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Abstract– Juvenile chinook salmon in the Waitaki River, New Zealand and demonstration channels, living at about 16°C, increased in length by 0.32 mm day−1 between 4 November and 4 March. They gained weight quickly, accumulated large visceral fat deposits and had high conditions factors. At 1600 h, stomachs averaged half full. The number of prey tended to decline as the fish grew and consumed larger items. Initially the diet was based mainly on chironomid larvae, but by December it included a diversity of prey in more equal proportions. These included Deleatidium in the Waitaki; amphipods in the demonstration channels; various trichopterans, hemipterans, elmid beetles, zooplankton. terrestrial dipterans and a variety of other prey. There were significant differences between sites in numbers of prey consumed and these probably reflected differences in the benthos. Diets in the Waitaki differ from those in the Rakaia River and the food of juvenile salmon appears closely linked to the availability of a diverse range of possible prey.  相似文献   
澜沧江、金沙江云南德钦段形成了独特的干暖河谷区自然环境,分析了其特点、成因。探讨了其生态建设的思路应是尊重自然规律、发扬优秀民风习俗、引进实用技术、发展非公林业。  相似文献   
Based on recent needs to accurately understand fire regimes and post-fire vegetation resilience at a supra-level for carbon cycle studies, this article focusses on the coupled history of fire and vegetation pattern for 40 years on a fire-prone area in central Corsica (France). This area has been submitted since the beginning of the 20th century to land abandonment and the remaining land management has been largely controlled by frequent fires. Our objectives were to rebuild vegetation and fire maps in order to determine the factors which have driven the spatial and temporal distribution of fires on the area, what were the feed backs on the vegetation dynamics, and the long-term consequences of this inter-relationship. The results show a stable but high frequency of small fires, coupled with forest expansion over the study period. The results particularly illustrate the spatial distribution of fires according to topography and vegetation, leading to a strong contrast between areas never burnt and areas which have been burnt up to 7 times. Fires, when occuring, affect on average 9 to 12% of the S, SE and SW facing slopes (compared to only 2 to 5% for the N facing slopes), spread recurrently over ridge tops, affect all the vegetation types but reburn preferentially shrublands and grasslands. As these fire-proning parameters have also been shown to decrease the regeneration capacity of forests, this study highlights the needs in spatial studies (both in terms of fire spread and vegetation dynamic) to accurately apprehend vegetation dynamic and functionning in fire-prone areas.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
塔里木河流域生态环境恶化的水文效应   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12  
塔里木河是我国最大的内陆河。 4条源流出山口多年平均天然径流量 2 2 4 .9× 10 8m3 (195 7~ 2 0 0 1年 )。在全球变暖的大背景下 ,塔里木河流域山区气候出现变暖增湿的趋势 ,2 0世纪 90年代径流量达 2 4 1.9× 10 8m3 ,增幅 7.6 %。由于源流区人类开发利用水资源的影响 ,使得补给塔里木河干流的水量不断减少 ,水文条件改变 ,造成干流上、中游段耗水严重 ,导致下游生态与环境急剧退化。自 2 0 0 0年以来 ,实施的从开都河—博斯腾湖向下游绿色走廊应急输水 ,已使下游生态环境开始恢复生机。  相似文献   
额尔齐斯河流域生态系统格局及变化   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
本文首先对额尔齐斯河流域气候,地貌,水文等环境因子特征进行了评述,进而阐述了流域生态系统的特征和格局以及在自然和人为干扰作用下的变化。分析结果表明在自然干扰作用下流域生态系统的格局与流域水文情势变化相适应,处于准稳定变化状态,而在人为对流域水文情势扰动下,流域生态系统的格局间接地受到影响。从而产生新的格局,其作用的强度,持久性和生态系统的格局变化程度过错大于大于自然干扰作用下的变化。引额调水工程对额尔齐斯河流域河谷生态系统内部单元格局变化具有重要影响。  相似文献   
对柴达木盆地地产育肥饲草料进行了营养成份分析,结果表明,柴达木盆地地产饲草料育肥家畜的日粮配方,与省内其他地区育肥家畜日粮配方的营养水平基本相当,只是磷含量较少,应适当增加磷比例。  相似文献   
开展河流主要水文要素变化特征分析,可为不同来水情景下水资源配置(农业需水量计算、山区水库调蓄计算、水利工程规划布局、水资源优化利用等)提供理论依据。以新疆车尔臣河为例,采用Mann-Kendall趋势检验、小波分析等方法对主要水文要素变化特征进行了分析。车尔臣河径流系列变差系数(Cv)为0.34,偏差系数(Cs)为1.14,径流年际变化相对稳定;1957—2021年间径流整体呈显著增加趋势,其中1957—2003年处于上升、下降的波动状态,在2003年后径流整体呈增加趋势,且在2008年发生突变;径流过程存在 11 a和 19 a的显著主周期,在主周期内还存在 7 a和 11 a的小周期;基于距平百分率法得到丰水年来水为6.630亿m3,平水年来水量为5.319亿m3,枯水年来水量为4.820亿m3;流域降水呈现显著上升趋势,气温呈先下降后上升波动,整体呈上升趋势。研究表明,1957—2021年,在车尔臣河流域,径流年际变化相对稳定,整体呈显著增加趋势,过程存在11 a和19 a的显著主周期,降水呈波动上升趋势,气温也呈增加趋势,在未来水资源配置规划时应重点关注以上特征。  相似文献   
采用样方法对祁连山区大通河上游不同退化程度高寒草甸植物群落进行调查,分析了该草地群落结构、物种多样性和草地生产力。结果表明,该类草地由24科51属60多种植物组成;随着草地退化程度的加重,草地优势种由高山嵩草(Kobresia pygmaea)向细叶亚菊(Ajania tenuifolia)过渡;中度退化草地的Shannon Wiener指数和Simpson指数均最高(P<0.05);随草地退化程度的加剧,草地总盖度降低,禾本科和莎草科优良牧草生物量显著下降(P<0.05),杂类草和毒草生物量上升,草地质量下降,生产力明显降低。  相似文献   
为了探究长江十年禁渔后安庆江段刀鲚的生境履历,利用X射线电子探针微区分析技术研究安庆江段不同类型长颌刀鲚(Coilia nasus)和短颌刀鲚的耳石Sr和Ca微化学特征。结果显示,根据耳石Sr/Ca值的变化值将安庆江段的短颌刀鲚分为2类,一类是其比值为一直小于3.0的低值,表明其纯淡水的生境履历;另一类是其比值不仅有小于3.0的低值区,还有大于3.0的高值区(小于7.0),表明其不仅有淡水的生境履历,还有高盐度的河口半咸水生境履历。长颌刀鲚的耳石Sr/Ca值均具有小于3.0的低值区和大于3.0 (甚至大于7.0)高值区的显著波动,表现为典型的淡水、河口半咸水及海水的溯河洄游型生境履历,Sr含量面分析图谱也可印证上述结果。本研究表明,长江安庆江段刀鲚群体组成较为复杂,同时存在溯河洄游型、淡水定居型短颌刀鲚和溯河洄游型长颌刀鲚3种生态表型个体。  相似文献   
长江中游武汉江段铜鱼的年龄与生长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解长江中游武汉江段铜鱼种群的年龄和生长特征,2017年7月—2018年12月,在武汉江段逐月收集了 435尾铜鱼样本的基础生态学数据、年龄鉴定材料,并进行数据分析和年龄鉴定.结果显示,样本体长分布范围为152.1~325.2 mm,平均体长(233.2±73.4)mm;体质量分布范围为33.1~429.8,平均体质...  相似文献   
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