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基于渔业产业现状,分析国内外在大型渔业平台、深海网箱和养殖工船方面的发展现状,提出“游弋式”养殖工船及深远海渔业的基本概念。受限于投资成本、技术发展水平等客观因素,中国深远海养殖发展速度缓慢,但近年来取得了一定的发展成效。笔者针对现阶段渔业粗放型生产方式的现状,从国家战略、渔业改革和产业需求等角度分析深远海渔业发展的必要性,认为发展以养殖工船为代表的深远海大型渔业平台是实现渔业强国之路的有效途径之一,走出一条符合中国国情的深远海渔业平台的开发之路势在必行。  相似文献   
为研究目前渤海主要渔业生物的时空关系,文章依据2014年~2015年渤海双船底拖网4个季度调查数据,初步分析了渤海三类主要渔获物(鱼类、甲壳类和头足类)的水平空间分布特点、空间距离及四季变化特征。结果显示,三类生物的主要分布区水平方向上存在空间分化现象,且随着三类生物集中分布区聚集程度的提高,空间分化现象越来越明显。三类生物的水平空间分布距离在季节上表现出夏、秋季(平均欧氏距离,夏季为75.91;秋季为44.76)较远,冬、春季(冬季为8.55;春季为11.81)较近的特点。三类生物间,头足类与甲壳类的距离相对较近(平均欧氏距离,24.44),而头足类与鱼类(40.07)、鱼类与甲壳类(38.27)的距离相对较远。  相似文献   
用液相色谱串联质谱法测定渔业水样中6种农药的含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文建立了一种快速检测渔业水质样本中酰胺类除草剂乙草胺、丙草胺、丁草胺、三嗪类除草剂莠去津、烟碱类杀虫剂噻虫嗪、三唑类杀菌剂苯醚甲环唑6种农药含量的液相色谱串联质谱法。采用乙腈-水-甲酸梯度洗脱、电喷雾电离方式、多反应监测模式测定考察检出限、线性范围、日内精密度及日间精密度。在三种加标浓度下,该方法的回收率为78.2%~104.7%。用液相色谱-四级杆-飞行时间质谱对疑似目标物质进行定性,用精确质量数、同位素丰度比和二级碎片解析方式等解析定性结构。该方法能够满足检测这六种农药的要求,能准确定性,自建的谱库可为渔业污染事故鉴定和水产品质量安全风险评估做支撑。  相似文献   
为了解黄河陕西段鱼类种类组成及群落结构,2013-2015年调查了黄河陕西段鱼类资源。结果显示:黄河陕西段有鱼类7目15科58种,其中鲤科鱼类最多为36种,占总种类数的61.1%,较20世纪80年代减少了6种。优势种有4种,数量占渔获物总数量50.3%,生物量占65.8%。分析渔获物组成和群落多样性,黄河陕西段鱼类年龄、个体规格小型化趋势明显,不同河段鱼类群落存在明显空间差异,府谷段多样性指数最高,群落结构稳定,港口段丰富度指数最高,资源种类较多,港口和壶口的鱼类群落结构没有相似性。  相似文献   
Although the Mekong River is one of the world's 35 biodiversity hot spots, the large‐scale patterns of fish diversity and assemblage structure remain poorly addressed. This study aimed to investigate the fish distribution patterns in the Lower Mekong River (LMR) and to identify their environmental determinants. Daily fish catch data (i.e. from December 2000 to November 2001) at 38 sites distributed along the LMR were related to 15 physicochemical and 19 climatic variables. As a result, four different clusters were defined according to the similarity in assemblage composition and 80 indicator species were identified. While fish species richness was highest in the Mekong delta and lowest in the upper part of the LMR, the diversity index was highest in the middle part of the LMR and lowest in the delta. We found that fish assemblages changed along the environmental gradients and that the main drivers affecting the fish assemblage structure were the seasonal variation of temperature, precipitation, dissolved oxygen, pH and total phosphorus. Specifically, upstream assemblages were characterised by cyprinids and Pangasius catfish, well suited to low temperature, high dissolved oxygen and high pH. Fish assemblages in the delta were dominated by perch‐like fish and clupeids, more tolerant to high temperatures, and high levels of nutrients (nitrates and total phosphorus) and salinity. Overall, the patterns were consistent between seasons. Our study contributes to establishing the first holistic fish community study in the LMR.  相似文献   
基于生活史特征的数据有限条件下渔业资源评估方法比较   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
渔业资源评估是开展渔业资源管理,维系渔业可持续发展的基础工作。传统的渔业资源评估方法需要统计产量、资源丰度指数甚至年龄结构等大量数据,由于调查经费和数据的缺乏,全球仅1%的鱼种进行过系统性的资源评估。近年来,在数据有限(data-limited)条件下如何开展资源评估已日益成为学术界的关注热点。本文将基于生活史特征的评估方法分为仅需要生活史参数,需要产量数据和生活史参数,需要产量数据、生活史参数及体长或年龄数据等3大类,分别从方法、数据要求、输出结果及局限性进行了系统回顾分析,提供了关于生活史特征参数的常见估算方法,并就其中两种模型对北大西洋大青鲨(Prionace glauca)的可持续渔获量进行了初步评估与比较。最后,对数据缺乏模型的使用及模型在中国近海渔业资源评估中的运用提出了建议。  相似文献   
多波束渔用声呐是海洋渔业实现高效、精准和选择性捕捞的重要工具。为了系统分析多波束渔用声呐探测性能及主要制约因素对作用距离的影响,针对圆柱形阵多波束渔用声呐,采用水声学系统仿真的方法,分别对主要为噪声和混响环境下的渔用声呐探测性能进行分析,对不同海况下噪声不同目标强度鱼群的探测性能进行比较,分析窄带系统和宽带系统降低混响的能力,并对噪声和混响混叠环境下的渔用声呐探测性能进行仿真分析;最终,从系统设计、发射方式、接收方式等多个角度提出提高渔用声呐探测性能的方法,为远距离、高分辨率多波束渔用声呐的研制提供改进的方向。  相似文献   
【目的】分析掌握广东渔业的产出效率,为发展可持续的低耗高产渔业提供数据参考。【方法】基于数据包络分析(DEA)及 Malmquist 指数,对 2011—2022 年期间广东渔业综合技术效率和全要素生产率指数及其分解进行测算和分析,并与全国平均值进行对比。【结果】广东渔业综合技术效率每年均高于全国平均水平,但2011—2014 年、2018—2019 年和 2021 年广东渔业规模报酬呈现递减。通过对广东水产养殖和水产品捕捞的综合技术效率分别进行测算,发现 2011—2022 年期间广东水产养殖的综合技术效率较高,除 2013 年和 2014 年外,均为DEA 有效。将 DEA 无效年份的广东水产养殖和水产品捕捞在生产前沿面上的投影调整为 DEA 有效,结果显示,2013 年和 2014 年广东水产养殖投入的冗余率分别为 5.98% 和 10.46%,而 2011—2014 年、2018—2019 年和 2021年广东水产品捕捞投入的冗余率在 39.73%~74.27% 之间,说明水产品捕捞的过度投入以及由此引发的捕捞综合技术效率低下是造成 2011—2014 年、2018—2019 年和 2021 年广东渔业规模报酬递减的主要原因。广东渔业的技术进步和全要素生产率上升幅度与全国平均水平相差较远,全要素生产率和技术进步指数均比全国平均增幅低 4.7%,说明广东省在渔业技术进步方面有较大提升空间。【结论】建议广东加大渔业科技的投入力度,加强渔业技术创新,以促进渔业技术进步和提高全要素生产率;加快渔业产业结构调整,合理布局养殖和捕捞规模,以解决广东渔业规模报酬递减的问题;加强渔业资源保护和增殖放流,利用自然生产力增加可捕捞渔业资源;加强水产良种创制及养殖新模式和新技术的开发,进一步拓展水产养殖空间和提高水产养殖的产出效率。  相似文献   
The associations between feeding activities and environmental variables inform animal feeding tactics that maximize energetic gains by minimizing energy costs while maximizing feeding success. Relevant studies in aquatic animals, particularly marine mammals, are scarce due to difficulties in the observation of feeding behaviors in aquatic environments. This data scarcity concurrently hinders ecosystem-based fishery management in the context of small toothed-cetacean conservation. In the present study, a passive acoustic monitoring station was deployed in an East Asian finless porpoise habitat in Laizhou Bay to investigate potential relationships between East Asian finless porpoises and their prey. The data revealed that porpoises were acoustically present nearly every day during the survey period. Porpoise detection rates differed between spring and autumn in concert with activities of fish choruses. During spring, fish choruses were present throughout the afternoon, and this was the time when porpoise vocalizations were the most frequently detected. During autumn, when fish choruses were absent, porpoise detection rates decreased, and diurnal patterns were not detected. The close association between fish choruses and finless porpoise activities implies an “eavesdropping” feeding strategy to maximize energetic gains, similar to other toothed cetaceans that are known to engage similar feeding strategies. Underwater noise pollution, particularly those masking fish choruses, could interrupt finless porpoises’ feeding success. Fisheries competing soniferous fishes with finless porpoise could impact finless porpoise viability through ecosystem disruption, in addition to fishing gear entanglement.  相似文献   
In just two decades, round goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas) has dispersed throughout most of the Baltic and the North American Great Lakes. It thrives in shallow sheltered areas, where it is impacting native fauna. In Denmark, researchers, governmental institutions and fishers have joined in an effort to establish a sustainable round goby fishery. To do so, basic information about the movement of round goby is essential, so the movements of 50 round gobies were tracked using acoustic telemetry. The results revealed that activity took place mainly at night and seasonal migrations were common. The most frequent migration behaviour observed was a seaward return migration during winter, which was further confirmed by a snorkel survey. Tracking data also revealed riverine upstream dispersal. The results demonstrate that the round goby can be mapped using telemetry, and it is suggested that fishing for round goby may improve efficiency by targeting seasonal migration corridors.  相似文献   
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