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草甘膦在柑橘园除草中得到大量使用,对农作物生长、果实品质、产量和质量造成影响。如何降低草甘膦对柑橘树的生物可利用性,从而降低其对农作物造成的药害、提高果实品质和食品安全将至关重要。本文在前期研究的基础上通过施用蚯蚓粪,表征蚯蚓粪作用下土壤中残留草甘膦对柑橘幼苗的生物有效性和生物毒性效应。结果显示,蚯蚓粪能够显著增强其生物有效性(BCF值显著增大);显著降低草甘膦在土壤中的残留量到草甘膦单独处理组的55.15%,从而减少草甘膦在柑橘幼苗植株中的积累。同时,蚯蚓粪的施用能促进植物的茁壮生长,使抗氧化酶活力较对照组显著提高,从而具有更强的抗逆能力。在这两方面的共同作用下,蚯蚓粪显著减轻了土壤中残留草甘膦对柑橘幼苗的胁迫,使其株高、根长和相应的干重较草甘膦单独施用时增长了26.23%-140.11%,甚至成为对照组的1.03倍和1.13倍。此研究对兼顾化肥有机替代的草甘膦污染土壤的修复和高效利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   
本文针对近年来黄淮地区高温频发的气候条件限制,综合当前国内外研究进展,分别从产量和干物质积累、光合、花粉及授粉受精、子粒灌浆、子粒品质和内源激素等6个方面分析了高温胁迫对玉米生产的影响。结果表明:高温对玉米授粉结实、干物质积累及内源激素含量产生影响,降低了玉米光合速率及子粒灌浆速率,从而降低子粒产量。此外,高温提高子粒中蛋白质含量,使淀粉及脂肪含量相对降低,影响子粒品质。结果表明,通过选育、选用抗(耐)高温品种,配以外源激素及微肥的使用,采用适当晚播及合适的水肥栽培措施,可达玉米抗高温高效生产。  相似文献   
以贵州省不同年代酿酒用糯高粱品种(系)为研究对象,采用随机区组试验设计,对其农艺性状、产量构成以及抗性差异进行分析,结果表明:随着年代更替,贵州省酿酒用糯高粱单产逐步提高。新品种(红缨子、黔高8号)较老品系(黑壳糯、红壳糯)平均单产增幅25%以上;穗粒数、穗粒重增加显著,增幅分别为51.7%、62.7%;主穗一、二级枝梗数增加幅度分别为19.8%、62.7%;株高降低24.9%,茎粗增加9.5%;节间数增加0.9个,节间长缩短13.3cm;单株叶面积和叶面积指数增加显著;倒伏率、发病率下降显著,成穗率明显提升。各指标相关性分析显示,产量与穗粒数、穗粒重,穗粒数与主穗一、二级枝梗数呈极显著正相关;产量与株高、倒伏率极显著负相关,与茎粗正相关,相关系数分别为-0.981、-0.970和0.928,株高、茎粗与倒伏率相关显著,相关系数分别为0.964和-0.910;产量与叶面积指数正相关,与发病率显著负相关。总的结果表明,主穗一、二级枝梗数的增加提高了糯高粱的穗粒数,植株株高的降低、茎粗的增加促进了抗倒性的提升,抗病性的提升保证了后期叶片光合作用的持续进行,最终提高了糯高粱产量。  相似文献   
Wheat endosperm texture (hardness) largely determines end-product suitability. Since its development 25 years ago, the single kernel classification system (SKCS, a mechanical instrument that measures, among other properties, the force imparted on a kernel during crushing) has been used in breeding programs to differentiate soft wheats from hard wheats. Nominally, these have a soft to hard SKCS hardness index (HI) range of 25–75 (dimensionless units). However, in recent years, breeders have developed extremely soft (‘Super Soft’) lines having SKCS HI < 0. Until now, these very low SKCS HIs have not been corroborated with traditional methodologies that characterize mechanical strength. Herein, we report on the relationships between SKCS HI and three compressive strength properties (maximum stress, Young's modulus, and work) in Super Soft wheat. With respective correlation coefficients of 0.76, 0.66, and 0.75, we have found that the relationships between SKCS HI and compressive strength agree with prior research involving ordinary soft and hard wheats.  相似文献   
课题组前期对干旱胁迫下大豆转录组的数据分析发现大豆Glyma.13G115900基因编码一个RING/U-box蛋白,其表达水平受干旱胁迫影响显著。本研究以垦丰16大豆为试验材料,克隆Glyma.13G115900基因。氨基酸多重序列比对表明其编码的蛋白与其它物种都具有高度保守的RING/U-box结构域。构建原核表达载体pET-29b-Glyma.13G115900转化到大肠杆菌中,Glyma.13G115900蛋白在大肠杆菌中能够表达。荧光定量PCR分析表明Glyma.13G115900基因的表达量受PEG、NaCl和ABA的影响显著,但基本不受冷胁迫的诱导。经PEG和NaCl处理后,该基因表达量与CK相比呈现出显著下降的趋势,PEG处理的表达量变化比NaCl下调的更明显;在ABA诱导下与CK相比该基因的mRNA丰度呈现出先上升后下降的趋势,在4 h表达量出现峰值,推测该基因可能通过依赖于ABA途径参与非生物胁迫应答。以上结果为进一步深入研究该基因的调控途径奠定基础。  相似文献   
Microbiological analyses were conducted on wild eels from the L′Albufera Lake (Spain). A total of 174 individuals were collected in two surveys (i.e. year 2008 and autumn–winter 2014) among those caught by local fishermen into the lagoon. The prevalence of Shewanella putrefaciens group was 1.7% in 2008 and rose above 32% in 2014. It was due to an outbreak of shewanellosis that presented a morbidity rate of 64%. S. putrefaciens group strains were isolated as pure cultures from the sick eels that showed white ulcers surrounded by a reddish inflammation, damage of the mouth, extensive skin discoloration, exophthalmia, ascites and bad odour. The S. putrefaciens group was recovered from freshwater samples taken at the L′Albufera system, along autumn–winter 2015. Its counts significantly increased in freshwater parallel to hypoxia and temperature rising. Shewanellae strains were identified as S. putrefaciens and S. xiamenensis by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. These isolates recovered from sick eels or freshwater were virulent for European eel by IP challenge (LD50 106 CFU g?1 body weight). They also caused 30–38% cumulative mortality, in European eels challenged by a 2‐h bath (107 CFU mL?1). These results suggest that shewanellosis could be transmitted through water highlighting the fact that hypoxic conditions increase this bacterium levels in water.  相似文献   
为明确河套地区不同栽培模式对'张杂谷19号'产量的影响,以新抗旱谷子杂交种'张杂谷19号'为试验材料,研究3种种植方式(干旱无膜、干旱覆膜及灌溉无膜)和5种密度(4.5万、9万、13.5万、22.5万、45万株/hm2)对'张杂谷19号'稳产和丰产性的影响。结果表明,正常灌溉条件下,'张杂谷9号'的产量随着种植密度的增加而增加。当密度为45万株/hm2时产量最高,达到8724.36 kg/hm2。而干旱条件下,适宜种植密度可以同样获得较高产量,与正常灌溉条件下最高产量差异不显著。当种植密度为9万~ 45万株/hm2时,产量普遍提高到7700 kg/hm2以上,最高可达8654.33 kg/hm2。河套地区'张杂谷19号'播前灌溉1次足水、地膜覆盖及种植密度9万~45万株/hm2,可以实现水分高效利用和产量达到较高水平。  相似文献   
In high-income countries depression and cardiovascular diseases were predicted to be the two leading causes of DALYs in the year 2030. Private-life stress fosters both kinds of diseases. Scientific findings already show that forest exposure has stress-reducing effects. Particularly in Japan, people have practiced forest bathing to improve their health. The German population also has a strong connection to its forests, and forest law allows forest access, regardless of ownership structure. Hence, the question arises of whether forest exposure could be used in Germany as a kind of stress-coping strategy. To a certain degree, the success of such a strategy in Germany would require the participation of the stakeholders that are active in both the health and the forestry sectors. Therefore, it seems necessary to gain insight into German forest and health professionals' understanding and attitude concerning forest-related health benefits. For this reason, in this pilot study, guideline interviews with professionals of both sectors and with professionals standing in between these professions were conducted, recorded and transcribed. On the one hand, each professional’s presumptions regarding the health-fostering effects of forests were investigated, derived from their subjective certainty that forest exposure has health-fostering effects. In addition, a thought experiment was used to estimate the level of willingness to cooperate with each other in order to motivate people to be physically active in forests. For analysis, Mayring’s qualitative content analysis and a frequency analysis (MaxQDA) were applied. Findings show that most of the interviewed professionals presume forests to have health-fostering effects. Furthermore, something derived from the statements within the context of the thought experiment was that most professionals seem to be willing to cooperate with the other sector. Hence, it might be conceivable that forest exposure may be part of a German stress-coping strategy.  相似文献   
郑江涛  陈维 《猪业科学》2021,38(8):39-41
应激是动物机体在多种环境、生理和心理等因素的刺激下,出现的生理与心理等全身性的非特异性的适应性反应。随着我国生猪养殖业规模化和集约化程度的提高,养猪生产者都追求以有限的养殖空间来生产更多的猪只,这导致了养殖密度的增加、猪群应激发生的概率不断上升。应激导致的危害日益突出,成为了阻碍猪只健康生长的重要的因素之一。本文回顾了应激的病理学概念、应激的种类与危害、抗应激的营养支持理论;针对应激问题的解决,本文提出了对猪群添加功能性的维生素和氨基酸来的方法,并介绍了该方法在猪场实际应用的案例。  相似文献   
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