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ABSTRACT: Stranded organisms were observed on the sandy beach of Kuroshima Island, Ryukyu Archipelago, in the early morning of 28 January 1993. Stranded organisms of 525 individuals were classified into 74 species. These organisms included 13 individuals of Panulirus pueruli, which were identical to P. longipes bispinosus. Kuroshima Island is located near Ishigakijima and Iriomote islands, Ryukyu Archipelago, where coral reefs develop. Coral reefs are common and develop in the Ryukyu Archipelago, southern Japan, with the exception of Yakushima and Tanegashima islands. Panulirus japonicus in Japanese waters has not been found in coral reef regions where P. longipes bispinosus are mainly found. The present study describes and identifies to species level puerulus specimens that were stranded on the beach of Kuroshima Island.  相似文献   
舟山海岛野生观赏植物的应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对舟山群岛植物资源的调查研究,分析了耐盐碱植物、耐干旱瘠薄的阳性植物、耐阴植物和彩叶植物等海岛野生观赏植物的资源种类和特点,论述它们在营建沙滩风景林、海岛植物群落及园林绿化中的应用前景和方法.针对目前舟山海岛野生观赏植物开发应用不足,缺乏地方特色等现状,提出了合理开发野生观赏植物,筛选沙滩风景林树种和规划营造海岛群落景观等方面的建议,特别强调应采用海岛特色植物以体现海岛城市风格.参10  相似文献   
为了解马鞍列岛海洋特别保护区岩礁生境斑头六线鱼的摄食习性,基于2009年3月~2010年2月多网目组合刺网调查获取的252尾斑头六线鱼样本,研究了斑头六线鱼的饵料组成和摄食策略。结果表明斑头六线鱼主要摄食端足类的麦秆虫,是以麦秆虫为主食的狭食性鱼类。斑头六线鱼摄食种类随季节变化,春季、夏季和秋季主要摄食端足类,表现为狭食性的摄食特性,冬季主要摄食蟹类、腹足类和其他类,表现为广食性的摄食特性。  相似文献   
为探究岛礁海域渔业资源群落格局,于2016年8月、12月及2017年2月和5月对马鞍列岛及其东部海域进行了渔业资源季度调查。利用聚类分析、非度量多维标度(nMDS)和生物环境相关分析(BIOENV)等方法,对该海域的鱼类群落组成、时空动态及其与环境因子的相关性进行了研究。共采集鱼类96种,隶属于12目47科77属,其中鲈形目占比最大,其生物量和丰度占比均超过50%。龙头鱼为全年优势种,春季优势种包括刺鲳、黑鳃梅童鱼和宽体舌鳎;夏季优势种为小黄鱼、带鱼和六丝矛尾虾虎鱼;秋季和冬季优势种相同,为棘头梅童鱼和凤鲚。聚类分析和nMDS结果显示,马鞍列岛及其东部海域鱼类群落可分为站位组I (岛礁周围站点为主)、站位组II (邻近岛礁站点为主)和站位组III (远离岛礁站点为主)。除春季站位组I与站位组III、站位组II与站位组III外,鱼类群落种类组成在各季节不同站位组之间皆存在显著差异。BIOENV分析显示,在底层水温、底层盐度和水深3个因素中,底层水温对鱼类群落影响最大。  相似文献   
马鞍列岛人工鱼礁区海域底质特征及其承载力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人工鱼礁是海洋牧场建设的重要组成部分,科学的选址是人工鱼礁区建设的必要环节。通过对浙江嵊泗马鞍列岛人工鱼礁区备选海域附近采集的底质柱状样品的分析,测得了每个站点底质柱样的粒度、含水率、天然密度等物理性质,以及贯入强度、抗剪强度等力学性质。用谢帕德和福克沉积物分类法分析粒度结果,发现所研究海域的底质由砂、粉砂、黏土构成,粉砂含量最高,主要以砂质粉砂为主。不同区域的底质因其粒度组分、孔隙率、天然密度等不同,其含水率不同,造成底质的承载力也不同。对底质物理性质与力学性质间的相关性分析表明,底质的含水率与贯入强度、抗剪破坏强度均存在较强的线性负相关,相关系数分别为–0.67和–0.64,可作为人工鱼礁投放底质适宜性评估的重要依据。通过建立底泥含水率与粒度间的回归方程可为大面积的底质承载力研究提供科学依据,并大幅降低调查的工程量。  相似文献   
  • 1. Carassius auratus, a primary freshwater fish with bisexual diploid and unisexual gynogenetic triploid lineages, is distributed widely in and around the Eurasian continent and is especially common in East Asia. East Asian C. auratus diverged genetically to form local endemic populations in different regions, and those distributed in the Ryukyu Archipelago form a local endemic population that can be regarded as an evolutionarily significant unit because of its high phylogenetic independence and evolutionary distinctiveness. Although the evolutionary uniqueness of this population should be conserved, its distribution area and population size are decreasing rapidly, and some island populations are currently considered endangered or already extinct.
  • 2. To develop effective conservation measures to stop the current decline of Ryukyuan C. auratus, ecological data need to be collected. In this study, life history data for a C. auratus population distributed in the Hiji River system were collected by estimating age, growth, and spawning season.
  • 3. The spawning season of C. auratus in the Hiji River extended from March to September, peaking during March–May. Females became sexually mature in their second year, but males reached maturity and were able to spawn as early as in the late spawning season of their year of hatching. Once having reached sexual maturity, males probably continuously stay ripe throughout their life.
  • 4. Sagittal otoliths of C. auratus proved to be useful ageing structures because one annual increment is formed on the sagittal otolith before the spawning season in each year. The oldest fish observed were a 10‐year‐old female and an 11‐year‐old male. Females showed faster somatic growth and higher final standard length than males, and a sexual size dimorphism was observed.
  • 5. The standard length at each age class did not differ between diploid and triploid C. auratus, suggesting that triploid growth rates were almost equal to those of diploids. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Townsend's shearwater (Puffinus auricularis auricularis) is an endangered seabird endemic to the Revillagigedo Archipelago. It nested on Socorro, Clarion, and San Benedicto Islands. It was extirpated by the Barcena volcano on San Benedicto in 1952, and there are no recent indications of nesting. Introduced mammals—pigs and rabbits—preyed on them and destroyed habitat at Clarion; shearwaters were extirpated by 1988, and no breeding attempts have been reported since. Our results confirm that Socorro holds the last breeding grounds. We found breeding colonies above 800 m and a minimum population of 1100 individuals. This represents a significant reduction in distribution and population size. Intensive cat predation at Socorro could potentially kill ca. 350 females per season, and sheep progressively destroy nesting areas. Population projections suggest that demographic instability could occur in less than 100 years under severe predation and habitat degradation. Only low predation rates would allow population persistence for more than 150 years in spite of a declining population. Thus, the immediate eradication of all introduced mammals is necessary to prevent the extinction of this seabird.  相似文献   
  • 1. Data are analysed from visual censuses of shallow‐water holothurians (sea cucumbers) in 72 shallow water transects 100 m×2 m within four atolls of Chagos. Mean holothurian abundance in Diego Garcia, where harvesting is absent, was 18.5 individuals/transect (all transects) and 55.4 individuals/transect (only those containing holothurians). In the three exploited atolls, mean abundance did not exceed 3.5 and 5.2 individuals/transect, respectively.
  • 2. Comparison with data collected during this study and an earlier investigation reveals a marked decline over four years in both mean and maximum density of commercially valuable Stichopus chloronotus and Holothuria atra in Salomon and Peros Banhos, both exploited atolls, and also for Holothuria nobilis in the latter.
  • 3. Holothurian counts were also made along an extensive transect (21 km×4 m) encircling Salomon atoll. Abundance showed highly significant negative correlation with fishing pressure, the latter estimated using an ordinal (0–3) scale (Rs=?0.605, P?0.01). Harvesting effects were not discernible using data from 200 m2 transects.
  • 4. While recent studies have shown Chagos is virtually pristine regarding contaminant levels, its holothurian resources are under increasing pressure. Results from this study, and examination of Sri Lanka's fishing activity in distant waters, point to heavy and illegal harvesting.
  • 5. Stronger measures are needed to control the illegal fishery, to prevent holothurian abundances falling to the non‐sustainable levels now prevalent across much of the Indo‐Pacific, and to ensure that Chagos remains a biodiversity hotspot and environment of international renown. Use of smaller surveillance vessels would facilitate this.Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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