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通过梳理相关文献发现,国外对有关森林资源治理问题的研究更为系统,以自然资源治理理论为基础,创新发展出强调公众参与度提升的协同性治理理念,关注公众参与的网络治理理论现已成为研究切入的新视角。文中以构建我国森林资源多层次治理网络为主线,结合国内外研究进展,提出一种适于我国的森林资源治理网络框架,以期推动森林资源治理问题的探讨,为治理途径的构建与创新提供借鉴。  相似文献   
人地协调视角下农村居民点利用质量评价与提升策略   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
农村居民点高质量利用是乡村振兴的一种具体表现,综合开展农村居民点质量评价、全面改善质量障碍要素是科学编制村庄规划和优化农村要素配置的基础。该研究以北京市平谷区为例,从土地集约利用和人居环境品质相互协调的视角界定农村居民点利用质量内涵并构建评价体系,综合运用熵权-TOPSIS法、变异系数修正的弹性系数法和障碍度诊断模型,对农村居民点利用质量进行评价并提出相应的提升策略。结果表明:1)平谷区农村居民点土地集约利用水平中等偏高,人居环境品质和农村居民点利用综合质量则中等偏低。2)平谷区农村居民点类型表现为中等质量主导、高质量次之、低质量偏少,对应着从脱钩F弱型、脱钩T弱型、正向挂钩F强型、负向挂钩F弱型、正向挂钩T强型、负向挂钩T弱型、正向挂钩T-F同强型、负向挂钩T-F同弱型的村庄数量依次降低。3)平谷区农村居民点高质量利用的障碍要素主要体现在规模强度、空间布局、生活环境和生产环境4个维度,从高质量到低质量利用类型,障碍因素数量增多、作用程度逐渐增大。4)平谷区应充分发挥生态环境优势,在"整体化、集约化、人本化和善治化"战略导向下,按照"高质量利用类适当优化、中等质量利用类同步调控、低质量利用类系统整治"策略,分类有序地推进农村居民点质量提升。  相似文献   
运动式治污实践效能的边界存在于行政主体职责同构和有限社会资源及政策工具选择的困境中。运动式治理在本质上视为以权威和目标责任为基础的环境威权主义的集中体现,具有一定的局限性。在科层化和社会化之间的运动式治理,应该持“有限否定”的价值取向,通过政府纵向有限“脱嵌”和公民横向“再嵌”摆脱路径依赖,构建顺应国家与社会双向运动力量的复合型治理模式,最终实现环境可持续常态化运作机制。  相似文献   
This paper conceptualises and evaluates so-called co-management zones as an approach for user participation in urban forestry, specifically in the management of public woodland edges bordering residential areas. Co-management zones can metaphorically be viewed as ‘ecotone-like’ spaces, i.e. zones where overlapping interest – in this case residents’ and municipal authorities’ – can be used to create richness and meetings rather than boundaries. Building on the perspectives of ecotone thinking and governance arrangements, co-management zones in the Danish residential area of Sletten in Holstebro were evaluated. The presented case study combined interviews with residents and interviews with three key green space professionals who had led the planning, design, establishment and management of the woodland and the implementation of co-management. The resident participation in the co-management zone was also assessed and photo documented in a field survey, categorising individual households according to type and degree of physical signs of participation. Findings illustrate the potential of co-management zones to initiate collaboration between residents and public woodland managers in creating recreationally valuable and varied meetings between private gardens and urban woodlands. Challenges with establishing co-management zones were also highlighted, especially the need for clear guidelines and continuous communication between residents and the municipality. Perspectives and implications related to residents, managers and green space quality are discussed.  相似文献   
健全乡村治理体系是乡村振兴的内在动力,现代化的乡村治理不仅能推动乡村振兴,而且是国家治理的重要组成部分。当前正值脱贫攻坚的关键期和乡村振兴实施的新阶段,乡村社会环境得到了极大改善,吸引了不少外出精英回归乡村,有部分甚至重返乡村社会的“前台”,成为乡村治理中创新的代表,其作用不可忽视。本文结合已有文献和调研实例,对返乡精英之于乡村治理的作用进行分析,认为返乡精英必然会影响乡村治理的体系,重构乡村治理的权力结构,成为乡村治理体系中重要的一方面,能有效推进乡村治理现代化的进程,推动国家治理体系与治理能力现代化的建设。  相似文献   
乡村地域系统环境污染演化过程及驱动机制研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
乡村地域系统转型发展过程中面临严峻的资源供给紧张、生产环境恶化、生态环境污染与功能退化等问题。乡村污染治理是实现国家乡村振兴战略与乡村系统可持续发展的重要保障。基于乡村污染物类型梳理与污染演变过程刻画,探讨了乡村地域系统环境污染的驱动机制。结果表明:从污染属性来看,乡村地域系统的污染物主要包括水体、土壤和大气污染物;在时间上,污染物从单项无机物逐渐演变为无机有机复合物,致使乡村地域系统环境污染从单一污染逐渐演变为复合污染和立体污染;在空间上,从城市近郊村、远郊村到一般农区的污染源与污染程度呈现递减趋势;乡村内部资源利用、生活和生产活动、污染治理体系,外部工业化、城镇化、全球变化、信息化等共同驱动乡村地域系统污染。未来应选择典型样带-样区-样点,研究不同乡村地域系统污染现状格局、驱动机制及其资源环境效应模拟评价,推动乡村污染治理与政策创新。  相似文献   
  1. Most MPA networks are designed only with ecological processes in mind to increase their conservation utility. However, since MPA networks often involve large geographic areas, they also affect and involve multiple actors, institutions, and policy sectors.
  2. A key challenge when establishing an effective MPA network is to align the ‘social system’ with the biophysical MPA network (the ‘ecological system’). This challenge is often denoted as ‘social–ecological fit’.
  3. Facilitating collaborative social interactions among various actors and stakeholders (social connectivity) is equally as important as accomplishing ecological connectivity. New analytical approaches are required to effectively examine this ‘social’ dimension of fit.
  4. An emerging marine reserve network in Jamaica and the recent invasion of Indo‐Pacific lionfish are used as a case study to: (1) examine the extent to which horizontal and vertical social ties bring local and national actors together to collaborate, coordinate, and share knowledge; and (2) assess the extent to which different attributes and features of such multilevel social networks may enhance or inhibit particular aspects of social–ecological fit.
  5. Findings suggest that multilevel linkages have played the greatest role in relation to enhancing fit in the marine reserve network in the context of the recent lionfish invasion. However, the long‐term propensity of the multi‐actor and multilevel networks to enhance social–ecological fit is uncertain given the prevalence of weak social ties, lack of a culture of information sharing and collaboration, and limited financial resources.
位于非洲东部的乌干达是初级林产品生产国,原木是其主要林产品。文中通过查阅相关文献资料,对乌干达的林业管理体系进行了梳理和分析,概述了乌干达森林资源和林产品贸易状况,重点介绍了乌干达林业管理机构与林业相关政策法规;在此基础上,对我国林业企业参与乌干达森林资源合作开发与利用提出建议。  相似文献   
世界自然保护地治理模式发展趋势及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自然保护地的治理模式对于保护地保护目标的实现具有关键作用,改善治理可以帮助保护区实现生态、社会、经济和文化效益的最大化。文中介绍了国际上自然保护地治理模式的类型、应用现状并总结了未来的发展趋势;在此基础上结合我国自然保护区的管理问题及我国当前国情分析,笔者认为当前我国自然保护区的治理模式应适当创新,逐步引入政府委托第三方治理、联合治理模式,现阶段形成以政府直接治理为主、其他治理模式为辅的多种治理模式并存局面。  相似文献   

Protected area systems (PAs) have the potential to conserve natural resources and provide social and economic benefits to local communities. Establishing and maintaining good governance and associated mechanisms is necessary for adaptive management of PAs. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed the relationships between various stakeholders and the effectiveness of PA governance of Mt. Marsabit forest ecosystem in Kenya. We used social network analysis (SNA) to assess the interactions between actors, and factor analysis to analyze the effectiveness of governance criteria. Governance of Mt. Marsabit forest ecosystem was complex with a multiplicity of stakeholders from diverse interests. Governance was moderately effective (61%) with positive indicators including the regulatory framework, delineation of areas under conservation, and reduction in poaching. The low level of interactions and associations among stakeholders suggest a weakness in the networks that may negatively affect the flow of information and other resources. This weakness was attributed to a lack of institutionalization of the links leading to poor coordination of processes. Local communities were inadequately represented in the governance of this PA despite being important actors. Our study finds that local ownership and strong linkages between actors are important ingredients for effective governance of PAs.  相似文献   
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