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A botanical natural product,AkseBio2, was evaluated under laboratory conditions for its oviposition deterrent, ovicidal and larvicidal (nymphicidal) effects against the pear psyllaCacopsylla pyri (L.) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae). The product exhibited a strong oviposition deterrent effect for winterform and summerform females and caused a reduction in the total number of eggs laid in both choice and no-choice assays. Significant mortalities in freshly laid eggs (0–48 h) and various nymphal stages of the pest were recorded in toxicity assays. At a concentration of 0.1% (formulation), the highest biological activity of the product was recorded against the young (1st and 2nd) nymphal stages (up to 87.4% mortality) in comparison with the other biological stages of the pest. It was less active against the older (3rd-5th) nymphs, causing 62.1% mortality at the same concentration. In assays with non-target organisms, a significant negative effect was not observed. There were no significant changes on treated plants up to 7 days after treatment in any trial, nor was there any phytotoxicity on plant tissue as a result ofAkseBio2 treatments. The results suggest that the product can be used in psylla control instead of synthetic insecticides and may serve as an integrated pest management (IPM) component in pear orchards. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 14, 2004.  相似文献   
Populations of pear psylla,Cacopsylla pyri (L.) (Rhynchota: Psyllidae), and its natural enemies were sampled on pears in Antalya province during the years 2000–2002. Thirty-two species of predators and three species of parasitoids were detected to be associated withC. pyri in Antalya province. The heteropterans (especially anthocorid species) were the most abundant predator group. Among the anthocorids,Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), whose population was closely related to the dynamics of the pear psylla population, was generally the principal antagonist ofC. pyri. Other species recorded during the study were the miridDeraeocoris spp., the chrysopidChrysoperla carnea L., and many coccinellid species. Although these predators are polyphagous, as are theOrius species, their populations were related to the psylla fluctuations. Among the parasitoid complex belonging to the order Hymenoptera, the encyrtidTrechnites psyllae (Ruschka) was the only primary parasitoid. Two hyperparasites,viz., Syrphophagus mamitus (Walker) andPachyneuron aphidis (Bouché) (Encyrtidae and Pteromalidae, respectively), were detected in the surveys. Also, this study revealed new information concerning the pear psylla parasitoid complex in Turkey. WhileT. psyllae andS. mamitus are new records to Turkish parasitoid fauna,C. pyri is a new host record forP. aphidis. The population development and abundance of pear psylla and its natural enemies, as well as the parasitization rates in treated and untreated pear orchards, are presented here. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 6, 2004.  相似文献   
中国梨喀木虱是梨树上一种重要的专食性刺吸式害虫,为明确中国梨喀木虱卵的分布及变化规律,本文对梨生育期中国梨喀木虱卵的对空间格局及时序动态进行了调查研究。结果表明:中国梨喀木虱梨木虱在叶片上的产卵量有两次高峰,分别在5月下旬和7月上旬,单叶卵量分别达到18.1头/叶和22.8头/叶;卵集中分布在叶片主脉两侧、叶柄凹槽处内以及叶缘缺刻处,叶面较少,各处所占比例呈现动态变化;在树冠上、中、下三个垂直高度层和同一水平不同方位叶片的着卵量差异并不显著。研究结果对中国梨喀木虱种群生态学研究以及可持续治理对策的制定具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   
山植喀木虱(Cacopsylla sp.)属同翅目木虱科,是为害山楂树的一种新害虫,在国内尚未见报道。该虫在吉林省一年发生1代,以成虫越冬。第一代成虫和若虫4月中旬到6月下旬为害山楂树的嫩芽、叶片和新梢。从1987~1989年,我们通过田间调查和室内饲养,对该虫进行了系统的观察和研究。本文报道了山楂喀木虱的形态、生物学特性和化学防治措施。  相似文献   
梨木虱是河套地区影响苹果梨品质和产量的主要害虫,由于个体小,世代重叠严重,造成观察研究困难.为了提高研究的准确性和合理利用人工,必须调查其分布型,合理确定抽样数量,从而有利于梨木虱种群习性的研究.  相似文献   
【目的】研究采自云南的柚喀木虱 Cacopsylla citrisuga Yang & Li种群的遗传多样性.【方法】利用线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I基因(COI)条形码片段对采自云南瑞丽和石屏的柚喀木虱样本进行描述,并进行遗传距离和系统发育分析.【结果和结论】经鉴定共得到2种单倍型C1和C2,瑞丽种群的单倍型均为C1,而石屏的种群分化出了2种单倍型C1和C2.分析表明,柚喀木虱的最大序列分歧度特别低,仅为0.16%.此COI片段能很好地区分柚喀木虱与同属的其他几种木虱.  相似文献   
The phenolic ester 3-0-trans-p-coumaroyltormentic acid and the volatile compounds (E,E)-α-farnesene and methyl salicylate have been identified previously in pear tree cultivars ‘Bartlett,’ ‘NY10355,’ and ‘Conference.’ Here, using the same dried extract of leaf samples, the contents of total protein, chlorophyll, and the minerals calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sodium (Na), carbon (C), and nitrogen (N) were determined. Differences between pear cultivars were found with regard to their absolute content in Ca, K, chlorophyll, and total protein, and to carbon/nitrogen values in uninfested leaves compared with leaves infested by Cacopsylla pyricola (Foester) and C. pyri L. (Homoptera, Psyllidae) on partially and completely infested trees. The ratio of nutrients and minerals to the constitutive and Cacopsylla-induced phenolic and two volatiles reflects a diminution of the leaf quality as food for Cacopsylla nymphs in infested leaves of all cultivars. In uninfested leaves, the magnitude of this ratio in partially infested trees of cv. ‘Conference’ with local response, together with Ca ion content and chlorophyll loss, point to classification of this cultivar as tolerant to herbivory.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of Vivere + Vivo phyto, AVA + vinegar, AVA + urea, Vivere + Vivo urticae, calcium oxide, and Surround WP against pear psyllaCacopsylla pyricola (Foerster) was evaluated by recording the number of eggs, the number of nymphs, and the amount of honeydew produced by the psylla. Very promising results were obtained with all chemicals used. The effectiveness against psylla of the AVA + urea combination was the best and similar to that achieved with conventional chemical treatments. Moreover, trees treated with the above chemicals showed a lower percentage of natural infection by the fire blight pathogenErwinia amylovora than the untreated control trees. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 14, 2004.  相似文献   
梨木虱药剂防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王忠凤 《安徽农业科学》2008,36(15):6380-6382
[目的]寻求高效低毒的药剂防治梨木虱。[方法]观察了梨木虱的发生规律及为害情况,开展了实验室、田间药剂防治试验。[结果]梨木虱在宿州地区1年发生6代,卵孵化盛期是梨盛花期,其发生与温度和降雨有密切关系。吡虫啉、阿维菌素和莫比朗乳油2 000倍液的田间药效很好,30 d后对梨木虱成虫的杀虫率仍在95.0%以上。吡虫啉、阿维菌素、莫比朗乳油的2 000倍液和速灭杀丁1 000倍液的田间药效很好,杀卵率在94.0%以上。600倍液苦.烟乳油和200倍液加德士敌死虫的实验室药效较好,对若虫的杀虫率达95.0%以上,田间药效与吡虫啉、速灭杀丁相当。[结论]梨木虱成虫发生期首选吡虫啉、阿维菌素、莫比朗,若虫发生期首选苦.烟乳油、加德士敌死虫。  相似文献   
为明确梨木虱在不同品种梨树上的发生规律,于2015-2016年对天津市混栽梨园中3个品种梨树上中国梨喀木虱Cacopsylla chinensis的周年发生情况进行调查。结果表明,中国梨喀木虱冬型成虫在早酥梨树上的出现日期为2月底,在黄冠和晚秋黄梨树上的出现日期为3月上旬至中旬。3月中下旬始见第1代卵,4月上旬达高峰期,4月下旬孵化为若虫并达到高峰期,4月底至5月初始见第1代夏型成虫,5月上旬至下旬达高峰期;5月下旬第2代若虫孵化,6月初达高峰期,中旬成虫羽化,下旬成虫达高峰期;6月底至7月初第3代若虫陆续出现,7月上旬至下旬达高峰期,下旬成虫羽化;8月上旬第4代若虫出现,中下旬达高峰期;9月中旬第5代若虫出现,月底达高峰期。早酥梨树上中国梨喀木虱发生高峰期的数量显著高于黄冠和晚秋黄梨树上的数量,晚秋黄梨树上1、2代的发生量显著高于黄冠梨树上的发生量。  相似文献   
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