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数字农业的发展对于农业现代化转型升级具有重要意义。根据江西省县域数字农业相关数据和文献资料,分析江西省数字农业发展现状,指出目前江西省数字农业发展存在数据服务配套不完善、小农户应用困难以及法律法规政策建设相对落后等问题,提出应加强数字农业信息服务支持力度、培育新型农业经营主体,以及强化政策顶层设计等建议。  相似文献   
Farmers are the key agents who manage land and water. Agriculture Green Development (AGD) requires a transformation in farming from high resource consumption and environmental cost to sustainable intensification with high productivity, high resource use efficiency and low environmental risk. This paper analyzes the public policy challenge of AGD and makes the case for a location-sensitive policy mix made up of regulation, advice provision, voluntarism and targeted incentives. The public agricultural extension service in China is a key resource, but one that requires reorientation and reform with the aim of better balancing high farm productivity with environmental protection.  相似文献   
黑龙江省作为农业大省,身系国家粮食安全与粮食储备重要任务,其优质农业生态环境是重 要基础保障。但是近几年由于追求农业经济快速发展,农民保护农业生态环境意识并没有跟上,造成 了农业环境破坏,影响了农业生态可持续发展。对此省政府也出台了一系列农业生态补偿政策,但是 在政策执行过程中仍存在政策执行不够到位、体系缺陷、监管薄弱和环境制约等问题,为保证农业生 态补偿政策有效执行,建议提升政府执行能力、完善政策执行体系、监督主体的多元化和优化政策执 行环境。  相似文献   
作为"乡贤研究会"首创之地和"新乡贤"概念诞生之地,绍兴市自然也是新乡贤队伍建设的先行之地,已经成为全国乡贤文化之乡和新乡贤队伍建设的标杆。绍兴市的新乡贤队伍建设,肇始于2001年上虞乡贤研究会的成立,在2015年的乡贤政策年臻于高峰。经过多年培育和发展,定位为"村民自治的有益补充"、起"补位和辅助作用"的近2万新乡贤队伍,在乡村经济、文化、公益、自治等方面发挥着积极作用,但与此同时也显现了新乡贤队伍建设流于形式、结构相对失衡,以及党政介入过度、党政机构与新乡贤组织职责和权力边界不清晰等问题。解剖这一领先全国的典型个案,对于其他地区的新乡贤队伍建设和现代乡村振兴,无疑具有较好的理论意义和现实价值。  相似文献   
The sustainable intensification of agriculture involves providing sufficient food and other ecosystem services without going beyond the limits of the earth’s system. Here a project management approach is suggested to help guide agricultural policy to deliver these objectives. The first step is to agree measurable outcomes, integrating formal policy goals with the often much less formal and much more diverse goals of individual farmers. The second step is to assess current performance. Ideally, this will involve the use of farm-scale metrics that can feed into process models that address social and environmental domains as well as production issues that can be benchmarked and upscaled to landscape and country. Some policy goals can be delivered by supporting ad hoc interventions, while others require the redesign of the farming system. A pipeline of research, knowledge and capacity building is needed to ensure the continuous increase in farm performance. System models can help prioritise policy interventions. Formal optimization of land use is only appropriate if the policy goals are clear, and the constraints understood. In practice, the best approach may depend on the scale of action that is required, and on the amount of resource and infrastructure available to generate, implement and manage policy.  相似文献   
基于手工搜集的1978—2018年中国政府颁布的206份农村环境管理政策文本,从政策发布年度、政策发布主体、政策发布形式、政策作用对象、政策工具及政策效力6个维度构建分析框架,运用政策文献计量和内容分析方法分析了中国农村环境管理政策的演进特征。结果表明:1978年改革开放以来,中国农村环境管理政策在数量上呈整体持续上升态势;农村环境管理政策经历了探索起步(1978—1989年)、初步形成(1990—2004年)、快速发展(2005—2013年)和全面推进(2014年以后)4个阶段的演进;政策发布主体的行政级别较高且呈现多元化特征,政策联合决策程度高,但政策之间统筹性和协调性较低;政策绝大多数以通知、意见等形式发出,缺乏权威性和规范性;政策的着力点主要在原生态保护层面,对农村人居环境整治的重视程度不够;命令控制型政策是政府最为偏好的农村环境管理政策工具,经济激励型、信息公开型和自愿参与型政策工具使用不足;政策整体效力的提升主要由政策发布数量驱动,政策反馈不足、政策措施较少和政策目标量化程度低是导致政策平均效力较低的主要原因。  相似文献   
China is the world’s biggest fishing nation and a major player in the global seafood trade. Its fisheries development can decisively influence the global seafood trade, food security and marine conservation. In recent years, significant changes have taken place in China’s fisheries management priorities, policies and regulations. In this paper, we review the evolving fisheries management practices in China to delineate changes in the management policies, methods and their performances from 1949 to 2019. We determined that the following issues impede the development, implementation and enforcement of fisheries policies and regulations, namely the large size of the fishing fleet, large and poorly organized fisheries population, the “hidden” fishing capacity, uniform management approaches that sometimes fail to account for local conditions, lack of clearly defined and allocated fishing rights, limited data quality and availability, insufficient fisheries monitoring programmes, absence of a robust scientific input framework and insufficient stakeholder involvement. Combining those problems with China’s current management initiatives, we propose recommendations for China’s future fisheries reforms. We hope this paper can inform China’s marine fisheries policies and provide valuable references for further researches related to China’s sustainable fisheries management.  相似文献   
美国奶业新特点、新趋势及对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国奶业发展历史悠久,其生产端、消费端乃至流通贸易方面长期积累的丰富经验,对中国奶业振兴具有一定的参考价值。笔者对2000年以来美国奶业生产、价格、消费、贸易等方面所呈现的新特点进行分析,对奶业相关的支持政策及其变化趋势进行梳理。研究发现,近年来,美国奶牛场数量向北部和西部集中,500头以上规模化牧场成为主流,奶牛存栏增加;技术进步推动奶牛单产突破10 t,生鲜乳产量接近1亿t。基于分级定价的乳成分定价机制不断完善,近5年生鲜乳价格低位运行,2019年快速复苏。乳制品加工业向龙头企业集中,奶酪是主要加工产品。乳制品消费逐年增长,年人均消费量达292.90 kg,奶酪是主要增长点且增速加快。乳制品贸易波动增加,出口目的地集中在北美、东亚和东南亚地区,品类以奶粉、奶酪和乳清为主。奶业产业支持政策广泛涵盖生产、消费、贸易等各环节,各政策间功能互补、协调配套,形成了强大的政策合力与综合效能。美国奶业在产业组织、运行机制、政策配套等方面的经验与做法,对推动完善中国奶业利益联结机制、优化生鲜乳价格形成机制、完善奶业支持政策体系和培育乳制品消费习惯等方面具有重要启示。  相似文献   
Surface runoff, erosion, compaction and the leaching of potential pollutants from land can degrade the soil resource and damage the water environment, reducing crop yields, causing loss of valuable nutrients and organic matter, together with increasing flood risk. Increasingly, it is recognized that scientific information must be translated into practical tools to change practices and protect the soil and water resource. Working alongside agencies in Scotland, we applied a suite of simple, transparent, rule-based models to identify areas most at risk of exporting sediment and pollutants that may degrade water quality based on field-scale (1:25,000) soil maps. The maps have been used by Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Scottish Water and Scottish Government to assess soil risks to waters from field to regional scale. The work brought scientists together with policy makers, agencies and the water industry to pool their knowledge to apply these practical tools for decision-making. It highlights the need to apply existing knowledge to answer salient questions. All three examples described show that providing the right type of information, which is based on fundamental soils data, can directly influence the implementation of policies, investment and monitoring decisions and provide evidence in support of government. However, this requires both researchers and agency scientists to develop skills as knowledge brokers and to normalize the use of soil data in everyday agency settings.  相似文献   
中国玉米市场形势分析与未来10年展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年,中国玉米产量再创新高,消费需求相对低迷,进出口同比下降,供求关系较为宽松,价格总体弱势运行。预计未来10年,中国玉米生产继续稳步增长,消费需求增速较快但将明显放缓,价格总体继续上涨,玉米进口将进一步扩大。最后,指出影响未来玉米市场走势的因素主要包括气象、政策、贸易以及通胀、汇率等不确定性因素。  相似文献   
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