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水温对方格星虫幼体发育及变态的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
兰国宝 《水产学报》2007,31(5):633-638
研究了温度对方格星虫浮游期海球幼体发育和附着幼体变态发育的影响。实验用的亲虫来自本地海区,试验幼体通过人工催产和孵化获得。结果表明,浮游期海球幼体的发育时间与温度变化的关系极密切,并遵从Log istic曲线分布。适宜的发育温度为27.5~32.0℃之间。幼体变态发育的临界温度为27.5~28.0℃,适宜水温30.0~34.0℃之间。在30℃以上进行变态发育的幼体,变态率和变态成活率都明显提高,变态后成活率达20%以上。本文还讨论了中国方格星虫自然分布与海区水温分布的关系,认为方格星虫的自然分布自北向南增高的原因与水温有关。  相似文献   
饵料对中间球海胆品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
饵料种类对中间球海胆的品质有显著影响。长期摄食鲜海带或裙带菜的海胆生殖腺呈橘红色和橘黄色,摄食孔石莼为浅橘红色和橘黄色,摄食人工配合饲料为土黄色和乳白色。长期摄食鲜海藻类的海胆生殖腺味道甜美,口感上佳;而摄食人工配合饲料的则有苦涩味。饵料种类及其交替方式决定了海胆生殖腺色泽和口感的转变速度,其中鲜海藻类间转换速度基本一致,均需60d可完成;而人工配合饲料则需80d方能完成。中间球海胆消化道的颜色更易受饵料种类的影响,其转换速度与饵料种类和交替方式无关,20d即有明显表现,40d可完成。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   As a possible factor leading to the low recruitment level of sea urchins in kelp forests, the inhibitory effect of 2,4-dibromophenol (DBP) and 2,4,6-tribromophenol (TBP) released from the large perennial brown algae Ecklonia kurome and Eisenia bicyclis on survival and metamorphosis of eight-armed larvae of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus was examined. The percentage of larvae that underwent metamorphosis in filtered sea water after 1 h exposure to one-half dilution of saturated dibromomethane solution (∼60 ppm) as a chemical inducer reached approximately 100% after 1 h, while that in filtered sea water containing 1 ppm TBP was reduced to 73%. This was further reduced to less than 40% in the presence of 10 and 20 ppm TBP after 2 h. In filtered sea water containing 1 and 10 ppm DBP, the proportion of metamorphosed larvae was reduced markedly to 43 and 5% after 2 h, respectively. All larvae exposed to 50 ppm TBP and to 20 and 50 ppm DBP died after 1 h. These findings suggest that DBP is more toxic than TBP for sea urchin larvae, strongly inhibiting their metamorphosis.  相似文献   
研究了方格星虫中培苗对盐度突变、温度突变和盐度渐变、温度渐变及干露的耐受性。试验结果表明,方格星虫中培苗耐受盐度的范围比较广泛,为10~45,适宜的盐度为15~40;适宜温度为15~30℃,对低温有较强的耐受力。方格星虫中培苗在低温保湿干露48h未发生死亡,大量死亡集中在72~96h。根据试验结果可知,方格星虫中培苗对环境的适应性较强,耐温、耐盐范围较广,且具有较强的耐干露能力,便于苗种运输。  相似文献   
The green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis) fishery is of great importance to Maine’s economy. The fishery took off in the late 1980s as a result of expanding export markets, but has experienced substantial decline in landings since 1992 because of large decreases in urchin stock abundance. Fishery-independent surveys have not been conducted, and no formal stock assessment has been done prior to this study. Using the data collected from the fishery and urchin life history parameters derived from scientific studies, we conducted a formal stock assessment for the urchin stock. A stochastic observation-error length-structured model is used to describe the dynamics of the sea urchin population. A robust Bayesian approach is used for estimating fishery parameters because of concerns of possible outliers in fisheries data and mis-specification of priors. This study shows that the current stock is only 10% of the virgin stock biomass and that the exploitation rate is close to 40% suggesting that a large reduction in exploitation rate is necessary.  相似文献   
水温13.8~20.0℃下,在容积50 L的塑料水槽中,放养体质量为(1.4±0.6)g的虾夷马粪海胆(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)11个,过量投喂海带(Laminaria japonica),再分别混养体质量为(3.4±0.6)g的仿刺参(Apostichopusjaponicus)0(A组)、3(B组)、5(C组)和10个(D组),体质量为(12.4±1.7)g的菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippim2rum)6个,排出水培养底栖硅藻和石纯(Ulva lactuca),用底栖硅藻饲喂仿刺参.77 d的饲养表明,仿刺参和海胆的成活率差异不显著(P>0.05),但混养组海胆的特定生长率(SGR)显著高于单养组(P<0.05),B、C和D组海胆的SGR分别比单养高9.12%、7.24%和10.06%,各混养组间差异不显著(P>0.05);混养海胆的饲料系数(7.28~7.70)分别显著低于单养(9.12)(P<0.05)组20.2%、15.5%和18.0%.将刺参的产量计算在内,B、C和D组海胆的饲料系数分别比对照组降低31.5%、26.8%和16.0%,但混养组间差异不显著(P>0.05).海胆和仿刺参的适宜混养比例为11:3.蛤仔和石纯生长慢,死亡率高.养殖排水培养的底栖硅藻以菱形藻(Nitzschia sp.)和卵形藻(Cocameissp.)为主,少量舟形藻(Navicula sp.).混养海胆性腺中亚麻酸、EPA DHA含量和n-3/n-6比值显著大于单养组(P<0.05),混养池水中氨氮含量低而稳,溶氧量高.  相似文献   
为探索中间球海胆(Strongylocentrotus intermedius)在福建沿海季节性养殖的可行性,于2018年11月开展了新品种中间球海胆"大金"南移福州海域养殖试验。试养海胆分为大(壳径3 cm)和小(壳径1 cm)两种规格。采用当地现有的鲍养殖海域和设施,定期投喂海带(Laminaria japonica)和龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)。经过6个月的养殖,福州养殖的大规格海胆壳径达(55.90±2.63)mm,体质量(56.30±6.92)g,性腺指数15.02%±1.5%,海胆生殖腺发育处于成熟前期(Ⅲ期),性腺质量良好,且显著高于大连同期养殖的大规格海胆壳径(46.56±3.88)mm和体质量(39.07±5.05)g(P<0.05)。同时,福州养殖的小规格海胆壳径达(40.97±0.87)mm,体质量(23.18±0.37)g,性腺指数9.64%±1.00%。试养结果表明,冬春季中间球海胆可在福建沿海开展季节性养殖,采用现有海上设施和养殖笼,投喂鲜活大型藻类,海胆的生长速度显著优于同期大连养殖。中间球海胆福建沿海南移养殖是满足其日益增长的市场需求的重要途径。  相似文献   
三种海胆性腺总脂的脂肪酸组成的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
童圣英 《水产学报》1998,22(3):247-252
本文采用了FFAP石英毛细和气相色谱柱,对光棘球海胆,虾夷马粪海胆及海刺猬的性腺中总脂的脂肪酸组成进行了研究。结果表明这几种海胆含有四十种以上的脂肪酸,分布十分相似。主要的HUFA为18:4n-3(3.2%-7.4),20:4n-6(6.4%-16.7%)及20:5n-3(6.6%-12.1%),并含有非常罕见的n-5及n-7烯酸。  相似文献   
盐度对大连紫海胆生长发育的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
孙勉英  高绪生 《水产学报》1991,15(1):72-76,81
大连紫海胆是产于西北太平洋沿海水域的一种重要经济海胆,也是我国正在研究发展的新的海水增养殖种类。为搞好其人工育苗与培养殖技术,探讨主要环境因子对其生长发育的影响是必要的。廖玉麟(1982)、廖承义(1987)、今井利为(1986)、伊东义信(1987)、Fuji(1962)等曾就温度和饵料这两个重要环境因子对海胆类的影响进行过研究,研究的对象包括大连紫海胆、马粪海胆Hemicentrotus pulcher-  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   The present study reports the annual variation in consumption of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus intermedius by avian predators on a rocky shore where the culture of sea urchins has been conducted. Carrion crow and a few gull species were the most abundant avian predators and consumed a large number of sea urchins. Crows consumed mostly natural sea urchins, approximately 36 kg ww/ha per year on the intertidal rocky bench, but the gull species consumed mostly cultured sea urchins, approximately 100 kg ww/ha per year in the culture area. The seasonal variation in the amount of sea urchins consumed by crows was higher than that by the gull species, presumably because of the difference in foraging behavior in association with the seasonal tidal cycle. The natural sea urchins consumed are an allochthonous input from the subtidal to the intertidal habitat, and thus, crow predation may not affect the natural and the cultured populations of the sea urchin. The gull species consumed much of the cultured sea urchin, and thus, may be regarded as an effective predator causing damage to sea urchin culture. The results suggest that further studies are needed to determine why the gull species selectively feed on cultured sea urchins.  相似文献   
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