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老庄哲学语境中的“德”含义复杂且深邃,比如说“玄德”概念及其理论创造性地发展了由来已久的德的观念,可谓思想史进程中“哲学突破”的重要标尺。围绕着老庄哲学的“德”,有若干问题值得深入探究:第一,道与德之间的关系能否归结于“德者,得也”的训诂解释,或者说道与德之间是否有那种亚里士多德意义上的分有关系?如果考虑到“德”实际上意味着“性”或者更深意味的“性之性”,那么德就具有两层含义:万物殊性且自得其性的性;万物玄同意义上的“性之性”。第二,老庄往往通过宇宙论模式阐发道物关系,同时也展现了探究德与物之间关系的多元思考,后者隐含了一种心性论的旨趣。第三,作为价值判断语词的“德”,足以提示出超越于伦理规范的原初伦理,即更高理论层次的德性伦理学(含政治哲学)。这几个问题的新思考有助于加深对老庄哲学的理解。  相似文献   
通过比较冰晶、内源蛋白酶以及氧化对冻藏暗纹东方鲀(Takifugu obscurus)品质的影响,确定冻藏暗纹东方鲀品质劣化的关键因素。实验通过液氮浸渍快速冻结抑制鱼肉组织中冰晶增长、碘乙酸浸泡前处理抑制鱼肉内源蛋白酶活性、复合抗氧化剂浸泡前处理抑制蛋白/脂质氧化作用的设计,区分冰晶、内源蛋白酶和氧化3种因素对冻藏鱼肉品质的影响;并以硬度、解冻流失率、蒸煮损失率、挥发性盐基氮含量、K值、Ca2+-ATPase活性、肌原纤维小片化指数和肌纤维长度作为鱼肉品质的评价指标。结果显示,冻结过程中控制冰晶增长对暗纹东方鲀冻藏品质的改善作用最大,冻藏24周后,速冻组的硬度比内源蛋白酶抑制组和氧化抑制组分别提高了26.8%和20.5%,解冻流失率分别降低了44.2%和44.8%,且该处理组TVB-N、K值和Ca2+-ATPase活性变化更慢,24周后分别为10.5 mg/100 g、6.8%和1.43 μmol Pi/mg/10 min。综合各项指标发现,冰晶、内源蛋白酶和氧化对冻藏暗纹东方鲀品质劣化均有影响;其中,冰晶作用是导致暗纹东方鲀在冻藏过程中品质下降的最主要影响因素,内源蛋白酶和氧化对冻藏暗纹东方鲀品质的影响次之,且二者对品质影响无显著性差异。  相似文献   
张秀兰  王滢 《安徽农业科学》2006,34(23):6276-6277
采用城市环境噪声模糊综合评价方法,对承德县城区2003年环境噪声监测结果进行科学评价和分析,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   
Noguchi T  Arakawa O 《Marine drugs》2008,6(2):220-242
Many pufferfish of the family Tetraodontidae possess a potent neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin (TTX). In marine pufferfish species, toxicity is generally high in the liver and ovary, whereas in brackish water and freshwater species, toxicity is higher in the skin. In 1964, the toxin of the California newt was identified as TTX as well, and since then TTX has been detected in a variety of other organisms. TTX is produced primarily by marine bacteria, and pufferfish accumulate TTX via the food chain that begins with these bacteria. Consequently, pufferfish become non-toxic when they are fed TTX-free diets in an environment in which the invasion of TTX-bearing organisms is completely shut off. Although some researchers claim that the TTX of amphibians is endogenous, we believe that it also has an exogenous origin, i.e., from organisms consumed as food. TTX-bearing animals are equipped with a high tolerance to TTX, and thus retain or accumulate TTX possibly as a biologic defense substance. There have been many cases of human intoxication due to the ingestion of TTX-bearing pufferfish, mainly in Japan, China, and Taiwan, and several victims have died. Several cases of TTX intoxication due to the ingestion of small gastropods, including some lethal cases, were recently reported in China and Taiwan, revealing a serious public health issue.  相似文献   
针对河豚供应链环节复杂、监管要求高以及溯源系统信息传递繁杂、数据查询效率低的问题,以提高河豚溯源查询效率和安全性为目的,建立了基于区块链技术的河豚供应链溯源优化模型,并搭建相应系统。首先,对河豚供应链业务供应链信息进行分析,整理并提取供应链各业务环节溯源码信息和产品信息;然后,基于区块链技术建立河豚供应链可信溯源优化模型架构,设计多链的存储模式和快速查询流程并制定相应的智能合约;最后,基于Hyperledger Fabric实现了一种河豚供应链信息溯源系统,并使用Caliper性能测试工具测试。结果表明,在数据记录条数大于1000条后,本文模型查询效率高于传统单链模型,在10000条数据记录上链后,本文模型较传统单链模型查询效率提高约92.9%。以江苏省某河豚企业为例,实现河豚供应链信息安全传递和快速溯源。所提出的模型可以应用到河豚行业从而提高溯源效率和安全性,为河豚行业提供一个防篡改、查询效率高的模型。  相似文献   
暗纹东方鲀几种常见病原菌防治药物的筛选   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为预防和治疗暗纹东方鲀养殖过程中出现的各类细菌性病害,从各地养殖的患病暗纹东方鲀的肝脏、脾脏等部位及腹水中分离出10株不同种属的病原微生物,分别属于豚鼠气单胞菌、温和气单胞菌、脆弱气单胞菌、嗜水气单胞菌、霍乱弧菌、海鱼弧菌、副溶血弧菌、梅氏弧菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、类志贺邻单胞菌。具有一定的普遍性和代表性。并对致病菌进行防治药物的筛选,药敏试验结果表明新霉素和氟嗪酸等对暗纹东方中存在的病原菌具有普遍的杀灭效果。  相似文献   
刘冰  杨国范  谷建  金鑫 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(36):11933-11934
运用灰色聚类样点排序法对地表水环境质量进行评价,并将该方法与灰色聚类法进行比较。结果表明,灰色聚类样点排序法适用于各测点的实测污染质量浓度都在级别标准范围内无规律地变化、各污染物的标准值之间差异大时;而等斜率灰色聚类法只适用于当各测点的实测污染质量浓度都在级别标准范围内较有规律地变化、各污染物的标准值之间差异不太大的时候。应用灰色聚类样点排序法对浑河抚顺段水环境质量进行评价是比较合理的。  相似文献   
Abstract:   Sequence analyses of mitochondrial (mt) and nuclear genes were performed for genetic comparison between two Takifugu pufferfish species: torafugu T. rubripes and karasu T.  chinensis . With a sequence coverage of 20% in mtDNA, 640, 308, 344, 522 and 697 bp encoding mt 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA), adenosine triphosphatase 6 ( ATPase 6 ), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit 4 ( ND4 ), ND5 and cytochrome b (cyt b ), respectively, among 24 wild torafugu, 24 wild karasu and six hybrid-like samples, 15% of the torafugu identified by external color patterns showed nucleotide sequences consistent with karasu. Meanwhile, sequences of 60% karasu were consistent with those registered for torafugu (AJ421455). As for the hybrid-like samples, two possessed karasu-specific sequences in some base positions while torafugu-specific sequences in others. The remaining hybrid-like samples possessed torafugu-specific sequences. On the other hand, the mt control region did not show such type of consistency. Analysis of nuclear melanocortin receptor genes ( MC1R , MC4R ) among 54 samples showed 99–100% inter- and intraspecific sequence identity. Partial nuclear 18S  rRNA, complete internal transcribed spacer 1 ( ITS1 ), partial 5.8S  rRNA and ITS2 genes showed similar levels of identity, indicating a very low level of variation in their respective gene fragments between the two Takifugu species.  相似文献   
Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a crystalline, weakly basic, colorless organic substance and is one of the most potent marine toxins known. Although TTX was first isolated from pufferfish, it has been found in numerous other marine organisms and a few terrestrial species. Moreover, tetrodotoxication is still an important health problem today, as TTX has no known antidote. TTX poisonings were most commonly reported from Japan, Thailand, and China, but today the risk of TTX poisoning is spreading around the world. Recent studies have shown that TTX-containing fish are being found in other regions of the Pacific and in the Indian Ocean, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. This review aims to summarize pertinent information available to date on the structure, origin, distribution, mechanism of action of TTX and analytical methods used for the detection of TTX, as well as on TTX-containing organisms, symptoms of TTX poisoning, and incidence worldwide.  相似文献   
Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are of substantial concern when contaminating waters. We studied gene expression of larvae from river pufferfish, Takifugu obscurus exposed to EDCs. We cloned the full‐ or partial‐length cDNA sequence of genes related to the cortisol pathway, such as the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), heat shock protein (HSP) 70 and 90, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) and the FK506‐binding protein 4 (FKBP52). The tissue and time‐dependent expression of mRNA was studied by real‐time PCR in T. obscurus exposed to two representative EDCs (bisphenol‐A and 4‐tert‐octylphenol). HSP70, HSP90, MR and FKBP52 mRNA expression level was much higher than GR and PEPCK expression. GR mRNA expression level was significantly upregulated after 48 h in both EDC‐treated fish groups compared with the control. Both groups also showed down‐regulation patterns after 48 h. The initial expression of PEPCK in both groups was down‐regulated after 24 h. In the bisphenol‐A treated group, the expression of FKBP52 showed substantially high up‐regulation from 6 to 48 h after exposure, and then strikingly reduced its expression level at 72 h. Our results provide insights into the EDCs metabolizing system of T. obscurus and offers baseline information for further research related to the possible use as a bio‐indicator of this commercially important aquaculture fish species.  相似文献   
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