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网络时代是一个信息资源丰富的新时期,它开阔了我们的眼界,拓展了我们的知识面,网络信息的发展促进了当今思想文化的新变化.而青年大学生作为利用网络的主群体,它必然会给大学生的思想道德、价值观念带来一定的影响,因此,网络时代的到来给高校思想政治教育带来了机遇和挑战.本文从网络时代的特点出发,探索性地分析了提高高校思想政治教育实效性的新途径.  相似文献   
竹炭导电率及高导电率竹炭制备工艺研究   总被引:27,自引:4,他引:27  
通过对竹炭炭化过程的研究,得出炭化温度,炭化时间是影响石墨化和导电性能的重要因素。实验测定了不同炭化时间与炭化温度下的体积电阻率,含水率和产率,提出了以干馏的方法获取普通的竹炭原料,并通过二次加工制备高导电率竹炭的方法及工艺。  相似文献   
The herbicide, hexazinone, was applied four ways over ponderosa pine, 2–0 seedlings planted in northeast Oregon. The four treatments were two broadcast applications, a single broadcast application, a large spot application, and a small spot application. Seedling survival and growth were monitored for five growing seasons. Results indicate that survival more than doubled with either large or small spot applications compared to no application, and either one or two broadcast applications can increase survival an additional 30% over spot applications. Differences in stem volume were substantial, with two broadcast applications yielding more than twice the volume of a single broadcast treatment and more than five times the volume of seedlings treated with spot applications. Trees in small spots were still three times bigger than surviving seedlings in the control. These results are consistent with the concept of competition threshold. Management implications were considered in terms of cost of established seedlings. Although broadcast applications cost more per acre than spot applications, gains in seedling survival, growth and quality offset the additional cost and translate into lower established seedling costs. The cost effectiveness of broadcast applications also may be seen in the elimination of replanting or in-planting requirements and increases in long-term growth potential of the established trees.  相似文献   
电磁屏蔽功能胶合板初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了赋予木基复合材料电磁屏蔽功能,在脲醛树脂胶中加入碳、石墨等导电单元,制备3层结构的杨木胶合板,研究不同导电单元对胶合板电磁屏蔽效能的影响.结果表明:导电单元的粒度越小,胶合板的电磁屏蔽效能越好,最大可达22 dB,但相关机理和量化关系还有待于深入研究.  相似文献   
化学镀镍单板的导电性和电磁屏蔽效能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了实现单板的导电性和电磁屏蔽效能,对单板进行了化学镀镍研究,通过表面电阻率和电磁波网络分析仪测量方法对化学镀镍单板的导电性和电磁屏蔽效能进行了分析。结果表明:化学镀镍单板的导电性随着金属镍沉积量的增加而增加,但单板的导电性具有各向异性,平行于纤维方向的导电性要好于垂直于纤维方向的导电性。此外,这种各向异性在金属镍沉积量较少的情况下表现得更加明显,化学镀镍单板的电磁波屏蔽效能随着由于金属镍沉积量的增加而引起导电性的增加而增大,在本研究中化学镀镍单板的电磁波屏蔽效能可以达到30~60dB。  相似文献   
东莞市大岭山森林公园小气候效应调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对广东省东莞市大岭山森林公园开展了森林小气候的调查,结果表明:大岭山森林公园的环境状况达到了二级标准水平;有林地与空旷地相比,其土壤温度、空气温度的日变化相对平缓,有林地的土壤温度以阔叶成林的最低,幼林的次之。有林地的空气负离子含量明显比空旷地的高,空气中可吸入粉尘质量浓度、空气粒子数均比空旷地的低。大岭山森林公园可作为休憩、娱乐和保健的场所。  相似文献   
The forest group is a new policy instrument in Flanders (northern Belgium) to realise multifunctional forest management. This group was introduced in 1995 and organises the various kinds of forest owners, private as well as public, on a local basis (mean working area 751 km2), with voluntary participation (as in all forest owner organisations). This study evaluates forest groups in Flanders through an analysis of their relevance, effectiveness, utility and implementation. The targets of forest groups are relevant to the evolving needs and priorities at the local, regional, national and international level. The effectiveness analysis reveals that most indicators — including the quantity of timber harvest, the number of members, the forest area with an accepted management plan, the area under management and the area with small-scale ecological measures — have been improving between 1995 and 2004. The utility analysis emphasises that the owners are motivated because the forest group provides information and increases knowledge, includes the owner into a collective management plan, offers a platform for sharing management experiences and acts as a union force against the government. However, the forest group is not the solution to introduce multifunctional forest management by all forest owners. The implementation analysis identifies a number of impeding factors, including the imbalance between rights and duties, inconsistencies between various policy aims, and failure of forest groups to act as a common forum for all stakeholders in their working area.  相似文献   
对嫁接换冠技术在寿宁县清源乡龟洋茶场板栗果园上的应用效果进行了调查,结果表明:对投产的低产劣种板栗进行嫁接换冠,改劣换优,可保持板栗品种的优良特性,使低产劣种板栗树嫁接换冠后的第3年,95%的板栗均可挂果投产,总产量增长幅度达8.265倍;挂果株数提高了3.8倍,良种挂果株数提高了4.75倍,平均单价提高了3.7元/kg ,总产值提高了13.83倍,经济效益十分显著。  相似文献   
由联合国粮农组织认定的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)是一类典型的社会生态生产景观(SEPLS),在传统知识传承保护、粮食与食物安全保障、农业生物多样性保护、气候变化应对等诸多方面具有重要意义。为了更好、更有效地开展GIAHS保护及管理工作,本文在分析GIAHS评估重要性和恢复力概念的基础上,以联合国大学(UNU)等团队开发的社会生态生产景观恢复力评估框架(SEPLS模型)为基础,构建了GIAHS恢复力评估框架(GIAHS-RAF),明确了其评估及计算过程。并以中国第1个GIAHS项目——浙江青田稻鱼共生系统(Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System in Zhejiang Province, RFC)为例,通过对核心保护区——龙现村在2004年(GIAHS项目授牌前)和2016年(GIAHS授牌11年)的恢复力状况进行评估,探讨模型在GIAHS保护成效评估中的适用性。研究结果显示:1)2016年龙现村恢复力整体状况相对较弱,各项资本评估得分为:物质资本(0.75)经济资本(0.63)人类资本(0.61)社会资本(0.57)自然资本(0.38);2)虽然农户收入来源多样且社会经济基础设施能较好地满足社区需求,但是遗产地内部农业物种较少,农户对于系统提供的粮食多样性尚不是非常满意; 3)相较于2004年,经过11年的保护工作,研究区恢复力有所提高,说明GIAHS项目的实施对该遗产的恢复力有积极影响,尤其是物质资本和经济资本两方面。评估结果与该区域相关研究结果及实地调查情况一致,说明所构建的GIAHS恢复力评估框架可以很好地应用于对GIAHS项目及其他相关农业文化遗产的保护成效评估工作。  相似文献   
信访工作是党和政府联系群众的桥梁与纽带,是维护和实现群众民主权利的重要手段。随着农村经济的迅猛发展和农村改革的不断深化,给农村社会经济生活和人们的利益关系带来极大的变动,所引发的群众来信来访事件有所上升,有些过激行为和群体性事件对社会发展造成极其恶劣的影响。做好农村基层的信访工作,在社会危机管理中将发挥重大效用。  相似文献   
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