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According to a new trend of telerobot control, some key techniues are researched to solve the Internet telerobotics , such as distributed intelligent computation on the Internet, human-computer interface,and Internet-robot interface etc.The current development status of the Internet telerobotics is reviewed. Based on the new directions of the network software development, the authors discuss that the middleware technique CORBA plays an important role in solving the problems of the Internet telerobotics,and it is an effective way to use Java language to control the telerobot and improve its system performance. The application perspective of the Internet telerobotics is investigated.It is indicated that the development trend of the telerobot control is a human-centred collaboration mechanism of mutual reinforce and coordination in human-machine intelligent.  相似文献   
基于SOA的生态公益林协同管理信息平台研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对生态公益林管理信息化中出现的"信息系统孤岛"和"对业务变更的响应能力差"的问题,在分析生态公益林管理的业务特征及对信息平台的性能需求的基础上,提出了基于SOA实现生态公益林管理信息平台的方案,并以北京市生态公益林管护为例,进行了信息系统的设计与实现。通过应用表明,基于此方案建设的信息系统易于扩展、通用性强,方便和其他系统集成,能够实现高效的信息交互和协同作业。  相似文献   
在当前全球海外耕地投资活动加剧的时代背景下,系统梳理和总结当前海外耕地投资模式,将会有力化解中国企业的海外耕地投资风险和显著提升中国企业的投资成效。基于部门合作视角,利用当前典型海外耕地投资案例资料,采用文献分析法和案例分析法,探讨海外耕地投资模式。结果表明,当前主要有"公对公"、"公对私"和"私对私"三种典型的部门合作型海外耕地投资模式。其中,"公对公"模式的合作双方主要来自政府部门,投资可得到官方支持,项目成效突出,且推广效应明显;投资主导型"公对私"模式是具有官方背景的投资者与来自私人部门的被投资企业间的合作,一般前者资金实力雄厚,且对项目安全性要求较高;引资主导型"公对私"模式是被投资国政府部门与来自私人部门的投资企业之间的合作,并且前者对后者投资实力的筛选较为严格;"私对私"模式是一种在被投资国法律制度框架下的私人部门投资企业间合作,政府一般不参与其中,只负责提供相关管理和服务。研究表明,部门合作型海外耕地投资模式已演化出差异明显的表现形式、操作流程、投资特征和适用特点,中国政府应当在国家层面上重视对海外耕地投资的"公对公"模式和投资主导型"公对私"模式的推广和应用,中国投资企业应重视对国际上海外耕地投资的"私对私"模式和引资主导型"公对私"模式经验教训的总结与提炼。因此,在中国农业"走出去"战略和利用"两个市场、两种资源"的政策引导下,选择恰当的海外耕地投资模式,不仅是提升中国企业投资效益的需要,也是深入贯彻国家农业"走出去"战略和中国深入参与全球耕地资源再分配的应有之意。  相似文献   
The International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) system and has recently established a Multipurpose Tree Germplasm Resource Unit (MPT-GRU) in Nairobi, Kenya. The first major activity of the MPT-GRU was to undertake a regional germplasm collection ofSesbania in 5 countries in southern Africa in a collaborative mode with National Agricultural Research Services (NARS). The collections took place in Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe.Key elements of a generalised collaborative mode (the model) are indicated follwed by a summary of actual events. The initial phase involved joint planning and training sessions between NARS, three sister CGIAR centres and one regional institution, the Southern Africa Development Conference (SADC) Regional Gene Bank (SRGB). This was followed by actual collections during 1993 led by National scientists with different levels of CGIAR participation in each of the five countries. The International Board of Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) took the lead in pre-collection training activities, ICRAF for developing the collection programme and the International Livestock Centre for Africa (ILCA) for seed drying, testing and despatch for field trials. NARS gene banks guided the necessary administrative processes. The ICRAF lead scientist for the species and provenance evaluation phase was a crucial member of the planning process thus allowing integration of the collection with the eventual field evaluation. The article focuses on the collection strategy, administrative protocols for actual collections and summary results. Some advantages and difficulties associated with the collection programme and model are discussed. The collections were important in bringing together agriculturalists and foresters in a common germplasm collection exercise.  相似文献   
从产学研协同的视野出发,结合延边大学农学院的具体实践,从人才培养、科技创新和技术服务等方面探讨了农业院校服务新农村建设的对策,以期为社会主义新农村建设提供人才保障.  相似文献   
在分析网络经济时代特征的基础上论述了基于互联网的企业协作崛起的必然性,然后建立数学模型,对中小企业开展协作活动的效益与稳定性进行分析,揭示了中小企业和大型企业均能从协作中获利,指出通过互联网开展企业协作是现代企业(尤其是中小企业)的合理选择。  相似文献   
油脂化学是陕西师范大学工科研究生食品化学专业的学位课,主要讲授油脂的基本性质、基本理论和基本生产方法以及油脂化学的发展、油脂工业应用等内容。该课程也可作为食品科学与工程等专业研究生的基础课,对油脂、食品、化工、轻工等基础领域的研究有很重要的实用参考价值。校企合作教学作为一种以实践为导向的新教学模式,是对传统教学模式的补充与完善;在油脂化学学位课中引入校企合作教学模式对学生与教师都有益处,是一种值得探讨的教学方法。  相似文献   
高职教育校企合作人才培养模式不仅可以满足高职院校培养具有全面素质、高技能人才的需求,也是解决高职毕业生就业难的有效途径。以物业管理专业为例,论述了校企合作人才培养模式的具体实践,提出了符合高职教育特色的校企合作方式。  相似文献   

Michigan State University Extension is launching a portal-based information system to help address information delivery, archiving, and cataloging, in addition to geographic dispersion and time and/or budget constraints. The system, expected for public launch during the first quarter of 2005, is described from the planning stages to current configuration. Library staff are cataloging and loading organizational content and helping to develop global content modules. Portal technology facilitates workgroup collaboration–a major design goal in addition to information management and delivery.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concept of community-based ecosystem management and explores cases and trends reflecting this emerging approach to natural resource management. It presents the workshop tone as a disciplined inquiry and addresses several questions such as where community-based ecosystem management came from, what it looks like, its potential benefits, and its key challenges.  相似文献   
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