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为确定导致安徽和县某猪场猪只发病的病原,从该猪场送检病料(心、肺、脾、肝)中分离并纯化细菌,根据其形态特征、PCR鉴定及生化试验结果,确诊为猪丹毒杆菌。spa A基因序列分析结果显示该菌与猪丹毒杆菌G4T10(Gen Bank登录号:KF150604.1)有99%的同源性。全自动生化反应报告该菌为丹毒丝菌的概率高达95%。小鼠攻毒试验表明,试验组小鼠在腹股沟皮下注射该菌后,4 d内全部死亡;死亡小鼠剖检可见全身败血性出血,各脏器均有病变,从死亡小鼠的血液、心、肝、脾、肺等组织中分离到与该感染菌株形态特征完全一致的细菌。药敏试验结果表明,该菌对β-内酰胺类和大环内酯类抗生素敏感,对链霉素、卡那霉素、四环素、多西环素、林可霉素和磺胺异恶唑耐受。  相似文献   
猪丹毒又称“红热病” “打火印”或“钻石皮肤病”,是一种急性的、热性的传染病,引起该病的病原为红斑丹毒丝菌,可以通过伤口感染人,也是一种人兽共患病。患病猪的临床表现形式大致可分为3种类型,即急性、亚急性和慢性型。急性型病例主要的表现为出现明显的败血症症状。亚急性型病例则是在四肢、胸腹部、背部等皮肤处出现红色菱形、方形或圆形疹块。慢性型则多以出现关节炎和心内膜炎引起的关节肿胀、运动障碍和心跳加速、呼吸急促为主的临床表现;有时还可见皮肤坏死。红斑丹毒丝菌的最易感动物是猪,没有品种和年龄差异。使用疫苗是最佳的预防手段,治疗方面除使用抗生素外还可以选择中药方剂进行治疗。  相似文献   
2013年11月从广州某猪场发生急性败血症死亡的母猪心脏、肺脏、脾脏分离到1株病原菌,经形态学观察、培养特性、生化特性及16SrRNA、spaA基因测序,确定为猪红斑丹毒丝菌,命名为GZ株。结果表明,该菌株对阿莫西林、利福平、庆大霉素、头孢类抗生素高度敏感,对其他药物广泛耐药,对BALB/c小鼠的致死剂量为1.5×108 cfu/mL。测序结果与NCBI收录的猪红斑丹毒丝菌进行Blast比对分析,16SrRNA基因与不同地区分离自人、蛋鸡、猪、白海雕、野猪、野兔、鼠等动物的同源性为95.9%~99.8%。spaA基因与NCBI收录的分离菌株核苷酸同源性为98.9%~99.9%,氨基酸同源性为99.5%,3处发生突变,其中,第36位缬氨酸突变为亮氨酸,第203位异亮氨酸突变为蛋氨酸,第257位亮氨酸突变为异亮氨酸;与1998年和2006年日本1a型Fujisawa株的核苷酸同源性最高,为99.8%,因此确定分离的GZ株为1a血清型。  相似文献   
检查了106头屠宰猪的关节液,从25头分离到红斑丹毒丝菌,阳性率为23.6%。对全部分离菌进行了系统鉴定,包括形态、染色、培养特性、生化特性、血清学反应、致病力、对抗菌剂的敏感性和血浆凝固酶试验等。结果表明,分离菌系统鉴定的各项指标均较复杂,72.0%的菌株对小鼠有致病力,但多数菌株的致病力较弱。  相似文献   
为给猪丹毒的防制提供依据,分离并鉴定了猪丹毒丝菌。将发生关节炎的猪关节液接种TSA培养基,挑取透明小菌落,染色,对G+小长丝杆菌进一步用猪丹毒丝菌16SrRNA基因的引物进行PCR鉴定。对鉴定为阳性的菌株进行药敏试验,结果显示,分离菌株对青霉素、头孢噻肟、头孢他啶、头孢曲松、头孢哌酮、头孢唑啉、氨苄西林、阿莫西林、克林霉素、四环素、强力霉素、环丙沙星等敏感,对新霉素、复方新诺明、庆大霉素、阿米卡星、万古霉素、痢特灵等完全耐药,临床上应根据上述结果指导用药。  相似文献   
In order to comprehend the status of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae carried in swinery in Shanghai area, samples of pigs were collected from some standard abattoirs in Shanghai area, including nasal swab, lung, tonsil and mandibular lymph nodes. Strains were isolated from these samples for detecting the Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae. Several kinds of methods were used, such as VITEK 2 Compact system and VITEK MS system. A pair of primers was designed to amplify the 16S rRNA gene. 16 PCR products selected randomly were sequenced and 16S rRNA homology analysis was conducted. As a result, strains were isolated from 49.07% (105/214) samples and were identified as Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae.16S rRNA homology in strains of isolation and reference were 99.6% to 100.0%. The result indicated that the situation was very severe for so many carriers of Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae in health group in nursery.  相似文献   
探究猪丹毒丝菌(ER)CbpB蛋白的免疫原性和保护作用,为深入研制ER基因工程亚单位疫苗提供新的思路和技术储备。以表达的ER重组蛋白CbpB、SpaA、CbpB+SpaA以及ER灭活全菌体(V-AEr21)、商品化弱毒疫苗、商品化灭活疫苗分别免疫小鼠。利用间接ELISA检测小鼠血清中IgG抗体,血清杀菌试验测定功能性抗体水平,攻毒试验测定免疫保护率,组织荷菌数试验测定ER定植情况,并采集小鼠组织脏器(脾、肺、肝、肾)制备切片,观察病理变化。结果显示:与免疫原性最优的商品化弱毒疫苗相比,CbpB和SpaA虽产生的IgG抗体均仅为1∶6 400,但血清杀菌效果强;对小鼠的免疫攻毒保护率与商品化弱毒疫苗相同,均为100%,且在脾、肺、肝、肾组织中均无细菌定植,病理组织学观察与空白对照无明显区别。CbpB重组蛋白具有良好的免疫原性和保护作用,能刺激机体产生体液免疫和细胞免疫,可以作为猪丹毒基因工程亚单位疫苗的候选抗原。  相似文献   

Since the macroscopical and microscopical examination of bull semen does not in all cases appear to give conclusive indications concerning the fertilizing capacity, an investigation of some biochemical parameters was undertaken. It was shown that the following biochemical examination could furnish some more information about the quality of the semen: 1. Determination of the phenylalanine‐ α‐ketoglutarate transaminase activity both in the seminal plasma and in the whole semen. A high transaminase activity in the plasma points to leakage out of the spermatozoa, thus indicating an affection of the spermatozoa. In that case larger amounts of basic amino acids and of leucine were often found in the seminal plasma than would normally be observed.

2. Gas chromatographic examination of the steroids occurring both in the seminal plasma and in the spermatozoa. In a number of infertile bulls small peaks of progesterone were found together with those of other, unidentified compounds.

3. Investigation of the carbohydrate metabolism in the semen. In a number of fertile bulls the following deviations were found: a. the presence of quite a lot of fructose in the spermatozoa;

b. the presence of glucuronic acid and / of other foreign compounds in the spermatozoa or in the plasma;

c. an elevated pH in the seminal plasma some 2 to 3 hours after ejaculation;

d. a low phenylalanine‐α ‐ketoglutarate transaminase activity in the whole semen (the spermatozoa had been disrupted by freezing).

4. Investigation of the presence of reducing aldehydes (glycolaldehyde and glyceraldehyde) inside the spermatozoa.

The determinations mentioned under 1, 3c and 3d can easily be carried out in the laboratories of each District Animal Health Service and of the A.I. stations; the same is true of the occurrence of amino acids in the seminal plasma and of fructose and aldehydes inside the spermatozoa if facilities are available for electrophoresis and chromatography.  相似文献   
建立了猪丹毒丝菌抗体竞争ELISA检测方法,用于猪丹毒疫苗效力检验。用SpaA蛋白(纯度90%)和辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)标记的SpaA蛋白单克隆抗体,建立猪丹毒丝菌竞争ELISA抗体检测方法,确定检测结果的判定标准,并对该方法的特异性、敏感性、重复性(批间重复性和批内重复性)等进行评价。建立效力检验血清学方法与免疫攻毒法的平行关系,并对两种方法符合率进行评价。结果表明,SpaA的最佳包被浓度为2.0 ng/μL,阴阳性对照血清的最佳稀释倍数为1∶75,HRP标记的单克隆抗体的最佳工作浓度为0.2 ng/μL。ELISA结果判定标准为血清样本抑制率PI≥8.0%时判定为阳性,PI<8.0%判定为阴性。该方法特异性良好,与空白小鼠阴性血清及A型和B型猪多杀性巴氏杆菌阳性血清均不发生交叉反应;敏感性良好,与敏感性血清样品可呈现不同梯度抑制率;重复性良好,批内重复和批间重复性试验结果变异系数均小于10%;与效力检验免疫攻毒法具备平行关系,小鼠血清效价≥1∶100时可抵抗1000 MLD强毒攻击;对用不同冻干代次菌种制备的4批猪丹毒丝菌灭活抗原和来自4家企业的7批猪丹毒灭活疫苗进行检测并...  相似文献   
Recently, a series of acute swine erysipelas outbreaks occurred in Eastern China. Eight strains isolated from cases of septicemia were determined as serotype 1a, and 4 of the isolates were resistant to acriflavine. One isolate strain named HX130709 was attenuated on agar media containing acriflavine dye. The 432-bp hypervariable region in spaA gene of the field and attenuated strains were amplified and sequenced. It was further compared with the vaccine strain G4T10, and thus, the eight field strains can be divided into four spaA-types. The partial spaA gene analysis also showed that no point mutations occurred among different archived passages of HX130709 during the attenuation. Results of pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed that eight distinct patterns with 22 to 30 DNA fragment bands were produced from field strains, and twelve distinct patterns with 23 to 27 DNA fragment bands were produced from different passages of the attenuated strains. Mouse pathogenicity test showed that the mortality of the mice infected with 104 CFU field strains was 100% and the attenuation of strain HX130709 occurred between 46 and 50 passages. All the field and attenuated strains were highly sensitive to β-lactam antibiotics, tetracyclines and macrolides. So, we can make conclusions that the acute swine erysipelas outbreaks in Eastern China were caused by serotype 1a E. rhusiopathiae strains with different biochemical characteristics, and the virulence of serotype 1a E. rhusiopathiae strains is unrelated with some point mutations in 432-bp hypervariable region of the spaA gene.  相似文献   
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