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新型风味素对养殖脊尾白虾海鲜风味的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐年军 《水产学报》2005,29(4):507-511
运用感官分析和GC/MS技术研究了两种新型海洋风味素对养殖脊尾白虾的感官特征和海鲜风味的影响,以及在暂养过程中的吸收规律。在脊尾白虾室内暂养的饲料中添加从海藻中提取的两种新型风味素DBP和TBP,经过一段时间的暂养后分别测定其体内的风味素含量,并进行感官分析,对各个实验组的明度、色调、香味、风味、异味、滋味、味觉、弹性和嫩度等感官指标进行分析比较、打分,并对虾的色泽、嗅觉、味觉、触觉等感官特征进行整体的描述与评价。结果表明:脊尾白虾能通过饲料添加的途径吸收一定浓度的风味素,两种风味素在脊尾白虾体内的累积能力各不相同。在实验条件下,脊尾白虾肉中风味素TBP的最大累积量为754.5ng·g-1,而对DBP的最大累积量为172.2ng·g-1。感官分析表明,通过在暂养过程中添加适量的风味素TBP可提高脊尾白虾的总体口感和海鲜风味。在脊尾白虾肉中的TBP含量在162.6~451.8ng·g-1时,脊尾白虾具有最好的口感和海鲜味。  相似文献   
1991年4月,从长江口采回细指长臂虾抱卵亲虾,至实验室进行幼体培育。孵化后的幼体,在水温22℃.盐度12、饵料充足的条件下,有规律的每2d蜕皮1次,经10个状幼体期,变态为仔虾。如在发育后期遇饵料不足等不良环境条件的影响,则幼体须经11次蜕皮后,始能发育为仔虾。  相似文献   
本研究通过高通量测序,分析低氧胁迫下脊尾白虾(Palaemon carincauda)某些基因的差异表达,获得10.62 Gb高质量测序数据,组装得到155113条转录本和118953条Unigene.注释Unigene 37580条.其中,33659条Unigene与Nr蛋白数据库基因同源;11275条Unigene...  相似文献   
DNA疫苗作为第3代疫苗具有许多优点,其在水产养殖领域的应用前景广阔。多糖类免疫促进剂是一种能直接作用于免疫系统激活有关细胞的物质,它能够提高机体的免疫力,在虾的养殖领域中已得到应用。论文对DNA疫苗与多糖类免疫促进剂做了简要介绍,并对其在对虾疾病控制上的应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
Larvae of two caridean shrimp species, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) and Palaemon elegans Rathke, were fed live and artificial diets. P. elegans larvae fed exclusively live Artemia salina (15 nauplii mL?1) developed into first postlarval stage (PL1) within 12 days at a temperature of 25°C and salinity 32.5 g L?1. Their survival and mean total length at this stage were 88.5% and 6.7 mm respectively. M. rosenbergii larvae fed on 15 Artemia mL?1 started to metamorphose into PLl within 24 days at 29–30°C and 12 g L?1. Attempts to completely replace live Artemia for rearing P. elegans during early stages failed, and only a partial replacement was achieved for the larvae of both species. P. elegans larvae survived (49%) solely on a microgranulated diet (Frippak PL diet) from stage zoea (Z) 4–5 to PL1. Similarly, a microencapsulated diet (Frippak CD3) also sustained M. rosenbergii larvae from Z5–6 to PL1 with a 28% survival. Development of the larvae of both species was retarded by 2–3 days and their survivals were lower than those fed on the live diet. The inability of the early larvae of these caridean species to survive on artificial diets is attributed to their undeveloped guts and limited enzymatic capabilities. Trypsin activity in the larvae was determined for all larval stages. It was found that the highest trypsin activity, at stage Z4–5 in P. elegans and at stage Z5–6 in M. rosenbergii, coincides with a rapid increase in the volume of the hepatopancreas and the formation of the filter apparatus. These morphological changes in the gut structure appear to enable the larvae to utilize artificial diets after stage Z5–6. Low larval trypsin activities may be compensated by the easily digestible content of their live prey during early larval stages (Z1–Z4/5) and by longer gastroevacuation time (GET) and almost fully developed guts during later stages.  相似文献   
张彩明  陈应华  吴常文 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(8):4599-4600,4602
[目的]研究Cu2+对脊尾白虾的毒性效应,揭示Cu2+对脊尾白虾的致毒机理。[方法]采用静水生物测试法开展了在不同浓度下铜离子对脊尾白虾的96 h急性毒性试验。[结果]暴露时间为24 h、48 h、72 h和96 h时,Cu2+对脊尾白虾的半致死浓度分别为50.35mg/L、26.73 mg/L、21.23 mg/L和18.07 mg/L。Cu2+对脊尾白虾的安全浓度为0.18 mg/L。[结论]脊尾白虾幼虾对Cu2+污染具有较强的耐受能力。  相似文献   
脊尾白虾的生物学特性及健康养殖技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章主要概述了脊尾白虾的生物学特性,并详细总结了其养殖技术,以期为脊尾白虾养殖业的高效、健康、持续发展提供基础。  相似文献   
吕华庆  宋海棠 《水产科学》2006,25(3):109-112
以“东海区虾蟹资源调查”课题在1998年8月和1999年2月获得的东海水文、虾类调查资料为基础,结合参考资料,对东海北部海区(30°N以北、128°E以西)的葛氏长臂虾密度分布规律进行了分析,对硝酸盐浓度分布进行了研究。虾类调查采用单船桁杆式拖网扫海,调查时间与硝酸盐采样同步。结果发现:(1)硝酸盐浓度分布受长江冲淡水影响很大,夏、冬有别;(2)夏、冬季葛氏长臂虾的密度分布均与硝酸盐浓度分布成反比关系,且吻合较好;(3)葛氏长臂虾的密度分布在很大程度上取决于长江冲淡水的走向。  相似文献   
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