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本实验研究AF(厌氧生物滤池)+SBR(序批式活性污泥法)组合工艺对屠宰废水的处理效果,为屠宰废水处理提供一种科学经济有效的方法。AF+SBR组合工艺以3L/T的流量进水,总HRT为24h,厌氧12h,好氧12h,曝气量保持在30L/min,对屠宰废水的CODcr,NH4+-N,TP,TKN(凯氏氮)去除效果进行分析研究。实验结果表明,CODcr,NH4+-N,TP和凯氏氮去除率分别可达90%,95%,70%,90%,各项出水指标均达到了农田灌溉的标准。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to assess the diversity of thermotolerant Campylobacter spp. isolated from turkey flocks at six rearing farms 1-2 weeks prior to slaughter (360 faecal swab samples) and from 11 different stages at the slaughterhouse (636 caecal, environmental, neck skin and meat samples). A total of 121 Campylobacter isolates were identified to species level using a multiplex PCR assay and were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and flaA-short variable region (SVR) sequencing. All Campylobacter isolates were identified as Campylobacter jejuni. PFGE analysis with KpnI restriction enzyme resulted in 11 PFGE types (I-XI) and flaA SVR typing yielded in nine flaA-SVR alleles. The Campylobacter-positive turkey flocks A, C and E were colonized by a limited number of Campylobacter clones at the farm and slaughter. The present study confirms the traceability of flock-specific strains (PFGE types I, V and IX; flaA types 21, 36 and 161) from the farm along the entire processing line to meat cuts. It seems that stress factors such as high temperature of the defeathering water (54-56 °C), drying of the carcass skin during air chilling (24 h at 2 °C), and oxygen in the air could not eliminate Campylobacter completely. Campylobacter-negative flocks became contaminated during processing by the same subtypes of Campylobacter introduced into the slaughter house by preceeding positive flocks even if they were slaughtered on subsequent days. Proper and efficient cleaning and disinfection of slaughter and processing premises are needed to avoid cross-contamination, especially in countries with a low prevalence of Campylobacter spp. The majority of flaA SVR alleles displayed a distinct association with a specific PFGE type. However, a linear relationship for all strains among both typing methods could not be established. To specify genetic relatedness of strains, a combination of different genotyping methods, is needed.  相似文献   
【目的】 研究新疆地区某定点屠宰场和农贸市场中牛羊源沙门氏菌的污染和耐药性。【方法】 在新疆乌鲁木齐市某定点屠宰场、库尔勒市某定点屠宰场和农贸市场采集的胴体拭子、肉样、加工用具拭子841份,采用国家标准方法GB 4789.4-2016进行沙门氏菌的分离鉴定,并进行17种药敏纸片的耐药性调查。【结果】 共分离出47株沙门氏菌属,分离率为5.59%。在屠宰场中沙门氏菌污染程度依次为:胴体拭子<加工用具拭子<肉样。而在农贸市场中沙门氏菌污染程度依次为:加工用具拭子<肉样<胴体拭子。对17种抗菌药物均存在不同程度的耐药,耐药率为2.13%~59.57%。多重耐药沙门氏菌数量较多,其中有1株沙门氏菌耐12种抗菌药。【结论】 市场中沙门氏菌的多重耐药比屠宰场的严重。沙门氏菌在屠宰和市场环节均存在污染,且大多数都是耐药菌株。  相似文献   
畜禽废弃物无害化处理与资源化利用技术研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
畜禽废弃物中含有大量的有机物,也含有病原菌和抗生素残留物等有害物质,具有极大的环境污染风险,必需采取适当措施对其处理与利用。综述了国内外畜禽废弃物处理与利用技术,并对未来研究重点和技术趋势进行了展望,以期为解决我国当前畜禽废弃物环境污染问题提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
利用以UASB和接触氧化法技术为核心的工程处理设施和生物综合治理两项关键技术,分别对肉鸡屠宰场废水及下脚料进行综合治理研究。结果表明:工程处理设施可使屠宰场废水及下脚料的COD、BOD_5、SS和油类去除率分别达96.8%、99.6%、99.6%和99.4%。各项指标均达到GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》一级和GB13457-92《肉类加工工业水污染物排放标准》禽类屠宰加工一级标准,减少处理费25%。通过生物综合治理措施处理后的水质也达到上述标准,处理费用可以减少85%。  相似文献   
该文利用以UASB和接触氧化法技术为核心的工程处理设施和生物综合治理两项关键技术,分别对肉鸡屠宰场废水及下脚料进行综合治理研究。结果表明:工程处理设施可使屠宰场废水及下脚料的COD、BOD5、SS和油类去除率分别达96.8%、99.6%、99.6%和99.4%。各项指标均达到GB8978-1996《污水综合排放标准》一级和GB13457-92《肉类加工工业水污染物排放标准》禽类屠宰加工一级标准,减少处理费25%。通过生物综合治理措施处理后的水质也达到上述标准,处理费用可以减少85%。  相似文献   
胡菲菲 《湖南农机》2008,(5):138-139
本文从屠宰场污水对环境的影响角度出发,阐述了屠宰场污水中的危害有四部分组成,其中包括组成成分、地理位置已经病原体。然后综述了当前屠宰场污水处理集中工艺方法,着重阐述了好氧活性污泥法。  相似文献   
Controlling Salmonella in integrated broiler operation is complicated because there are numerous potential sources of Salmonella contamination, including chicks, feed, rodents, wild poultry operations, and the processing plant. The objective of this study was to investigate the distribution of Salmonella through all phases of two integrated broiler operations and to determine the key areas related to the control of all known sources of infection. Two different Salmonella serotypes were observed at integrated broiler chicken company A. S. enteritidis, the predominant company A isolate, was consistently found in the breeder farm, hatcheries, broiler farms, and chicken slaughterhouse. At company B, a total of six different serotypes, S. heidelberg, S. senftenberg, S. enteritidis, S. blockley, S. gallinarum, and S. virchow, were detected. Although S. heidelberg was not found in the broiler farms, it was consistently found in the breeder farm, hatcheries, and chicken slaughterhouse. In addition, S. enteritidis was found in the hatcheries, broiler farm, and chicken slaughterhouse. In order to obtain the genetic clonality, 22 S. enteritidis isolates were digested with XbaI and analyzed by pulsed-field gel electrohporesis (PFGE). A difference in the PFGE pattern was found to be related to the origin of the integrated broiler operation. These data support the critical need to control Salmonella in breeder farms and hatcheries, and demonstrate important points related to the control of infection in large-scale poultry operations of Korea.  相似文献   
为了解广东省广州市屠宰环节环境中沙门氏菌血清型分布及其耐药性,对广州市大型生猪、家禽屠宰企业环境进行监控,对比分析猪禽屠宰场污染的沙门氏菌主要血清型和耐药谱。采集屠宰场的空气、土壤、污泥样品,以及运输车辆、待宰圈/舍、屠宰车间等环境拭子样品,利用沙门氏菌特异性引物进行PCR扩增和测序鉴定;通过玻片凝集法,对PCR鉴定阳性菌落进行沙门氏菌血清分型;同时,对鉴定出的沙门氏菌进行12种抗生素耐药性分析。结果显示:55个样品池中,沙门氏菌阳性检出率为18.18%;猪禽屠宰场之间沙门氏菌污染率无显著差异(P>0.05),而不同类型样品之间差异显著(P<0.05),其中排污池污泥(75.00%)、土壤(33.33%)和屠宰车间(23.53%)污染率较高;猪屠宰场沙门氏菌优势血清型为鼠伤寒沙门氏菌(S.typhimurium),而禽屠宰场为肠炎沙门氏菌(S.enteritis);所有分离菌株对阿莫西林、氨苄西林2种抗生素完全抗药,对亚胺培南完全敏感,对头孢曲松、头孢他啶、头孢噻吩、氨曲南4种抗生素高度敏感。结果表明:猪禽屠宰场环境中,沙门氏菌污染较为严重,污泥、土壤和屠宰车间是沙门氏菌污染扩散的主要环节;猪禽屠宰场污染的沙门氏菌优势血清型并不同,且环境中污染的沙门氏菌都对部分常用抗生素产生了完全抗药。结果提示:应加强猪禽屠宰环节的沙门氏菌污染控制,将污泥、土壤、屠宰车间作为日常消毒的重点;基层应针对猪禽各自的优势血清型菌株,选用高度敏感抗生素进行沙门氏菌病防治。  相似文献   
采用沼泽红假单胞菌、保加利亚乳杆菌,酵母菌和有效微生物群组成不同组合,以pH值、浑浊度、氨氮浓度、亚硝酸盐氮含量、BOD_5值和COD_(mn)值为考察指标,研究不同微生物制剂对肉鸡屠宰废水生物降效果,结果表明:沼泽红假单胞菌、保加利亚乳杆菌和有效微生物群以25:25:1的比例组成的复合微生物制剂,以0.01%为添加量时效果最好。  相似文献   
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