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Dwarf shrub litter is thought to be of poor quality and palatability for macro-decomposers. In laboratory feeding experiments, however, it was found that this litter type represents a potential food source for earthworms and millipedes. Here we tested whether this is true under natural conditions by conducting a 1 year field experiment on an abandoned alpine pasture in Tyrol (Austria). As the natural isotopic signatures of plant litter do not allow discriminating between different plant species, dwarf shrub litter, artificially enriched in 15N, was offered in experimental plots to the macro-decomposer community. Both the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus and the millipede Cylindrojulus fulviceps fed on dwarf shrub litter as indicated by their increased δ15N signatures, but IsoError analysis indicated a clear preference for grass litter for all macro-decomposer species investigated.Soil δ15N signatures were only marginally affected by the experimental provision of 15N-enriched dwarf shrub litter, whereas litter from other, unlabelled, plants became enriched by the isotopic tracer to some extent. Except for one grass species, plants harvested at the end of the experiment were not enriched in 15N, suggesting that the N-uptake from decomposing litter material by plants on abandoned alpine pastureland is slow.  相似文献   
Background, Aim and Scope   One of the first occurrences of pharmaceutically active compounds in groundwater was reported from the sewage irrigation farms south of Berlin. At these sewage irrigation farms treated sewage effluent passed the soil and unsaturated zone before reaching the aquifer. Clofibric acid was detected in pore water from soils of those sewage irrigation farms in concentrations between 65 ng/L and 1430 ng/L. The aim of this study was to investigate the transport behavior of regularly detected clofibric acid, diclofenac, ibuprofen, and propyphenazone under conditions comparable to those at the sewage irrigation farms in a multiple compound sand column laboratory experiment. Materials and Methods   Sediment column experiments were conducted to study the transport of pharmaceuticals in the unsaturated zone. The migration was measured in fine to medium grained sand and leaching solution containing 1 mg/L of pharmaceutically active compounds and 61 mg/L of the tracer lithium chloride (LiCl). For the analysis of the pharmaceutical compounds the water samples were adjusted to a pH value of 2 and then extracted by solid-phase extraction (SPE). Before extraction, the samples were spiked with a surrogate standard for analytical quality control. The sample extracts were analyzed by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) with selected ion monitoring (SIM). Depending on the sample volume (100 to 200 mL) and the matrix, the limits of detection were between 1 and 10 ng/L, and the limits of quantitation were between 5 and 25 ng/L. Analysis for calcium, magnesium and lithium were carried out using a 'Trace Scan' ICP-AES from Thermo Jarrel Ash. Sodium, potassium, iron and manganese were analyzed using a Philips PU 9400 flame AAS. Analysis of anions was performed on a Dionex ion chromatograph DX 120. Results   At the sewage irrigation farms the average concentrations of clofibric acid in the unsaturated zone declined from higher values near ground surface (480 ng/L) to lower values near the groundwater table (65 ng/L). From the pharmaceuticals analyzed only clofibric acid, primidone and propyphenazone could be analyzed in the first (upper) aquifer at the sewage irrigation farms. All other pharmaceuticals could neither be detected in the first aquifer nor in the deeper aquifers. Breakthrough curves from soil column experiments revealed no transformation and no retardation for clofibric acid, whereas transformation of diclofenac was so high (79%) that no retardation factor could be calculated. Ibuprofen was significantly transformed (37%), transformation of propyphenazone (17%) was quite low and retardation (Rf = 2.05) was in the range of previously conducted column experiments. Discussion   The results confirm previously conducted experiments with clofibric acid where this compound was identified as highly mobile and persistent. The results that diclofenac and ibuprofen are significantly transformed where unexpected as other studies exhibited much lower transformation under saturated conditions at least for diclofenac. However, lower pH values and higher oxygen contents in the unsaturated zone compared to the aquifer may explain this observed high transformation of these compounds at the column experiments. Conclusions   We conclude that irrigation with sewage effluent containing the compounds used in our experiments will lead to an input into groundwater of clofibric acid, whereas diclofenac and ibuprofen will most likely be transformed during the passage. Propyphenazone will be retarded but will most likely occur in groundwater. These results from the column experiments coincide very well with the occurrence of the pharmaceuticals clofibric acid, primidone, and propyphenazone in the first aquifer. Recommendations and Perspective  : The results underline the need to study the sorption of pharmaceuticals on various materials. e.g. organic matter, surfaces at pH values occurring in the unsaturated zone. Future field studies will also include the investigation of desorption behavior in the unsaturated zone.  相似文献   
Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae) is a highly polyphagous invasive pest threatening fruit production in the Americas and Europe. The current knowledge of its host plants is mainly based on oviposition and larval development in fruits, while little is known on the diet of the adult flies. This information is important for developing effective control strategies. Here, we examine DNA-based techniques to determine food plants of D. suzukii. Adult flies were fed with raspberries (Rubus idaeus) and allowed to digest up to 72 h after feeding. Raspberry DNA was detected by diagnostic PCR for up to 48 h post-feeding with a significant negative effect of time on DNA detection success but no significant differences between male and female flies in detection probabilities. As D. suzukii walks on plants, its body surface can get contaminated with DNA. With a bleaching experiment, we succeeded to remove contaminating external plant DNA, while the DNA in the gut content stayed unaffected. Finally, field-collected flies were subjected to a next-generation sequencing approach, demonstrating that plant DNA from different host plants can be efficiently detected in both bleached and non-bleached specimens. In order to safeguard against erroneous host plant detections, we recommend bleaching flies before they are subjected to DNA extraction. The current findings encourage the use of DNA-based gut content analysis in D. suzukii to obtain a better understanding of its feeding ecology which is a prerequisite for developing successful control strategies.  相似文献   
Scavenging presumably is common among invertebrate generalist predators, however, only few studies have specifically dealt with the consumption of dead prey. Here consumption of dead and living prey within a guild of generalist predators was investigated using mesocosm experiments and DNA-based gut content analysis. A community of predators including carabids, staphylinids and spiders was released into 0.2 m2 mesocosms, planted with wheat and infested with grain aphids Sitobion avenae. At predator release, freshly killed bird cherry-oat aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi, were provided as carrion prey at the soil surface. Two days after predator release, predators were collected and their gut content screened for DNA of both aphid species using multiplex PCR. Comparing detection frequencies of DNA from living and dead prey, we found that all predators frequently consumed dead aphids, except for the lycosid spider Trochosa ruricola which exclusively fed on S. avenae. In contrast, in the tetragnathid spider Pachygnatha degeeri, supposed to feed mainly on living prey, detection rates of R. padi DNA were high. Our findings support previous assumptions that many generalist predators are facultative scavengers. This needs to be considered for the interpretation of field-derived data using approaches of gut content analyses as well as when assessing predators’ pest control potential.  相似文献   
Although a significant proportion of plant tissue is located in roots and other below-ground parts of plants, little is known on the dietary choices of root-feeding insects. This is caused by a lack of adequate methodology which would allow tracking below-ground trophic interactions between insects and plants. Here, we present a DNA-based approach to examine this relationship. Feeding experiments were established where either wheat (Triticum aestivum) or maize (Zea mays) was fed to Agriotes larvae (Coleoptera: Elateridae), allowing them to digest for up to 72 h. Due to the very small amount of plant tissue ingested (max = 6.76 mg), DNA extraction procedures and the sensitivity of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) had to be optimized. Whole-body DNA extracts of larvae were tested for the presence of both rbcL and trnL plastid DNA using universal primers. Moreover, based on cpDNA sequences encoding chloroplast tRNA for leucine (trnL), specific primers for maize and wheat were developed. With both, general and specific primers, plant DNA was detectable in the guts of Agriotes larvae for up to 72 h post-feeding, the maximum time of digestion in these experiments. No significant effect of time since feeding on plant DNA detection success was observed, except for the specific primers in maize-fed larvae. Here, plant DNA detection was negatively correlated with the duration of digestion. Both, meal size and initial mass of the individual larvae did not affect the rate of larvae testing positive for plant DNA. The outcomes of this study represent a first step towards a specific analysis of the dietary choices of soil-living herbivores to further increase our understanding of animal-plant feeding interactions in the soil.  相似文献   
To understand soil food webs, empirically generated data on the trophic connections and the feeding ecology of the major below-ground animal taxa are needed. Here we used stable isotope analysis to assess the trophic ecology of wireworms, the larvae of click beetles, in Central European arable land. Wireworms are amongst the major soil macroinvertebrates and are of practical importance in arable soils. Besides feeding on crops, they are thought to feed on weeds, soil organic matter (SOM), and even animal prey, but their feeding ecology is poorly studied under natural conditions. Elaterid larvae and their putative feeding substrates—plant roots, SOM, and litter—were sampled at 17 locations in Austria, Germany, and Italy and their isotope ratios of carbon (12C/13C) and nitrogen (14N/15N) measured to determine the wireworms’ trophic level, the importance of SOM and weeds within the diet of Agriotes larvae, as well as the individual diet variation in Agriotes obscurus larvae. δ15N signatures suggested that Agriotes larvae are predominately herbivorous, whereas the other wireworm species primarily fed on animal prey. In contrast to SOM, weeds were readily eaten by Agriotes larvae: their dietary contribution ranged between 28% and 67% in weedy maize fields. Most A. obscurus larvae fed on a mixed diet of weeds and maize, although ~15% of the larvae fed primarily on one of the two food sources only. δ15N signatures indicated that ~10% of the “herbivorous” A. obscurus larvae fed primarily on animal prey, revealing high intraspecific trophic plasticity in these soil insects. Wireworm feeding behaviour is apparently complex at the individual level: the population consists of types A and B generalists, a phenomenon which needs further assessment.  相似文献   
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