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通辽地区美国白蛾发生规律及防治对策初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对通辽地区2016-2019年气温的调查统计得知:超过10℃的天数主要集中在3-11月,分别为174天、176天、182天、175天;超过10℃的有效积温分别为1 728.1日度、1 743.9日度、1 761.4日度、1 731.1日度;根据美国白蛾完成1个世代所需要的有效积温可知,发生代数分别为1.95代、1.97代、1.99代、1.96代;故通辽地区属于2代区。  相似文献   
扬州园林植竹造景史考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据历史文献资料,探讨了扬州园林的植竹造景历史。扬州历代园林竹景建造的特点主要是以竹名园、以竹名景和以竹辅景。  相似文献   
Recent fire statistics and preliminary fire history data suggest that fire has been historically responsible for maintaining the vegetative communities up to present in Daxinganling region. Forest types, and even tree species, arc dependent on the degree of fire intensity, fire size, depth of burn and fire frequency. Selected samples of larch, pine, birch and spruce forest were studied in terms of species composition as determined by fire frequency which mainly depends on topography and site conditions. Intervals between fires range between 6 and 170 years.  相似文献   
微型月季研究进展综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在系统论述微型月季(Rosa chinensis minima)发展简史的情况基础上,综述了微型月季的生物学特性,栽培及应用概况,繁殖、栽培及产后研究进展,提出了对微型月季育种方向的发展展望。  相似文献   
王慧 《湖南农机》2011,38(9):191-193
“中国近现代史纲要”是中宣部、教育部“05”方案中确定的我国普通高校思想政治理论课中的四门必修课之一.从字面意义来理解“中国近现代史纲要”,我们要弄清两个概念,一是什么是“中国近现代史”,二是什么是“纲要”,弄清了这两个问题,我们就可以给中国近现代史纲要下一个完整的定义.  相似文献   
Soils in urban areas are often artificially formed and preserved as cultural layers in which soil materials are mixed with artifacts. The vertical change of soil properties denotes the historical change of human activities, and therefore, urban soil can be considered as a record of history of urban development. We studied a deep profile of urban soil (600 cm) in Nanjing, China, by intensively sampling at every 5 cm. Soil samples were analyzed for lead content. Charcoal from several layers was found and was dated using 14C to recognize archaeological cultural layers that might be formed in different Chinese dynasties. Pb isotope ratios were determined by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) technology. The study found that artificial deposition, i.e., the formation of cultural layer started about 1700 years ago and lasted until recently. All cultural layers above the original loess were heavily contaminated by Pb with total content varying from 100 mg kg− 1 to more than 2000 mg kg− 1. There were several historical periods in which Pb content peaked, indicating significant contamination by human activities, such as ancient ore smelting for various purposes and use of Pb-containing materials for handicraft manufacture. Various Pb isotope ratios of the cultural layers differed substantially from that of the original undisturbed loess in the deepest position. 206Pb/207Pb value decreased gradually from the bottom layer to top layer, although with occasional exceptions, indicating a long-lasting mixing of extraneous sources of Pb during the entire history since ca. 300 A.D. In comparison with the isotope ratios of lead ores of different sources and that of aerosols, it was illustrated that the source of Pb in cultural layers might come from lead ores of southern China in the earlier dynasties, while Pb from north China might have contributed to the Pb source in the more recent years, suggested by the lowering of 206Pb/207Pb ratio in the near-surface cultural layers. However, the impact of petrol burning on cultural layers was basically excluded, considering the relatively short history of petroleum use in this area.  相似文献   
保护地栽培(设施园艺)做为一种农业生产方式的出现和发展,在古代都是为宫廷和贵族服务。西欧是从古罗马帝国的第五代皇帝尼禄(Nero)时期(公元54—68年)掘坑后覆盖云母或滑石板片进行保护地栽培。中国确切的记载是在公元前33年汉朝时期,采取燃柴草加温的方法在室内进行蔬菜生产。由于封建迷信思想(认为食之有害)的影响长期以来没有得到发展。到唐朝(公元7世纪)又有利用温泉为宫廷种植瓜类的记载。至于北京温室的历史可以追溯到明朝中叶(公元16世纪)。许多栽培技术究竟从什么时候开始至今无法肯定,但一定比文字记载要早,这是完全可以肯定的。  相似文献   
人为干扰对生物多样性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从景观破碎、保护历史、种群行为机制和种群大小4个方面讨论了人为干扰对生物多样性的影响,以期为生物多样性保护和生态环境恢复提供依据。一般人为轻度干扰会导致生物多样性提高,对比研究武夷山人为干扰甜槠林与郁闭稳定甜槠林结果表明,人为干扰甜槠林高等植物物种丰富度相对于郁闭稳定林分提高了76.32%;但人为干扰甜槠林的群落优势度却远低于郁闭林,故在演替过程中群落物种多样性的增加是生态系统对外界轻度干扰的一种适应,是恢复生态系统稳定性的一种对策,一旦干扰超过其调节能力,将难以恢复为原来的群落类型。生物在其各自进化和适应的过程中由于生态位泛化或特化,许多物种仅局限于非常小的生态位空间,这些物种一旦遭遇到景观破碎则很可能从地球上消失,如黄连和短萼黄连对阴湿条件的适应与要求,导致其濒临灭绝;另一些种类由于在群落中零星分布,如斑叶兰、羽萼悬钩子、浙江红花油茶、多种粗叶木(Lasianthus spp.)和一些紫金牛(Ardisia spp.)等,当生境缩小或受到干扰时则濒临灭绝。地史上古老的地区或自然保护历史较长的地区可能拥有更多的物种。保护历史较长的福建省南靖县和溪南亚热带雨林在1200m2面积内有128种高等植物,同一地带的鼎湖山及和溪周边地区的南亚热带雨林物种丰富度均低于此。许多植物是动物传布植物,动物物种多样性的减少影响了这些植物的传布,生境的改变也影响着植物的传布,另一些物种传布到新区域而不能萌发或完成其生活史。地方种群小于一定数量时其灭绝的可能性也增加。  相似文献   
陈德新 《热带农业科学》2010,30(3):33-36,F0003
通过查阅史料及实地深入调查,证实云南瑞丽景颇族早期引种咖啡的年代应锁定在1893年,与景颇族开始有文字的历史同步,景颇族引种咖啡和景颇文(即缅甸克钦文)的创制同是外国传教的产物。  相似文献   
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