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In this study, the functional components of 19 microalgae and 6 bivalve species were investigated in the context of the application in bivalve feeding and human health food. Principal component analysis was performed to detect any association between the functional components and individual microalgal species or taxonomic group. The proportions of the functional components differed depending on the taxonomic group or species of microalga. The genera Cheatoceros, Thalassiosira, and Isochrysis contained high concentrations of fucosterol and fucoxanthin, which are present in large amounts in brown algae. Diatoms, haptophytes, and eustigmatophytes, which are used as feed for bivalves, were rich in fucosterol and eicosapentenoic acid (EPA); further, haptophytes were rich in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). In addition, the microalgae associated with red tide, i.e., the raphidophytes, were found to be rich in fucoxanthin, β-sitosterol, and EPA, whereas dinoflagellates were rich in DHA. Seven bivalve species also contained high concentrations of fucosterol, EPA, and DHA, as did microalgae, which were used to feed by bivalves. These results are useful in selecting microalgae effectively as feed of the bivalves.  相似文献   
This study established a pilot‐scale recirculating treatment system that coupled an ecological process with a biological process to achieve adequate water quality and to minimize the water consumption for intensive marine culture. The recirculating treatment system consisted of a settling cell, a biofilter tank, a bivalve tank and gravel beds. The toxic pollutants, threatening the growth of bivalves, were reduced by the settling cell and the biofilter tank, so that the polyculture of shrimp and bivalves could be achieved. The living bivalve tank could function well as a remover of remaining small suspended solids (SS), and other pollutants. As the SS was reduced to a very low level by bivalve tank before the water flowing into the gravel beds, the risk of clogging was prevented. The studies suggested that the system maintained high removal efficiencies of SS, ammonium nitrogen () and nitrite nitrogen () and could contribute to the increase in shrimp yield.  相似文献   
双壳贝类营养需求及人工饵料的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工厂化养殖是未来贝类产业可持续发展的必然趋势。由于微藻的培养容易受到气温、光照等自然环境条件的影响,而且占用大量水体,因此研发双壳贝类人工饵料已成为贝类工厂化养殖的关键因素。本文简述了蛋白质、脂类和碳水化合物对双壳贝类生长、繁殖及免疫的影响,详细叙述了微藻干粉、大型海藻处理物、酵母、微粒饲料、液态微胶囊饲料和固态微胶囊饲料6种人工饵料的研究进展,以期为研发新型的双壳贝类人工饵料及开展工厂化养殖提供依据。  相似文献   
乐清湾、三门湾主要滤食性养殖贝类碳收支的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用自然海水流水培育方法,对乐清湾、三门湾主要滤食性养殖贝类—太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)、僧帽牡蛎(Ostrea cucullata)、泥蚶(Tegillarca granosa)、缢蛏(Sinonovacula constricta)的摄食生理参数进行了测定,根据能量平衡原理估算这些贝类的碳收支情况。结果表明:贝类通过滤食颗粒有机物摄取有机碳源后,一部分通过粪便直接排出体外,部分通过贝类自身的呼吸作用被消耗掉,极少部分碳通过排泄代谢排出体外,结余部分的碳即生长碳作为贝类自身的生长或性腺发育的生长碳而成为贝类的身体组成成分。春季太平洋牡蛎、僧帽牡蛎、泥蚶、缢蛏的净生长率分别为53.95%、65.78%、55.13%、28.12%,其生态效率分别为16.33%、22.10%、6.09%、6.81%。根据测算,2002年春季,乐清湾和三门湾养殖贝类每日从海水中摄取POC分别达到44.43 t和76.88 t之多,消耗海水中的氧气达到了50.68 t和96.93 t,排氨氮达4.35 t和7.97 t,两湾养殖贝类每天排出的粪便物干重更是达到370 t和580 t以上。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   To obtain fundamental information for the effective use of scallop Patinopecten yessoensis mantle, which is one of the underutilized marine resources. Some properties of collagen contained in the mantle were examined by chemical and histochemical techniques. Collagen content in the mantle varied annually, ranging from 0.98 to 1.72% of wet tissue, 7.7 to 12.6% of dry tissue and 13.5 to 26.5% of total protein, being relatively in high level of collagen content of invertebrate muscles. Collagen fiber was densely distributed in the inner connective tissue matrix of the mantle pallial, in contrast to the inner fold part which was rich in muscle fibers. The collagen contained in the crude collagen fraction (residue after alkali extraction), prepared from the mantle, was revealed to have considerably low solubility on hot-water extraction, constantly less than 20% of the total collagen at the temperatures in the range of 20–90°C.  相似文献   
3种滤食性贝类对塔玛亚历山大藻的摄食研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
20 0 3年 4月在实验室内采用静水法 ,研究了长牡蛎、紫贻贝、栉孔扇贝对塔玛亚历山大藻的清滤率 (CR)和摄食率 (IR) ,实验时间持续 3d ,水温 17℃。实验中每 1种贝都分别投喂 :(1)叉鞭金藻 (对照藻 ) ,(2 )叉鞭金藻 +塔玛亚历山大藻去藻过滤液 1.5L ,(3)叉鞭金藻 +塔玛亚历山大藻细胞。结果表明 ,塔玛亚历山大藻过滤液 ,对 3种贝的清滤率的无明显影响 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;3种贝对塔玛亚历山大藻和叉鞭金藻混合液的清滤率与对照组相比明显降低 (P <0 .0 1) ;而对塔玛亚历山大藻的摄食率和保留率 3d间无显著变化 ;实验期间 ,随时间的变化 ,牡蛎对混合液的清滤率变化最大 ,贻贝次之 ,扇贝则无明显著变化 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;如果以摄食率作为指标 ,贻贝在控制赤潮方面的潜力较大 ,值得今后进一步研究。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   A quantitatively major collagen was isolated from the pepsin-solubilized collagen preparation of the mantle by differential salt precipitation and phosphocellulose column chromatography, and its constituent α components (α1 and α2) were purified by phosphocellulose column chromatography. The subunits were demonstrated to be genetically distinct from each other by peptide mapping and amino acid analysis. The amino acid composition calculated from those of the α1 and α2 components in 2 : 1 ratio coincided well with that of the major collagen from the mantle. These results suggest that the major collagen in the mantle of the oyster may have a heterotrimer structure (α1)2α2.  相似文献   
周毅 《水产学报》2002,26(1):21-27
对四十里湾养殖海区一些双壳贝类和藻类收获时的化学组成和有机净生产量进行了分析,不同双壳贝类软体有机碳含量差别不大,而N含量差异较大,栉孔扇贝软体N含量最高(12.36%),而牡蛎,毛坩相对较低(8%-9%),贻贝和菲律宾蛤仔贝壳N含量最高,为0.55%和0.56%,而栉孔扇贝壳则较低(0.1%),且贝壳,C,N,P在扇贝C,N,P总含量中所占的比例分别为6.2%,7.5%和6.9%,海带和石莼元素组成说明海区营养元素N的不足,海带的不同部位N含量差别很大,且在不同海区有较大变化,贻贝贝壳C,H,N和P含量在整个贻贝中占有相对大的比例,分别为30.4%,30.2%,31.8%,29.6%,菲律宾蛤仔,长牡蛎和中国蛤蜊等贝类贝壳中这些元素的相对含量也较高,布扇贝贝壳却较低,四十里湾海区每年因贝类和藻类的养殖,海区将至少减少850tN和78tP,其中贝壳的营养损失占据着相当比例,在海水交换受到一定限制,营养不很丰富,海区,养殖生物收获本身也会对海区的营养状况产生影响,根据贝壳N,P的含量,笔者认为在营养不很丰富的沿岸海区,贻贝,牡蛎最好不养或尽可能少养。  相似文献   
  • 1. Freshwater mussels or naiads are generally considered to thrive in river habitats, provided the ecological conditions are good. The presence of populations of these bivalves in artificial channels and ditches with natural bottoms has only scarcely been reported. The aim of this paper was to present the idea that these ‘channel’ and ‘ditch’ habitats could in fact be a sanctuary for naiads.
  • 2. Approximately 80 km of several of these waterways fed by the mid Ebro River were sampled in Spain to monitor their naiad populations. Observations indicate that these habitats harbour substantial colonies of freshwater mussels (including two populations of adult specimens of the endangered species Margaritifera auricularia), much more so than the corresponding river.
  • 3. The authors wish to alert conservation authorities and freshwater mussel experts to the extreme fragility and importance of this kind of habitat for the long‐term conservation of these imperilled molluscs.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为了去除工厂化海水养殖新源水中含有的大量悬浮颗粒物,针对蓄水池中悬浮物重力沉降速率较慢,利用一般的机械过滤或泡沫分离又消耗大量能源的缺点,该试验选择适应能力强的滤食性双壳贝类太平洋牡蛎(Crassostrea gigas)和紫贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis),在不同时期进行现场试验,测定其对蓄水池新源水中悬浮物的生物沉积速率并评估通过一定规模放养贝类对整个蓄水池中悬浮物的沉积效果。结果表明,在适宜的温度条件下(17~25℃),太平洋牡蛎对蓄水池水中悬浮物生物沉积速率为1.08~1.32 g/(ind·d),紫贻贝为0.65~0.85 g/(ind·d)。通过在蓄水池中大量吊笼养贝类,蓄水池中贝类养殖区的悬浮物沉降速率明显高于非养殖区。表明滤食性双壳贝类可以用于工厂化养殖新源水中悬浮物的去除,不仅能够实现污染物的资源化去除,还降低了新源水的后续处理负荷。  相似文献   
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