortic valve dysplasia in a 6 year old male cocker spaniel is described. The dog was presented to the veterinarian because of strong dyspnea and frequent coughing. Clinical examination, EKG, radiographs and angiocardiography all pointed towards a tentative diagnosis of aortic insufficiency. Four months after the first appointment the dog was presented again with congestive heart failure, neural symptoms and strong abdominal pain. Electrocardiography and concentrations of LDH and CK were typical of myocardial infarction. Autopsy revealed a narrowing of the aortic valves in combination with a subaortic stenosis and several infarctions localized in the left ventricle as well as a recent infarction in the left kidney.  相似文献   
This case report describes an 11-year-old Belgian Malinois dog with acute onset of cough caused by aspiration of barium-impregnated polyethylene spheres (BIPS) and pneumonia following an episode of suspected gastric dilation. Although bronchoscopic retrieval of the BIPS was largely unsuccessful, the dog recovered uneventfully, with most of the BIPS being coughed out and swallowed over a 1-month period. Aspiration of BIPS should be considered a potential complication of their administration. Furthermore, endoscopic removal of aspirated BIPS is challenging and may not be indicated because of their inert nature and possible self-clearance.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung In Wasserkulturversuchen wurde der Einfluß verschiedener Mineralstoffernährung und anderer Wachstumsfaktoren auf die Enzyme der terminalen Atmung in Pflanzen untersucht (Ascorbinatoxydase, Cytochromoxydase, Phenoloxydasen, Peroxydase, Katalase) und mit den entsprechenden Ertragsbestimmungen in Verbindung gebracht.1. Steigende Kaligaben senken die Aktivität der Oxydationsfermente bei gleichzeitiger Zunahme der Substanzproduktion. Einseitig hohe Kalidüngung führt zu einem gewissen Ertragsrückgang, verbunden mit erneutem Anstieg der Enzymtätigkeit. Die Katalaseaktivität nimmt mit der Kalidüngung in der Regel zu; Pflanzen mit schwachem Kalimangel weisen vorübergehend eine stark erhöhte Katalasetätigkeit auf.2. Mit zunehmender Stickstoffernährung steigen die Erträge sowie die Aktivitäten aller oxydierenden Enzyme an. Pflanzen, die unter starkem N-Mangel leiden, weisen eine sehr niedrige Oxydasetätigkeit auf, dagegen führt schwacher bis mäßiger Stickstoffmangel zu einer auffallenden Betonung einzelner offenbar sehr wichtiger Atmungsenzyme.3. Eine Steigerung der Phosphorsäure erhöht die Aktivität der Atmungsenzyme ähnlich der Stickstoffdüngung, jedoch sind die relativen Unterschiede im ersteren Falle geringer. Bei schwachem oder mäßigem P-Mangel ist die Aktivität einzelner Enzyme stark überhöht.4. In Versuchen mit steigenden Borgaben finden wir die höchste Enzymaktivität unter ungünstigen Ernährungsbedingungen (Bormangel oder -überdüngung), die beide zu einer geringeren Substanzbildung führen. Optimal ernährte Pflanzen erzielen hohe Erträge bei normaler Atmungstätigkeit.5. Mit zunehmender Eisendüngung steigen Substanzproduktion und Aktivität aller Oxydationsenzyme an. Bei schwachem Eisenmangel sind einzelne Enzyme besonders hoch, in Pflanzen mit starken Mangelsymptomen dagegen alle sehr niedrig.6. Geringe Fluorgaben bewirken einen leichten Ertragsrückgang und eine schwach erhöhte Enzymaktivität. Höhere Fluorkonzentrationen führen schließlich zum völligen Zusammenbruch des Wachstums, begleitet von einem steilen Anstieg der Atmungsenzyme.7. Mangelnde Wasserversorgung führt zu einem starken Anstieg der Enzyme der terminalen Oxydation mit Ausnahme der Katalase.8. Licht hemmt die Aktivität aller untersuchten Oxydationsenzyme.
Summary The influence of mineral nutrition, different water and light conditions on the enzymes of terminal oxidation (Ascorbinatoxidase, Phenoloxidases, Peroxidase, Katalase) has been studied in plants.Rising amounts of potassium lowered the activity of oxidizing enzymes and increased dry matter production. Extremely high amounts of potassium depressed yields and increased enzyme activity again. Nitrogen increased both yields and enzyme activities. Plants suffering from severe nitrogen-deficiency showed a very low oxidation activity, whereas slight or moderate nitrogen deficiency emphasized the activity of a few single respiration enzymes. Rising amounts of phosphorus influenced these enzymes in a similar way — but with smaller differences than nitrogen. In experiments with boron the highest enzyme activity was found in plants suffering from boron deficiency as well as boron toxicity together with a low dry matter production in both cases. Plants well dressed with boron obtained optimal yields and a relatively low respiration. Rising amounts of iron increased dry matter production and activity of all oxidizing enzymes. Slight iron deficiency showed high activity of single enzymes. Fluorine caused severe depression of yields and high enzyme activities.Water deficiency increased respiration strongly. Light inhibited the activity of all oxidizing enzymes examined.

Resumé Les divers sels minéraux, et d'autres facteurs de croissance, donnés en milieu liquide (cultures sur solution) ont été étudiés quant à leur action sur les enzymes de la respiration terminale des végétaux (Oxydase de l'acide ascorbique, cytochromoxydase, phénoloxydase, peroxydase, catalase), en rapport avec les divers rendements obtenus sur ces milieux.1) Des doses croissantes d'ions K diminuent l'activité des ferments d'oxydation, tandis que la production de matière sèche croît. Une fumure potassique forte et déséquilibrée conduit à une certaine diminution de rendement, liée à une nouvelle augmentation de l'activité enzymatique. L'activité de la catalase augmente en général avec la fumure potassique; toutefois, des plantes souffrant d'une faible carence potassique ont montré passagèrement une augmentation de l'activité enzymatique.2) Des doses croissantes d'azote augmentent les rendements ainsi que l'activité de tous les enzymes d'oxydation. Les végétaux qui souffrent d'une forte carence en N, montrent une activité oxydasique faible; ceux qui sont soumis à une carence faible, ou modérée de N, montrent déjà une activité considérable de certains enzymes respiratoires apparemment fondamentaux.3) Des doses croissantes d'acide phosphorique augmentent l'activité des enzymes respiratoires, comme le fait l'azote; toutefois les différences relatives sont plus faibles dans ce cas. Dans le cas de carences faibles ou modérées en P, l'activité de certainens zymes est fortement exagérée.4) Dans le cas de doses croissantes de bore, le maximum d'activité enzymatique se place dans les conditions de nutrition les moins favorables (carence en bore, ou excès de bore), conditions qui conduisent l'une et l'autre à des diminutions de récoltes. Des plantes recevant la nourriture optima donnent de bons rendements, pour une activité respiratoire normale.5) Dans le cas de fumures en fer croissantes, la production de matière sèche, l'activité de tous les enzymes d'oxydation augmentent parallèlement. Pour une faible carence en fer, certains ferments sont remarquablement actifs chez les végétaux; pour une forte carence, tous les ferments sont sans exception à des taux très bas.6) De petites quantités de fluor déterminent une petite diminution de rendement, et une petite augmentation de l'activité enzymatique. Des quantités plus considérables de fluor arrêtent complètement la croissance, tout en augmentant brutalement le taux d'enzyme.7) Une alimentation en eau insuffisante détermine une forte augmentation des enzymes de l'oxydation terminale, à l'exception de la catalase.8) La lumière inhibe l'activité de tous les enzymes étudiés.

Aus dem Agrikulturchemischen Institut Weihenstephan

Auszug aus der Habilitationsarbeit, Techn. Hochschule München-Weihenstephan 1959.  相似文献   
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