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Independent and combined effects of stocking density and algal concentration on the survival, growth and metamorphosis of the Bobu Ivory shell Babylonia formosae habei larvae were assessed using a 5 × 5 factorial design with densities of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.00 and 1.50 larvae mL−1 and algal concentrations of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 × 104 cells mL−1 in the laboratory. Larval growth, survival and metamorphosis were significantly affected by both the independent effects of stocking density and algal concentration and by their interaction. The highest per cent survival (72.5%) and metamorphosis (49.5%), fastest growth (41.57 μm day−1) and shortest time to initial metamorphosis (10 days) all occurred at the lowest stocking density and the highest algal concentration. Both crowding and food limitation had independently negative impacts on the survival, growth and metamorphosis of larvae, and these negative impacts were further strengthened by the interaction of a higher stocking density and a lower algal concentration. Moreover, the results suggest that stocking density and algal concentration obviously played different roles in determining larval survival and growth. To maximize survival and growth, B. formosae habei larvae should be reared at a lower stoking density of 0.25 larvae mL−1 and fed a higher algal concentration of 25 × 104 cells mL−1 in large-scale hatchery seed culture.  相似文献   
Holometabolous insects develop without feeding and excreting during the pupal period and thus require repository organs for metabolic waste, or meconium. The rectal sac is an organ for storing meconium during pupal-adult development of holometabolous insects. Although the rectal sac has an essential function, hormonal and developmental regulation of waste-accumulation and the consequences of rectal sac distention are still unknown. In the silkworm, Bombyx mori, the rectal sac distends with meconium in the middle pupal period under the regulation of ecdysteroid. Here, we show that juvenile hormone analog (JHA) delayed rectal sac distention and disturbed adult emergence. Distention was not restored completely by an injection of 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E) into pupae applied with JHA, suggesting that JHA suppresses 20E action and delays the timing of ecdysteroid elevation. Thus the “status quo” action of JHA may function in two different ways during pupal-adult development.  相似文献   
Larvae of Haliotis discus hannai were induced to settle and metamorphose by exposure to seawater supplemented with bromomethane. The settlement and metamorphosis of veliger larvae were observed with bromomethane concentrations of 300, 600, 900, 1200, 1500 ppm on the benthic diatom plates. The highest settlement and metamorphosis rates of larvae were observed in bromomethane concentrations of 600 ppm.

Abalone larvae were induced to settle and metamorphose by exposure to seawater supplemented with potassium chloride. The settlement and metamorphosis of veliger larvae was observed in potassium chloride concentrations of 14, 19, 24 and 29 mM on the benthic diatom plates. The highest settlement and metamorphosis rates of larvae were observed in potassium chloride concentrations of 14–19 mM.  相似文献   

A biochemically based model was developed to simulate the growth, development and metamorphosis of larvae of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. The model is unique in that it (1) defines larvae in terms of their protein, neutral lipid, polar lipid, carbohydrate and ash content; (2) tracks weight separately from length to follow larval condition index and (3) includes genetic variation in growth efficiency and egg quality to better simulate cohort population dynamics. The model includes parameterizations for larval filtration, ingestion and respiration that determine growth rate and processes controlling larval mortality and metamorphosis. Changes in tissue composition occur as the larva grows and in response to the biochemical composition of the food.

The simulations show that genetically determined variations in growth efficiency produce significant changes in larval survival and success at metamorphosis. Larvae with low growth efficiency are successful under a much narrower range of culture conditions than larvae with high growth efficiency. The impact of low growth efficiency is primarily controlled by the ability of larvae to store lipid for metamorphosis. Culture conditions that provide increased dietary lipid counterweigh low growth efficiency. Changes in food quantity and quality had little effect on size at metamorphosis. On the other hand, larval life span and success rate at metamorphosis varied over a wide range depending upon the conditions of the simulation. Food quality and food availability both influence larval life span and, hence, larval survival. As ingestion rate decreases, larval life span increases and cohort survival declines. Increased lipid or decreased protein in the diet improves cohort survival. Changes in carbohydrate content are less influential. If cohort success is significantly affected by mortality during larval life rather than success at metamorphosis, the influence of food quality becomes more complex. The range of food compositions yielding high survival is restricted by a balance between improved success at metamorphosis obtained by increased lipid storage and the shortening of larval life span as a result of more rapid growth, a function of protein availability. These simulations illustrate the strength and utility of numerical models for evaluating and designing hatchery protocols for optimizing yield of C. gigas larvae.  相似文献   

Because declines within amphibian populations can seldom be attributed to a single cause, it is important to focus on multiple stressors, both natural and anthropogenic. Variables such as UV-B radiation and chemical contamination can interact with one another in ways that might not be predicted from single-factor studies. We exposed southern leopard frog (Rana sphenocephala) tadpoles to the insecticide carbaryl and varying intensities of UV-B radiation in artificial ponds and examined their effects on survival, size at metamorphosis, and the duration of the larval period. Tadpole survival to metamorphosis was positively influenced by UV-B intensity. Tadpoles in ponds exposed to carbaryl contained over three times more algae and yielded larger metamorphs than control ponds. Although previous laboratory studies have indicated carbaryl becomes more toxic in the presence of UV-B, we did not find such an effect, perhaps because of the protection afforded by dissolved organic carbon within the ponds. Our research emphasizes the importance of conducting field studies to more accurately predict what occurs under a natural setting.  相似文献   
重离子射线照射对家蚕造血器官的生理效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用碳离子和氦离子射线局部照射家蚕 5龄第 3日幼虫的造血器官 ,调查了对循环血球密度和种类 ,以及其后生长发育和变态的影响。照射后家蚕变态困难 ,结茧率、化蛹率和羽化率显著降低 ;幼虫血液中血球密度在照射后 8~ 2 4h短暂上升 ,随后快速下降 ,5龄后期血球密度显著低下。上述变化程度随射线剂量增加而更加显著 ,而两种离子射线之间没有明显差异。血液中各种血球的比例虽然没有很大变化 ,但照射后出现了一种大型血球。  相似文献   
丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂(serpin)是一类具有重要生理调控功能的蛋白酶超家族。为研究家蚕serpin-6基因(Bmserpin-6)在蚕体内的功能,利用半定量RT-PCR方法,分析该基因mRNA在家蚕不同发育时期的转录水平。Bmserpin-6基因在家蚕各个发育阶段均有表达,在4龄眠期、5龄6d、吐丝48h(化蛹前)和化蛹6d的转录水平较高,在5龄4d、吐丝初期和蛹末期的转录水平较低。Bmserpin-6基因在5龄期家蚕精巢和卵巢中的表达均呈现先下降后上升的趋势。研究结果表明,Bmserpin-6基因mRNA的转录具有明显的时空特异性,推测其在家蚕不同的变态发育期执行不同的功能。  相似文献   
在实验室条件下,保持28℃恒温及30的盐度不变,在加入螯合剂cephlex—100去除重金属离子后的天然海水中添加不同浓度的Sr^2 和Zn^2 ,对卤虫(Atremia scline)进行培育试验。试验结果表明:当海水中Sr^2 和Zn^2 的浓度分别为40~60μg/L和20~30μg/L时,对卤虫的孵化及其变态发育最为有利。而在海水养殖生产中,由于沿海水域污染,Zn^2 的含量往往超标,故应认真检测和控制。  相似文献   
The present study intended to evaluate the effects of early introduction of inert diet in lipid digestibility and metabolism of sole, while larval feed intake, growth and survival were also monitored. Solea senegalensis larvae were reared on a standard live feed regime (ST) and co-feeding regime with inert diet (Art R). Trials using sole larvae fed with Artemia enriched with two different lipid emulsions, containing glycerol tri [1-14C] oleate (TAG) and L-3-phosphatidylcholine-1,2-di-[1-14C] oleoyl (PL), were performed at 9 and 17 days after hatching (DAH) to study lipid utilization. Co-feeding did not affect sole survival rates (ST 59.1 ± 15.9%; Art R 69.56 ± 9.3%), but was reflected in significantly smaller final weight at 16 DAH (ST 0.71 ± 0.20; Art R 0.48 ± 0.14 mg). Higher feed intake was observed in sole larvae fed on Artemia enriched with labeled PL at 9 DAH but not at 17 DAH. At 17 DAH, the smaller larvae (Art R treatment) ingested proportionally more Artemia in weight percentage, independently of enrichment. At 9 DAH lipid digestibility was equal among treatments and higher than 90%, while at 17 DAH it was higher in ST treatment (around 73%) compared to the Art R group (around 66%). Lipid retention efficiency at 9 DAH was higher in the Art R treatment, reaching values of 50%, while these values almost duplicated at 17 DAH, ranging up to 80% in both treatments without significant differences. These results show that co-feeding of live feed and inert diet from first-feeding in Senegalese sole has a toll in terms of growth and lipid digestibility but does not seem to compromise lipid metabolic utilization.  相似文献   
分析了家蚕在变态期不同发育时段中肠组织蛋白表达差异的信息。SDS-PAGE电泳分析显示,从家蚕吐丝前1 d到化蛹72 h的中肠蛋白分离到相对明显的16条泳带,其中分子量约为30、45、70 kD的蛋白组分含量较大,且比较稳定,分子量约为50、60、62 kD的蛋白组分在不同时期存在着显著的表达差异。进而通过聚丙烯酰胺双向凝胶电泳分析,发现家蚕中肠组织蛋白的表达种类和差异蛋白数目的变化在化蛹1~3 d非常明显:蛋白表达种类的变化呈现2个高峰,分别为化蛹0 h和化蛹41 h;差异蛋白数目的变化呈现3个波峰,分别在吐丝98 h至化蛹0 h、化蛹30~41 h和化蛹41~58 h。在化蛹1~3 d,这种显著峰值变化的时期刚好与家蚕中肠组织发生旧肠壁细胞退化死亡和新生肠壁细胞分化增殖的盛期相吻合,从一个侧面反映了家蚕中肠组织在变态期活跃的发育进程。  相似文献   
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