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Salt cedars (Tamarix) are invasive halophytic species and heavy water consumers. However, Tamarix possesses interesting characteristics accounting for its opportunistic and resilient abilities: analogous to a miniature photodesalinization machine, it thrives on saline soils toxic to most plants. Here we observe, document, and reveal the salt separation process of T. ramosissima. Specimens were cultivated under controlled artificial conditions, then analyzed by microscopic and spectroscopic techniques. Tamarix ramosissima is shown to produce varied morphologies of salt crystal aggregates from vesiculated trichomes and possess the ability to separate anions and cations. Sodium chloride, potassium chloride (KCl), and potassium sodium sulfate [K2.25Na1.75(SO4)2] were major exuded salt crystal phases, with smaller quantities of other phases present. Compositions of crystals exuded by individual plants were consistent with compositions of the soils they grew on. Although T. ramosissima may be an invasive nuisance, it may possess other worthwhile attributes such as the potential to be a viable phytoremediator and environmental indicator.  相似文献   
不同白肋烟品种叶面腺毛密度的动态变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以6个白肋烟品种为材料,对烟叶成熟过程中叶面腺毛形态和密度的变化规律进行了跟踪研究.结果表明,叶面总腺毛密度随着烟叶的成熟呈下降趋势.移栽后56~86天,长柄腺毛密度逐渐减少,短柄腺毛密度明显下降.不同品种间腺毛密度差异明显,不同部位腺毛密度表现为上部叶>中部叶.长柄腺毛是白肋烟叶片上腺毛的主要类型.随着烟叶成熟,长柄腺毛所占比例逐渐增加,腺毛头部的分泌物增多充盈,到过熟期,腺毛萎缩、衰老和脱落的速度加快.  相似文献   
针对烟叶腺毛及其分泌物含量受烟株发育阶段的影响,采用广视野显微镜和GC/MS,分析研究了烤烟K326品种不同部位成熟叶片腺毛密度及其分泌物的变化情况。结果表明:不同部位成熟烟叶腺毛密度表现为下部<中部<上部;中部烟叶分泌物中的α-西柏三烯-4-醇、β-西柏三烯-4-醇、α-西柏三烯-4,6-二醇、β-西柏三烯-4,6-二醇的含量分别比下部烟叶增加了282%、240%、48%、80%,上部烟叶的上述四种分泌物的含量分别比下部烟叶增加了991%、687%、74%和129%。这说明对于同一烤烟品种,随部位的升高,烟叶腺毛密度增大,腺毛分泌物主要成分的含量也在增加。  相似文献   
烟叶腺毛密度及其分泌物对烟叶香气有重要作用,因此腺毛密度及其分泌物在烟草研究中具有重要意义。综述了烟叶腺毛类型、腺毛分泌物的主要化学成分和烟叶腺毛密度和分泌物的影响因素,以及腺毛分泌物的主要化学成分与烟叶香气的关系。展望了烟叶腺毛及其分泌物的研究方向和途径,提出烟叶腺毛及其分泌物研究的意义和目的。以期为烤烟烟叶腺毛密度及其分泌物的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   
为明确一种全身覆盖表皮毛的野生甘蓝Brassica incana(编号C01)是否具有抗虫性,通过测定菜青虫Pieris rapae对野生甘蓝C01和无毛甘蓝B. alboglabra(编号C41)的拒食、取食和产卵行为进行抗虫性分析,同时通过测定两者的内源激素含量、表皮毛发育相关基因表达量和防御酶活性探讨野生甘蓝C01对菜青虫的抗性机理。结果显示,生长至8~10叶期,无毛甘蓝C41叶片被菜青虫啃食严重,但野生甘蓝C01叶片未被啃食;菜青虫对无毛甘蓝C41和剪除表皮毛的野生甘蓝C01叶片取食面积差异不显著,但均显著大于对野生甘蓝C01叶片的取食面积;着卵的无毛甘蓝C41植株显著多于野生甘蓝C01。野生甘蓝C01叶片中茉莉酸和茉莉酸甲酯含量都显著高于无毛甘蓝C41叶片,而两者中水杨酸和水杨酸甲酯的含量差异不显著。BolJAZ1基因在无毛甘蓝C41叶片中高表达,而BolGL3和BolGL2基因在野生甘蓝C01叶片中高表达;且野生甘蓝C01叶片中多酚氧化酶、过氧化物酶和苯丙氨酸解氨酶3种防御酶的活性均显著高于无毛甘蓝C41。表明野生甘蓝C01叶片的表皮毛会影响菜粉蝶产卵,对菜青虫表现出显著抗...  相似文献   
茶树叶片毛状体含有多种次生代谢产物,在茶叶外观质量以及茶树响应生物和非生物胁迫方面起着重要作用。通过双荧光分子互补(BiFC)试验、GUS活性染色试验以及过表达试验对茶树叶片毛状体相关候选基因CsbHLH024CsbHLH133的功能进行鉴定。结果表明,CsbHLH024/CsbHLH133和CsTTG1蛋白在植物中能够相互作用,并且它们的启动子能够在叶片组织中驱动下游基因的表达。进一步将它们分别过表达到野生型拟南芥Col和对应的拟南芥纯合突变体中,发现它们能够影响拟南芥叶片毛状体的形成,恢复突变体的表型,并引起毛状体相关基因表达水平的变化。本研究为进一步揭示茶树叶片毛状体形成的分子调控机制提供理论依据。  相似文献   
以扫描电镜技术观察了桃(94-1-40)和2种猕猴桃(中华36和美味84)果实膨大期的表皮毛,并利用Im a-ging-PAM测定了其去表皮毛前后果实表皮荧光动力学参数。结果表明,桃果实表皮密布长圆锥状单细胞非腺毛,中华36果实表皮被覆瘪缩的单细胞毛,美味84果实表皮毛发达且分枝。去表皮毛后,3种果实表皮的F0和NPQ升高,Fv/Fm、Y ield、qP和ETR降低,这些参数的变化具有明显的种间和时间差异,而且其差异达到了不同的显著水平。这表明强光下3种果实表皮主要的保护机制很可能是依赖PSII反应中心可逆失活的热耗散。  相似文献   
A series of experiments was conducted to investigate the mechanism of Siinduced alleviation of Mn toxicity in pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch cv. Shintosa) which has been used as a bloom-type stock for grafting cultivation of cucumbers. In the first experiment, the effect of Si on Mn toxicity in the Shintosa cultivar was compared with that in the Super unryu cultivar which is used as a bloomless-type stock. Without Si supply, growth depression occurred in both cultivars at the levels of 100 and 500 µM Mn in the nutrient solution. The alleviative effect of Si on the growth depression was observed more distinctly for the Shintosa cultivar than for the Super unryu cultivar, and the effect became more pronounced with increasing Si levels in the nutrient solution. Regardless of the Mn levels, addition of Si did not decrease the Mn content of the plants. The relative shoot growth was reduced to less than 80% when the molar ratio of Si/Mn in the shoots was lower than 4.5. In the second experiment, Mn and Si in the lower leaves of the Shintosa cultivar treated with different levels of Mn with and without Si supply were extracted with 10 mM Tris-HCI buffer (pH 7.4). At the levels of 100 and 250 µM Mn, the amounts of Mn in the buffer-insoluble fraction increased in the presence of Si supply and the buffer-soluble Mn accounted for less than 9% of the total Mn in the leaf. In addition, more than 84% of the total Si was found in the buffer-insoluble fraction at each Mn level. Distribution of Mn and Si on the surface of the lowerú leaves of the Shintosa cultivar treated with 250 µM Mn with and without Si supply was examined by electron probe X-ray microanalysis in the third experiment; Both Mn and Si accumulated at high concentrations around the base of the trichomes in the presence of Si supply. Without Si supply, Mn was detected around the necrotic brown lesions in addition to the base of the trichomes. These results suggested that in the Shintosa cultivar, Si alleviated the Mn toxicity through a localized accumulation of Mn with Si in a metabolically inactive form around the base of the trichomes on the leaf surface.  相似文献   
本研究以野菊(Dendranthema indicum)和神农香菊(D.indicumvar.aromaticum)为研究对象,对比分析了其叶片的表皮毛形态、密度以及叶片表面分泌物种类和含量。结果表明,其叶片表皮毛主要有两种类型,一类是没有分泌功能的T-形非腺毛,一类是具有分泌功能的头状腺毛。T-形非腺毛在上下表皮的密度差异不大,而头状腺毛差异较大,主要集中在叶片的下表皮。两种植物材料叶片表面分泌物里共分析出73种化合物,其中大部分为萜类及其衍生物,共有的化合物有18种;野菊和神农香菊中分别分析出48、43种化合物,分别占分泌物总相对含量的90.96%和84.33%。  相似文献   
烤烟腺毛密度的遗传变异及配合力效应分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究结果表明 :烤烟腺毛密度在亲本间和杂交组合F2 代个体间存在着较大的遗传变异 ,F2 代不同个体腺毛密度的次数分布经卡方测验符合正态分布曲线 ,说明腺毛密度具有数量性状的遗传特征 ,其广义遗传率和狭义遗传率分别为 83 3%和 2 6 6 %.不同亲本腺毛密度的一般配合力方差和不同组合的特殊配合力方差均达到了 1%极显著水平 ;中烟 90和 8136的一般配合力效应较大 ,潘园黄×中烟 90、潘园黄×RG17、8136×红大和红大×RG17的特殊配合力效应较大 .  相似文献   
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