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本研究旨在探究产胞外多糖芽孢杆菌对蔬菜镉(Cd)积累及土壤结构的影响。采用以空心菜和茼蒿为供试材料的盆栽试验,研究了功能菌株Priestia megaterium YG35和Bacillus halodurans G20降低蔬菜吸收Cd的效果和可能作用机制。结果表明,与CK相比,菌株YG35、菌株G20及其胞外多糖处理显著增加空心菜和茼蒿可食用组织干质量(37.8%~115.1%),显著降低可食用组织Cd含量(21.9%~44.2%),并使茼蒿Cd含量(0.057~0.061 mg·kg-1)达到安全可食用标准,显著降低根际土壤有效态Cd含量(3.7%~11.7%),显著(P<0.05)增加根际土壤多糖含量(35.9%~49.5%)和蔗糖酶活性(15.3%~28.4%),促进根际土壤团聚体向大粒径转化。研究表明,YG35和G20及其胞外多糖能降低蔬菜对Cd的吸收,促进蔬菜生长,改善土壤结构,具有在Cd污染土壤上实现蔬菜安全生产的应用潜力。  相似文献   
为明晰江苏省农业废弃物资源分布格局并进行利用潜力评估,推进农业废弃物资源化利用,助力农业全面绿色转型,本研究借助GIS构建数据批处理模型,测算各区县水稻、小麦、玉米和油菜4种作物的秸秆和猪、牛、羊、家禽4种畜禽的粪便产生量,及其在肥料化、能源化方面的利用潜力理论值,并结合热点分析结果为江苏省农业废弃物综合利用提供政策建议。结果表明:2020年江苏省4种主要作物秸秆可收集总量高达3 972.00万t,以水稻和小麦秸秆为主,集中分布在江苏北部和中部。分析其肥料化利用潜力,理论上相当于1 511.89万t有机碳、12.04万t N、1.59万t P、24.49万t K,能源化理论上相当于1 617.52万t标准煤或6.5×109m3沼气;江苏省4种主要畜禽粪便产生总量为4 560.77万t,家禽粪便与猪粪最多,主要分布在东部边界和西北部地区。分析其肥料化利用潜力,理论计算相当于737.00万t有机碳、31.15万t N、29.86万t P和26.89万t K,能源化利用可折算成1 036.95万t标准煤或4.9×109m  相似文献   
利用沼液培养微藻可在收获藻生物质的同时回收碳、氮、磷养分,是沼液资源化利用极具潜力的途径。与光合自养相比,兼养培养可实现藻生物量快速积累,且对光、碳利用灵活,与透光性不佳的沼液相性较好,但目前缺乏相关研究论证其可行性。本文首先选取了小球藻 Chlorella sp.、蛋白核小球藻 Chlorella pyrenoidosa、栅藻 Scenedesmus sp.,以葡萄糖为碳源利用猪粪沼液对 3株微藻进行了兼养培养。结果显示,兼养策略可在大幅强化藻生物量积累的同时协同提升沼液污染物去除。其中,Chlorella pyrenoidosa展现出最佳的生物量及养分去除优势,培养7 d生物量可达1.51 g·L-1,为光合自养的6.12倍,沼液COD、氨氮、总氮、总磷去除率较自养分别提高了20、36、41个和32个百分点。本研究进一步考察了具备两种典型碳代谢路径的有机碳源(葡萄糖-三羧酸循环,乙酸钠-乙醛酸循环)对Chlorella pyrenoidosa沼液兼养培养的影响,发现葡萄糖相较于乙酸钠更适宜作为沼液兼养培养的有机碳源,且葡萄糖浓度与利用效率呈负相关,1 g·L-1葡萄糖浓度条件下Chlorella pyrenoidosa具有最高的单位有机碳生物量产率。此外,兼养微藻通过代谢葡萄糖可协同提升光合性能,使PSⅡ最大量子产量、实际量子产量、调节性能量耗散量子产量等维持较高水平,既弥补了沼液弱透光下光能不足,也强化了持续光照后的光系统损伤恢复机制。因此,本研究认为以添加1 g·L-1葡萄糖的沼液兼养培养Chlorella pyrenoidosa是克服沼液养藻光衰减等不利因素,强化微藻生物量产量及养分回收效率的有效方式,在畜禽养殖场沼液生物消纳与资源化利用方面有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   
为了探究长江十年禁渔后安庆江段刀鲚的生境履历,利用X射线电子探针微区分析技术研究安庆江段不同类型长颌刀鲚(Coilia nasus)和短颌刀鲚的耳石Sr和Ca微化学特征。结果显示,根据耳石Sr/Ca值的变化值将安庆江段的短颌刀鲚分为2类,一类是其比值为一直小于3.0的低值,表明其纯淡水的生境履历;另一类是其比值不仅有小于3.0的低值区,还有大于3.0的高值区(小于7.0),表明其不仅有淡水的生境履历,还有高盐度的河口半咸水生境履历。长颌刀鲚的耳石Sr/Ca值均具有小于3.0的低值区和大于3.0 (甚至大于7.0)高值区的显著波动,表现为典型的淡水、河口半咸水及海水的溯河洄游型生境履历,Sr含量面分析图谱也可印证上述结果。本研究表明,长江安庆江段刀鲚群体组成较为复杂,同时存在溯河洄游型、淡水定居型短颌刀鲚和溯河洄游型长颌刀鲚3种生态表型个体。  相似文献   
We studied the effects of an acute temperature increase (heat stress) on methane oxidation and methanotroph community structure in a laboratory-scale experiment with paddy soil. Methane oxidation was resilient, recovering already six days after heat stress, and later on even reached higher values than in the control. It was consistently shown by qPCR and by terminal restriction length polymorphism (T-RFLP) that type II methanotrophs increased over time. While this was a general trend, the initial increase of type II was much more pronounced after heat stress at 45 °C. Type I methanotrophs were inversely correlated to type II and temperature. Overall, heat stress is a potential factor shifting the community towards a dominance of type II methanotrophs.  相似文献   
我国蛋鸡养殖成本收益及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用多元线性回归方法对2006~2008年中国小规模、中规模、大规模蛋鸡养殖者的成本收益进行了实证分析.研究发现:精饲料价格是影响蛋鸡养殖成本收益的关键,提高鸡蛋价格也是促进蛋农增收的重要因素,鸡蛋产量的稳定增长对蛋鸡成本收益的提高作用很大.  相似文献   
马链球菌兽疫亚种类M蛋白亚单位疫苗小鼠免疫试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为获得控制猪链球菌病安全高效的疫苗,本试验进行了马链球菌兽疫亚种类M蛋白亚单位疫苗的研制。应用热酸法提取马链球菌兽疫亚种ATCC35246株类M蛋白,并分别采用羟基磷灰石(HAT)层析和冷酒精沉淀法进行纯化,结果得到较纯的类M蛋白。用热酸提取的粗制类M蛋白、2种纯化的类M蛋白及全菌苗免疫小鼠,结果保护率分别为92%(11/12)、100%(12/12)、100%(12/12)和83%(10/12),表明类M蛋白亚单位疫苗有进一步开发的必要。  相似文献   
This study was conducted to compare the efficacy of diet supplemented with non-microencapsulated lutein (NL) and microencapsulated lutein (ML) in laying hens. A total of 270 Hy-line Brown laying hens (54 weeks old) were allocated to three groups with six replicates of 15 hens and were adapted to a wheat-soybean meal basal diet for two weeks. Next, the control birds were fed the basal diet, and the test birds were fed the basal diet supplemented with 600 mg/kg NL (12 mg/kg available lutein) or 90.1 mg/kg ML (10 mg/kg available lutein) for 35 days. Supplementation of lutein did not affect the productive performance of laying hens, but improved (P<0.05) the yolk color and red/green value (a*), with eggs from the ML group displaying improved color and a* values from the 15th day of the experimental period. The blue/yellow value (b*) for the yolk showed an increase (P<0.05) through both NL and ML supplements. The yolk color of fried and boiled eggs and a* value of the yolk in fried eggs were improved (P<0.05) only through ML supplemented diet. Both NL and ML supplements resulted in lower (P<0.05) lightness and higher (P<0.05) a* values of yolk in boiled eggs, as well as higher (P<0.05) b* values in fried and boiled eggs. Yolk lutein content in fresh, fried, and boiled eggs was increased (P<0.05) in NL and ML groups with the latter being higher. In conclusion, ML improved yolk pigmentation and lutein retention in laying hens better than NL.  相似文献   
The chemical composition and microstructure of seven uroliths and four urinary sediment samples associated with the feeding of high-level cottonseed meal diet to buffalo calves were examined by chemical qualitative analyses, scanning electron microscopy ( ), X-ray diffraction, and X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry ( ). Struvite was a major component of kidney stones and of some bladder stones. The kidney stone sample appeared cracked under low power under , aggregated into tiny balls under high power, and as a bladelike structure under even higher power. The bladder stone samples appeared finely granular or granular with various forms of prismatic crystals. The urinary sediments were prismatic crystals, with granules. The newly found prismatic crystals, which were rich in potassium and similar to struvite in crystal structure, were identified as potassium magnesium phosphate (KMgPO4 · 6H2O) in some bladder stones and urinary sediments. However, crystals which contained Mg and P only, which had been used for struvite identification, were not found by examination in urinary sediments from fresh urine samples of buffalo calves fed the high-level cottonseed meal diet.  相似文献   
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