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In a flock of 290 sheep, a total of 20 ewes (6.9%) with an age range of 1.5-4 years, developed a nonpruritic dermatitis characterized by alopecia/hypotrichosis, erythema, hyperpigmentation, crusting, superficial ulcers, exudation and thickening of the skin that was localized mainly to the peri-ocular area. Frequent and massive feeding of swarming sucking flies on the lesional sites was witnessed. In every instance (n = 6), Staphylococcus aureus was cultured from the exudate and the aseptically obtained skin biopsy samples from both recurrent and new cases. The main predisposing factor was the presence of small troughs, which forced the sheep to compete for food. Intramuscular administration of cefalexin for 7 days resulted in the resolution of lesions over a 2-week period. No further cases or recurrences were seen over the 16-month follow-up period. The main histopathological feature of this skin disease was a superficial and deep, perivascular to interstitial eosinophilic and mononuclear dermatitis.  相似文献   
Solute (NaCl) miscible displacement experiments are performed on long disturbed soil columns to determine the hydrodynamic longitudinal dispersion coefficient and correlate it with the variability of the local permeability. The solute concentration, averaged over several cross-sections along the soil column, is monitored by measuring the electrical resistance between rod electrodes. The measured solute concentration breakthrough curves are fitted simultaneously with the one-region and two-region analytical models of the 1-D advection–dispersion equation to estimate the longitudinal dispersion coefficient, D L, as a function of Peclet number, Pe, for common groundwater flow velocities (2?<?Pe?<?50). Macroscopic simulations of miscible displacement in 2-D porous media described by a periodic permeability field with low, moderate and high variability are employed to evaluate the predictability of the one-region and two-region models, and the sensitivity of the dispersion coefficients and flow velocities estimated from soil column displacement tests to the variance of local permeability. When the variability of the local permeability becomes high, the one-region model fails, while the two-region model is capable of reproducing satisfactorily the breakthrough curves, and providing reliable values of dispersion coefficients. The two mean pore velocities estimated by the two-region model represent, on average, a fast and a slow mean velocity of the dispersion front, whereas their difference is a measure of the transient evolution of the width of the equi-concentration dispersion front.  相似文献   
The determination of the two-phase flow coefficients (such as the capillary pressure, Pc, and relative permeabilities, krw, kro) is of a key importance to model the two-phase flow processes taking place during contaminant transport in subsurface. In the present work, transient immiscible displacement experiments are performed at various flow rates on long disturbed soil columns. The capillary pressure-saturation-relative permeability relationships of soils characterized by narrow and broad grain size distributions are estimated with inverse modeling from rate-controlled displacement experiments and are correlated with the grain size variability and ratio of viscous to capillary forces (capillary number). A soil core holder assembled with electrodes is constructed to monitor the axial distribution of water saturation. A new technique is developed to determine the water saturation averaged over successive segments of the soil column by measuring the transient responses of the electrical resistance between vertical ring electrodes. The transient responses of the average oil (water) saturation in five segments along with the total pressure drop across the soil column are introduced into an inverse modeling numerical solver of the macroscopic two-phase flow equations to estimate simultaneously the capillary pressure and relative permeability curves under dynamic conditions. The water and oil relative permeabilities increase drastically with the capillary number, while the capillary pressure curve of soils with broad grain (pore) size distribution is wider than that of soils with narrow grain (pore) size distribution. For soils with high variability of grain sizes, the irreducible wetting phase saturation is higher, the relative permeability curves are sharper and the end oil relative permeability is higher compared to soils with low variability of grain sizes.  相似文献   
墨西哥锡那罗亚是拉丁美洲最重要的粮食生产区。2009年以来,霜冻和大风不断袭击该区,造成作物减产25%,损毁作物17万hm2,每年损失粮食折合5亿美元。在锡那罗亚州,引种麻竹作为一种主要的经济作物,可以弥补因气候变化导致的粮食损失,并可为墨西哥西北部地区增加17万hm2的竹林。麻竹鲜笋亦可销往墨西哥其他地区、美国南部和中美洲各国。文章旨在阐述当前气候变化背景下竹子资源为人类带来巨大效益的潜力,并可进行商业性生产。在中国的大力帮助下,在墨西哥设计建立了一个竹子商业性生产的试验项目,以此说明竹子在提高人们生活质量方面的潜力。总之,竹子及其相关产业的社会经济价值会极大地影响墨西哥锡那罗亚人们的生活方式。  相似文献   
Recent advances in optical designs and electronic circuits have allowed the transition from passive to active proximal sensors. Instead of relying on the reflectance of natural sunlight, the active sensors measure the reflectance of modulated light from the crop and so they can operate under all lighting conditions. This study compared the potential of active and passive canopy sensors for predicting biomass production in 25–32 randomly selected positions of a Merlot vineyard. Both sensors provided estimates of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from a nadir view of the canopy at veraison that were good predictors of pruning weight. Although the red NDVI of the passive sensors explained more of the variation in biomass (R 2 = 0.82), its relationship to pruning weight was nonlinear and was best described by a quadratic regression (NDVI = 0.55 + 0.50 wt−0.21 wt2). The theoretically greater linearity of the amber NDVI-biomass relationship could not be verified under conditions of high biomass. The linear correlation to stable isotope content in leaves (13C and 15N) provided evidence that canopy reflectance detected plant stresses as a result of water shortage and limited fertilizer N uptake. Thus, the canopy reflectance data provided by these mobile sensors can be used to improve site-specific management practices of vineyards.  相似文献   
The effects of biosolids from tomato processing on soil properties and wheat growth were investigated in an Alfisol from central Greece. Biosolids were mixed with soil from the surface (Ap) or subsurface (Bt) horizon in plastic containers at rates of 1%, 5%, and 10% by dry weight (d.w.; equivalent to 10, 50, and 100 Mg ha–1). Biosolid treatments were compared to an NH4Cl application (50 mg N kg–1) and an untreated control in (1) a 102 d incubation experiment at 28°C to determine biosolid nitrification potential and (2) a 45 d outdoor experiment to evaluate effects on soil fertility and wheat growth. Mineralization of biosolids in the incubation experiment resulted in accumulation of nitrate‐N and indicated that biosolids were able to supply N that was in excess of crop needs in treatments of 5% and 10%. After 45 d of wheat growth, available soil nutrients (N, P) and P uptake by wheat were distinctly lower in the Bt than in the Ap horizon. However, soil pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, total N, nitrate‐N, extractable P, and exchangeable K increased with increasing rate of biosolid application in both soils. These were followed by corresponding increases in wheat nutrient uptake and biomass production, thus demonstrating the importance of this organic material for sustaining production in soils of low immediate fertility. Compared to the NH4Cl treatment (50 kg N ha–1 equivalent), biosolid application rates of 5% and 10% had higher available soil nutrients, similar or higher nutrient uptake and higher wheat biomass. But only an application of 10% biosolids provided sufficient N levels for wheat in the surface soil, and even higher applications were required for providing sufficient N and P in the Bt horizon.  相似文献   
1 电子化学习的现实意义和目的 按照动物源食品"农场到餐桌"的原则,即可追溯性、透明性、有标签,有关生产方法的研究应着眼于满足消费者需求.因此,在可持续的畜禽加工环节中,质量保障方面的知识和技能的重要性正逐渐上升,解决遇到的问题就要求有专业的技能.  相似文献   
This article deals with the impacts of past mining activities andinefficient water resources management on groundwater quality inthe Lavrio area. Thirty-three water samples were collectedduring March 1998 and were analyzed for major ions (Ca, Mg, Na,K, HCO3, Cl, NO3, SO4, PO4), trace elements(Fe, Pb, Ni, Zn, Mn, Cu, Cr, Cd) and water parameters (Temperature,pH, conductivity, hardness and SiO2). High concentrationsof heavy metals (lead, cadmium, zinc, nickel) are recorded ingroundwater samples in the Lavrio area. The highestconcentrations are recorded in the unconfined aquifer (alluvialdeposits and schists), due to mining activities. Qualitydeterioration of groundwater is also decumented and attributedto seawater intrusion and nitrate pollution of agriculturalorigin. The data were subjected to simple correlation analysisand R-mode factor analysis in order to examine the relationshipsbetween the parameters. There is a relationship between theelements participating in the sulfide (Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd) andiron-manganese mineralization and a strong relationship betweenNi–Cr. In the factor analysis a four-factor model is suggested,which can explain 72.5% of the total variance. The contributionof each factor at every site is also computed and maps showingthe geographical distribution are illustrated. The areas withhigh concentrations of heavy metals are defined from these maps.  相似文献   
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