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Abstract – The different reproductive roles of the sexes can predict the direction and magnitude of sexual dimorphism of external and internal morphology. Males should have enlarged structures that enhance the acquisition of mating opportunities, whereas females are predicted to have enlarged organs that are associated with the production of eggs. We tested these predictions in male and female lake whitefish, a species in which both sexes have similar overall body size and shape. After controlling for body size, male lake whitefish had significantly longer jaws and pectoral and pelvic fins, larger hearts, and more muscle than females. Sexual dimorphism in relative muscle mass may be one of the most fundamental morphological differences between males and females. Females had relatively heavier livers than males. Because the liver is important for the breakdown of fats and vitellogenesis, selection should favour an enlarged liver in females for the processing of energy and the production of large numbers of eggs.  相似文献   
 本研究以硝酸盐营养缺陷型突变体(nit)和多菌灵抗性为遗传标记,在5个所选菌株中设计了3个玉蜀黍赤霉病菌Gibberella zeae的杂交组合,使各菌株之间进行杂交,从而诱导有性重组体。从各杂交组合的后代中任意挑选出3个有性重组体,比较了这些有性重组体与其亲本在无性和有性阶段的主要生物学性状。结果表明,玉蜀黍赤霉中的nit基因及对杀菌剂多菌灵的抗药性基因可以通过有性杂交的方式重组,即发生了有性重组。有性重组体与其亲本在菌落生长、培养性状和致病性方面没有显著差异;但某些有性重组体中,产孢量和产子囊壳能力方面存在一定差异。总体看来,有性重组体仍然保持了较高的适合度。因此,可以认为有性重组在玉蜀黍赤霉群体对多菌灵抗药性发生发展以及群体遗传进化中可能起着重要的作用。  相似文献   
虎皮鹦鹉发声行为学比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解虎皮鹦鹉发声行为的性别差异,采用计算机鸣声分析技术对虎皮鹦鹉的鸣叫行为做了研究,结果表明,雄性虎皮鹦鹉的叫声明显比雌鸟的复杂多变,但是鸣声幅度比雌鸟的小;随着虎皮鹦鹉的成长,雌雄鸟的叫声越来越复杂,幅度越来越高。说明虎皮鹦鹉的叫声具有明显的性双态性,并且叫声随着年龄的增大越来越成熟,30日龄虎皮鹦鹉的鸣声复杂程度已接近成鸟水平。  相似文献   
Rising temperatures and decreasing water transparency of lakes have strong wide ranging effects on fish. Fish responses to various changes in the environment are usually species‐dependent, but responses may also vary within species. In general, large individuals are considered to be more sensitive to environmental variation due to higher energy demand, than smaller individuals. Similarly, large individuals require more food to maintain bodily functions and are thus more sensitive to resource and food scarcity. These size‐specific responses to environmental gradients are also sex‐dependent in species that exhibit sexual size dimorphism (SSD). We studied in enclosures with short‐term experiments how rising temperatures and decreasing water transparency regulate the feeding rates of female and male European perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). To explore experimental results, we calculated perch SSD in nine lakes with varying environmental conditions using previously collected field data. The results of the experiments revealed that the combined effect of water transparency and temperature on the feeding rate of fish is gender‐dependent: feeding rate of females decreased more than that of males. The experimental results were also supported by field data that revealed a negative relation between water transparency and the magnitude of SSD in perch. Our results suggest that rising temperatures and decreasing water transparency may potentially decrease fish size in a sex‐dependent manner. As female size is one of the main demographic traits determining the reproductive success of a fish population, changing environments may have unexpected and far‐reaching consequences on fish population dynamics.  相似文献   
本文对昆虫嗅觉传导信息化合物的机理在监测物质开发方面的应用前景进行了综述。首先介绍了参与昆虫嗅觉传导的多种蛋白组分、关键组分OBPs和Ors缺失后对昆虫行为的影响;其次对昆虫嗅觉及其关键组分在害虫监测仪器的开发和高效诱集物质研发上的应用进行了阐述,以期提高害虫监测水平。  相似文献   
The age-related morphological changes of the testes in light ecotype Nigerian indigenous chicken were evaluated in this study using gross anatomical, histological and histomorphometric techniques. The results showed that the testes of 3- to 9-month-old birds were light pink while testes of sexually mature chicken were creamy white in colour. The left and right testicular weight, length, diameter, circumference and the organosomatic indices increased significantly (p < .05) with increasing age across the groups. Although the mean tubular diameter and epithelial height of the left and right seminiferous tubules increased significantly (p < .05) with age, the tubular diameter, epithelial height and luminal diameter did not vary significantly (p > .05) between the left and right testes of all the groups. The one-cell layer thick germinal epithelium of the left testes at 3 to 6 months old showed islands of cell proliferation that contained spermatogonia and spermatocytes. At 6 to 9 months, the left testes exhibited numerous early spermatids with occasional occurrence of late stage spermatids while the right testes showed scanty early stage spermatids. At 12 to 18 months, the germinal epithelia of both left and right testes were characterized by the presence of Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, numerous early and late stage spermatids as well as spermatozoa. In conclusion, the morphological features highlighted in the present study show that at pre-pubertal periods, the left testes may develop faster than the right testes. However, both left and right testes may participate actively in the production of spermatozoa during the post-pubertal life.  相似文献   
Based on the experiment, magnetizing characteristic and its mathematical model of iron for the reactance transformer DKB has been studied in this paper. Its simulating calculation model has been achieved and implemented by program. The result of the simulation is satisfactory compared with that of the experiment.  相似文献   
为明确黑龙江省采集自不同年份、不同地区的稻瘟病菌Magnaporthe oryzae的育性能力和交配型分布,采用2株标准菌株GUY11(MAT1-2)和KA3(MAT1-1)对2016—2017年黑龙江省西部、东部、中部3个地区经单孢分离的241株稻瘟病菌进行育性测定,并利用PCR技术对其交配型进行检测。结果表明,黑龙江省西部、东部、中部的241株稻瘟病菌中可育性菌株比例为11.62%,其中雌性菌株、雄性菌株、两性菌株分别占1.66%、4.56%和1.25%,不能判断其性别的未知菌株占4.15%。采集自不同地区、不同年份的稻瘟病菌可育性差异均较大,西部、东部、中部地区可育性菌株出现频率分别为13.25%、7.27%和12.62%;2016年采集的稻瘟病菌可育性较高,可育性菌株出现频率为25.30%。黑龙江省稻瘟病菌群体中同时存在MAT1-1和MAT1-2两种交配型,主要以交配型MAT1-1占优势,出现频率为58.92%,交配型为MAT1-2的菌株出现频率为8.30%。不同地区稻瘟病菌的交配型亦有差异,交配型为MAT1-1的菌株在黑龙江省东部地区出现频率最高,为72.73%,在中部、西部地区的出现频率次之,分别为61.17%和46.99%。表明黑龙江省水稻种植区的稻瘟病菌同时存在2种交配型菌株,其交配型存在丰富的多态性,但其可育性及交配型分布不均衡。  相似文献   
草地贪夜蛾种群性诱测报方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
草地贪夜蛾已经成为中国农业生产的重大害虫,准确地预测预报是指导防治的基础。本研究采用国产草地贪夜蛾性诱剂诱陷多测试了3种不同类型诱捕器对草地贪夜蛾的田间诱捕效果。结果表明,诱陷多有效期可达60 d以上,3种诱捕器中以桶型诱捕器诱捕量最高。实验室研究显示,不同日龄草地贪夜蛾雄虫精巢长轴长度有显著性差异,精巢长轴长度随日龄增加不断减小。据此规律,制定了按照精巢长轴大小判断雄蛾日龄的指标,并反演重构了田间雌、雄虫种群羽化的动态曲线。本研究表明,可以利用性诱到的雄虫的精巢发育状况推算田间种群的年龄结构,进而达到通过预测雌虫产卵与幼虫孵化动态指导防治的目的。  相似文献   
孙建璋  李生尧 《海洋渔业》1996,18(3):106-110
本文研究了羊栖菜的有性生殖和营养繁殖。前者包括生殖托的发生、精卵的排放及合子的发育与环境因子的关系。后者主要为定株观察假根再生芽的发生。本研究为羊栖菜的人工育苗和资源保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
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