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陈维  谭涛 《猪业科学》2021,38(8):42-45
为了促进食品安全和养猪业的健康发展,禁止在饲料中使用促生长抗生素势在必行。随着我国的饲料禁抗相关法规的推行,饲料企业被严格禁止在饲料生产过程中加入抗生素,这也导致了猪场疾病尤其是肠道疾病的高发,而仔猪肠道发育未完全,免疫系统未发育成熟,更容易发生严重的腹泻甚至死亡。文章对几种常见的仔猪细菌性腹泻疾病进行了回顾,病原包括大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、魏氏梭菌,讨论了它们的临床症状与防控措施,为猪场在防控这些细菌性腹泻提供参考。  相似文献   
针对畜禽养殖业抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes, ARGs)污染问题,该文选取厌氧发酵技术,对比不同厌氧发酵体系内ARGs消长与潜在宿主菌,挖掘不同因子与ARGs的相互关系。结果表明,厌氧发酵体系内微生物群落变化是ARGs消长的主要驱动因子,确定ARGs的潜在宿主菌是目前研究的难点;抗生素和重金属也是ARGs消长的重要驱动因子,控制抗生素污染和重金属污染可有效减缓ARGs污染;可移动遗传元件在ARGs水平传播过程中起着重要作用。综合而言,厌氧发酵体系内各个因子直接或间接影响ARGs消长,其中工艺参数是控制整个厌氧发酵体系的先决因素,在特定工艺参数下,微生物群落与体系物化指标相互影响与制约;微生物通过分子内部可移动遗传元件实现ARGs在不同微生物之间的水平传播。综上所述,通过综合协调各类因子实现厌氧发酵体系内ARGs消控是今后研究重点。  相似文献   
通过给牦牛投喂硫酸头孢喹肟(CEF)、盐酸二氟沙星(DIF)和黄曲霉毒素B1(AFB1),并进行瘤胃微生物宏基因组测序,旨在揭示这3种外源性刺激因子对抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)种类、抗性类型、抗性机制等的影响,对于深入研究微生物抗性组特征和抗性机制具有重要价值。选取15头牦牛,随机分5组。Cef组和Dif组分别根据说明书推荐剂量按体重计算、灌服CEF 1 mg·kg^-1和DIF 1 mL·kg^-1;E1组和E2组分别按采食量投喂AFB120、60μg·kg^-1;C组为对照组。处理7 d后,采集瘤胃液,提取DNA,Illumina HiSeq测序,对reads counts进行标准化得到TPM值,并进行方差分析。结果显示,对照组共获得132种ARGs,分属30种抗性类型,其中,四环素类tetQ和tetW基因丰度较高;Cef组tetW基因丰度增加(P<0.05),Dif组tetQ丰度增加(P<0.05);Cef组四环素类和头孢菌素类抗性基因丰度增加(P<0.05),Dif组四环素类和氨基香豆素类抗性基因丰度增加(P<0.05),E1组氨基香豆素和青霉烯类抗性基因丰度增加(P<0.05),E2组青霉烯类、头孢菌素类等9类抗性基因丰度均增多(P<0.05);Dif组Erm基因23S核糖体RNA甲基转移酶丰度增加(P<0.05),E2组中ATP结合盒超家族等3种抗性机制相关基因的丰度增加(P<0.05);3种因子均显著增加四环素类ARGs宿主的种类。结论:瘤胃是蕴含丰富ARGs的储藏库,其中,四环素类抗生素抗性基因tetQ和tetW是主要的ARGs。不仅CEF和DIF使部分ARGs的种类、抗性类型以及耐药机制相关酶等的丰度升高,增加瘤胃微生物的耐药性,而且AFB1也具有类似作用,且高剂量AFB1对抗性类型的影响范围较抗生素大。这3种因子还导致携带四环素类ARGs宿主微生物的种类数量增加,从而强化横向转移机制,加快ARGs传播,增强微生物对四环素类的耐药性。  相似文献   
从患病的克氏原鳌虾(Procambarus clarkii)中分离纯化得到一株优势菌株AX1707。通过革兰氏染色、氧化酶试验、生化鉴定、16S rRNA基因测序和进化树构建等操作进行分析,结果显示,AX1707为布氏柠檬酸杆菌(Citrobter braakii),人工感染试验结果显示该菌具有较强致病性,药敏试验结果显示其对恩诺沙星、氧氟沙星、氟苯尼考、复方新诺明、庆大霉素和多西环素敏感,对四环素和新霉素中度敏感,对红霉素和氨苄西林耐药。  相似文献   
海洋弗氏链霉菌HNM0089抗真菌活性成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了从海洋微生物中寻找农药先导化合物,本研究通过16S rRNA基因序列分析对具有抗真菌活性的海洋放线菌HNM0089的种属进行鉴定,并对其抗真菌的活性成分进行研究。结果表明:海洋放线菌HNM0089被鉴定为弗氏链霉菌(Streptomyces fradiae)。利用高分辨质谱、一维和二维核磁波谱技术,将其主要活性成分鉴定为星形孢菌素(Staurosporine)。该化合物对芒果炭疽病菌、水稻稻瘟病菌、香蕉枯萎病菌、薯蓣炭疽病菌和橡胶炭疽病菌均有抑制活性,具有开发成农用抗菌素的潜力。  相似文献   
Early reports accounted for two main genotypes of Piscirickettsia salmonis, a fish pathogen and causative agent of piscirickettsiosis, placing the single isolate EM‐90 apart from the prototypic LF‐89 and related isolates. In this study, we provide evidence that, contrary to what has been supposed, the EM‐90‐like isolates are highly prevalent and disseminated across Chilean marine farms. Molecular analysis of 507 P. salmonis field isolates derived from main rearing areas, diverse hosts and collected over 6 years, revealed that nearly 50% of the entire collection were indeed typed as EM‐90‐like. Interestingly, these isolates showed a marked host preference, being recovered exclusively from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) samples. Although both strains produce undistinguishable pathological outcomes, differences regarding growth kinetics and susceptibility to the antibiotics and bactericidal action of serum could be identified. In sum, our results allow to conclude that the EM‐90‐like isolates represent an epidemiologically relevant group in the current situation of piscirickettsiosis. Based on the consistency between genotype and phenotype exhibited by this strain, we point out the need for genotypic studies that may be as important for the Chilean salmon industry as the continuous surveillance of antimicrobial susceptibility patterns.  相似文献   
The study aimed to investigate the effect of feed supplements, viz Lactobacillus plantarum LGFCP4 (laboratory isolate from GIT of Guinea fowl), Lactobacillus acidophilus (NCDC, Karnal) and in‐feed antibiotic bacitracin methylene disalicylate (BMD) on growth performance, FCR, carcass traits and immune organs weight, intestinal histomorphometry and gastrointestinal microflora population in broiler chickens. In a completely randomized design, CARIBRO‐Dhanraja broiler chicks (n = 160) were used with four treatment groups. During the entire experimental duration of 35 days, treatment groups were provided with different dietary treatments (T1 – basal diet (negative control), T2 – antibiotic growth promoter BMD 20 g/100 kg feed (positive control), T3 – 1 × 10cfu of L. acidophilus/gm‐fermented feed +MOS 1 g/kg feed and T4 – 1 × 10cfu of laboratory‐isolated L. plantarum LGFCP4/gm‐fermented feed+ MOS 1 g/kg feed. After 35 days of experimental period, no significant results have been observed in different growth performance traits among treatment groups. Cut‐up parts and edible organs' weight remained unaffected by dietary supplementation, whereas weight of immune organs were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in L. plantarum LGFCP4‐supplemented group. At the end of feeding trial, significantly (p < 0.05) lower E. coli count was observed in crop of T4 birds, while in ileum, T2 and T3 showed lower count. In caeca, T2 group showed lowest E. coli count. Salmonella count in crop and ileum was significantly (p < 0.05) low in T3 and T4, while in caeca, T2 group showed lowest count. In terms of histomorphometry, duodenal villous height (VH), crypt depth (CD) and VH:CD ratio were higher for T3 and T4 and lowest values were obtained for T2 group. The results of the study showed that L. plantarum LGFCP4 isolated from GIT of guinea fowl can effectively replace in‐feed antibiotic growth promoters in broiler diets by altering intestinal villi morphology and improving the gut health by reducing the pathogenic microbial load.  相似文献   
目的 评估大蒜素治疗细菌感染所致呼吸机相关性肺炎危重患者的临床疗效。方法 采用前瞻性随机对照研究方法,选取2011年01月-2014年12月收入重症监护病房且符合呼吸机相关性肺炎诊断标准的92例患者(均为细菌感染所致),按照随机数字表法将其分为治疗组42例及对照组50例。对照组在常规治疗基础上加用抗生素治疗,治疗组在对照组基础上加用大蒜素治疗,疗程14 d。分析两组患者的病原菌分布情况,比较两组患者机械通气时间、抗生素治疗时间、住ICU时间及14 d病死率;并观察记录大蒜素使用过程中安全性及不良反应发生率。结果 细菌感染所致呼吸机相关性肺炎患者的常见病原菌为鲍曼不动杆菌(35.2%)、金黄色葡萄球菌(17.1%)、铜绿假单胞菌(13.3%)、肺炎链球菌(13.3%)及肺炎克雷伯菌(8.6%)。治疗组机械通气时间略短于对照组(P>0.05),抗生素使用时间及住ICU时间显著短于对照组(P<0.01)。两组患者治疗后14 d病死率无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论 细菌感染所致呼吸机相关性肺炎患者在常规抗感染治疗基础上加用大蒜素治疗,能显著缩短抗生素使用时间,且有缩短患者机械通气时间及住ICU时间,临床不良反应发生率低,可以安全使用。  相似文献   
粪源环丙沙星对潮土中抗生素抗性基因的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究粪源环丙沙星(Ciprofloxacin, CIP)对潮土中抗生素抗性基因(Antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)的影响,布置培养试验(81 d),设置5个处理,分别为Ⅰ:CK(对照),Ⅱ:CIP(外源添加CIP),Ⅲ:DF(不含CIP的鸭粪),Ⅳ:DF+CIP(Ⅲ基础上外源添加CIP),Ⅴ:DF(CIP)(粪源CIP)。采用PCR技术分析土壤中6大类27种抗生素抗性基因和4种可移动遗传元件的检出情况,并利用荧光定量PCR技术对检出频率较高的目的基因及总细菌基因(16S rRNA)的绝对丰度进行检测。结果表明:不同处理土壤中共检出6种ARGs(tet G、sulⅠ、qnr A、qnr S、aad A2、aad D)和1种可移动遗传元件(intⅠ),且检测到的目的基因基本一致。DF(CIP)和DF+CIP处理对土壤中细菌和不同种类ARGs的影响不同。DF(CIP)、DF+CIP处理均显著降低了土壤中16S rRNA、tet G的绝对丰度;DF(CIP)处理显著增加了土壤中sulⅠ、aad A2的绝对丰度;DF+CIP处理显著增加了土壤中qnr A的绝对丰度。不同种类的ARGs与intⅠ、土壤理化性质的偏相关性分析表明,土壤中intⅠ与sulⅠ、aad A2呈正相关,与qnr A呈负相关,qnr A与CIP残留量呈正相关,tet G与有机质呈正相关。研究结果可为科学地评价氟喹诺酮类抗生素的环境风险以及粪肥的合理施用提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
Edwardsiella tarda is a pathogen that causes edwardsiellosis in aquatic animals. The emergence of multiple antibiotic‐resistant strains makes antibiotic treatment difficult. This study aimed to investigate the antibiotic susceptibility patterns and the genotypic characterization of E. tarda isolated from cage‐cultured red tilapia in Thailand. A total of 30 isolates were identified as E. tarda using biochemical and molecular analysis. The disc diffusion method for testing antibiotic susceptibility showed all the isolates were resistant to colistin sulphate and oxolinic acid. High levels of resistance to amoxicillin, ampicillin, ceftazidime, oxytetracycline and sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim were observed as well. The multiple antibiotic resistance index ranged from 0.25 to 0.92, indicating that these isolates had been exposed to high risk sources of contamination where antibiotics were commonly used. All the isolates carried the blaTEM gene based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The tetA and sul3 genes were detected in 90% (27/30) and 26.7% (8/30) of the isolates respectively. Nine different genetic groups of isolates were obtained using enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus polymerase chain reaction (ERIC‐PCR). A correlation between genetic types and multiple antibiotic‐resistant patterns was found. These results highlight the potential risks of multiple antibiotic‐resistant isolates for humans and the environment.  相似文献   
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