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菜心是华南地区的主要蔬菜,利用分子标记辅助育种发掘出与重要农艺性状相关的分子,不仅可以加速优良品种的选育进程,还可以定向地优化目标性状,培育出高产优质的菜心品种。本研究选用148份来自宁夏银川和广东南沙田间种植的菜心种质材料,采集株高、株质量、薹高、薹质量和薹粗5个重要农艺性状的数据;利用SSR标记对其进行基因分型,开展农艺性状及SSR标记的关联性分析。结果表明,在供试的菜心材料中,147个SSR标记共检测到252个变异位点,引物多态信息含量(PIC)为0.0526~0.5222,平均值为0.3793;群体结构分析将供试的菜心品种分为2个类群;银川和南沙两地菜心品种在农艺性状和SSR标记的关联分析中发现,有6个位点与相同性状存在仍显著关联(P<0.01)。这些标记能为菜心的分子辅助选择育种提供参考。  相似文献   
中国昆虫文化是在历史过程中创造并发展起来的,保留在中华民族中间,具有稳定形态,并对现代社会仍有影响的与昆虫相关的精神文化现象的。它是在一定历史条件下,国人及其生存环境辩证地互相影响的结果,是由劳动创造和生活提炼的精神产品。它包含在国人思想观念、思维方式、价值取向、道德情操、生产生活方式、礼仪制度、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、文学艺术、教育科技等领域之中。它具有神秘性、功利性、民族性、地域性、综合性等特征,以及满足需要、认知、规范、凝聚和娱乐等功能。  相似文献   
吕丹  江朦朦 《农学学报》2021,11(8):110-115
文章首先对家庭农场(专业大户)、农民专业合作社以及农业产业化龙头企业等新型农业经营主体开展农产品电子商务现状进行梳理,归纳总结了各类主体开展农产品电子商务的特点以及采用的电子商务模式。其次,从客观条件和主观意识2个方面,分析了制约新型农业经营主体开展农产品电子商务的关键因素。最后,从政府管理层面和新型农业经营主体层面分别提出了促进农产品电子商务采纳的对策建议,即在政府管理层面,要从人才培养、智慧物流、精准施政、第三方服务等方面扫清障碍;在新型农业经营主体层面,提倡品牌定位精准化、生产流程标准化、生产过程可视化、营销模式多元化、产品包装规格化,充分发挥新型农业经营主体在推动农产品电子商务发展和农业现代化建设中的示范引领作用。  相似文献   
曾雄生 《中国稻米》2021,27(4):127-132
大致说来,一万年前是中国稻作的起源时期,一千年前则是中国稻作传统的形成时期,而最近一百年则是中国稻作发展最快的时期。用一百年、一千年、一万年这三个大致的时间节点,全景展示中国稻米的历史、稻米对于国计民生的重要性、千百年来中国人民为解决吃饭问题所做的努力、近百年来中国稻作科技的发展与进步,展望未来稻米所可能遇到的挑战和前景。  相似文献   
Climate change severely impacts agricultural production, which jeopardizes food security. China is the second largest maize producer in the world and also the largest consumer of maize. Analyzing the impact of climate change on maize yields can provide effective guidance to national and international economics and politics. Panel models are unable to determine the group-wise heteroscedasticity, cross-sectional correlation and autocorrelation of datasets, therefore we adopted the feasible generalized least square(FGLS) model to evaluate the impact of climate change on maize yields in China from 1979–2016 and got the following results:(1) During the 1979–2016 period, increases in temperature negatively impacted the maize yield of China. For every 1°C increase in temperature, the maize yield was reduced by 5.19 kg 667 m–2(1.7%). Precipitation increased only marginally during this time, and therefore its impact on the maize yield was negligible. For every 1 mm increase in precipitation, the maize yield increased by an insignificant amount of 0.043 kg 667 m–2(0.014%).(2) The impacts of climate change on maize yield differ spatially, with more significant impacts experienced in southern China. In this region, a 1°C increase in temperature resulted in a 7.49 kg 667 m–2 decrease in the maize yield, while the impact of temperature on the maize yield in northern China was insignificant. For every 1 mm increase in precipitation, the maize yield increased by 0.013 kg 667 m–2 in southern China and 0.066 kg 667 m–2 in northern China.(3) The resilience of the maize crop to climate change is strong. The marginal effect of temperature in both southern and northern China during the 1990–2016 period was smaller than that for the 1979–2016 period.  相似文献   
张伟强 《农学学报》2021,11(8):48-52
以福建特色水果‘油㮈’为试材,在等肥料成本条件下,进行水肥一体化施肥和常规施肥下‘油㮈’树枝梢生长长度和粗度、果实品质、产量表现及施肥成本的比较研究,以期为山地水肥一体化施肥提供参考。结果表明,水肥一体化施肥可在一定程度上促进当年枝梢长度和粗度的增长,提高果实可溶性糖、可溶性固形物及Vc含量,降低可滴定酸含量,提高果实平均单果重、可食率、产量。等价施肥条件下,水肥一体化施肥节省人工成本1104.0元/hm2。建议结合降水量等气候条件及山地土壤特点、生态环境等对水肥一体化施肥技术进行优化。  相似文献   
为建立‘哈伯’南天竹组织培养和种苗繁育技术体系,以半木质化带芽茎段为外植体材料开展植株再生研究。通过观察对比试验法、L9(34)正交试验设计完全随机法、极差分析、显著性检验、LSD多重比较,探讨了‘哈伯’南天竹组培的最适培养基配方。试验结果表明:最佳诱导培养基为MS + 6-BA 2.0 mg/L + IBA 0.1 mg/L +蔗糖30 g/L,诱导萌动率71.77%,成活率85.51%;最佳增殖培养基为WPM +6-BA 1.5 mg/L + IBA 0.01 mg/L + 蔗糖30 g/L,增殖系数6.3;最佳生根培养基为1/2 MS+ IBA 0.5 mg/L + NAA 1.0 mg/L + 蔗糖20 g/L + AC 0.2 g/L,生根率97.63%;试管苗移入泥炭土:珍珠岩=3:2(V/V)混合基质中,移栽成活率96.67%。该试验建立了高效稳定的组培快繁技术体系,得到的组培苗后代能够稳定的保持母本优良性状,为工厂化育苗提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   
马铃薯产业是宁夏“1+4”特色优势产业,是西吉县所有农作物中种植面积最大、涉及农户最多、比较效益最高的农民脱贫致富的主导产业。近年来西吉县马铃薯产业由商品薯种植大县向种薯繁育大县的转变,推动了农业增效,农民增收的快速发展。但各类土传性病害的发生影响了马铃薯产业的发展,同时磋商了农民种植的积极性。为了测定筛选出对马铃薯枯萎病和干腐病防治效果好、成本较低药剂,为大田防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   
中国是全球最大的大豆进口国,进境大豆所携带的病原真菌传入我国的风险极高。基于高通量测序技术对6批美国大豆真菌多样性进行分析,同时采用分离培养获得单一菌株,依据菌落形态、显微结构及分子技术进行鉴定。高通量测序结果显示,大豆中所有真菌共计5门15纲35目63科112属155种,主要为链格孢属(Alternaria)、球腔菌科(Mycosphaerellaceae)、小戴卫霉科(Davidiellaceae)、小囊菌科(Plectosphaerellaceae)、赤霉属(Gibberella)、附球霉属(Epicoccum)、间座壳属(Diaporthe)、隐球菌属(Cryptococcus)。分离培养结果显示,得到真菌共计40株10种,分别是大豆北方茎溃疡病菌(Diaporthe phaseolorum var.caulivora)、大豆南方茎溃疡病菌(Diaporthe phaseolorum var.meridionalis)、大豆拟茎点种腐病菌(Diaporthe longicolla/Phomopsis longicolla)、大豆炭腐病菌(Macrophomina phaseolina)、尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)、菌核菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)、镰刀菌(Fusarium sp.)、附球菌(Epicoccum sp.)、交链孢菌(Alternaria sp.)、小双胞腔菌(Didymella sp.)。  相似文献   
The centre of origin of the globally distributed wheat pathogen Parastagonospora nodorum has remained uncertain because only a small number of isolates from the Fertile Crescent were included in earlier population genetic and phylogeographic studies. We isolated and genetically analysed 193 P. nodorum strains from three naturally infected wheat fields distributed across Iran using 11 neutral microsatellite loci. Compared to previous studies that included populations from North America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and China, the populations from Iran had the highest genetic diversity globally and also exhibited greater population structure over smaller spatial scales, patterns typically associated with the centre of origin of a species. Genes encoding the necrotrophic effectors SnToxA, SnTox1, and SnTox3 were found at a high frequency in the Iranian population. By sequencing 96 randomly chosen Iranian strains, we detected new alleles for all three effector genes. Analysis of allele diversity showed that all three effector genes had higher diversity in Iran than in any population included in previous studies, with Iran acting as a hub for the effector diversity that was found in other global populations. Taken together, these findings support the hypothesis that P. nodorum originated either within or nearby the Fertile Crescent with a genome that already encoded all three necrotrophic effectors during its emergence as a pathogen on wheat. Our findings also suggest that P. nodorum was the original source of the ToxA genes discovered in the wheat pathogens Phaeosphaeria avenaria f. sp. tritici 1, Pyrenophora tritici-repentis, and Bipolaris sorokiniana.  相似文献   
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