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利木赞牛改良互助本地黄牛的效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究利木赞牛对互助黄牛的改良效果,本试验测定了初生、6月龄和1岁利本F1代的体尺、体重,并与本地黄牛进行了比较。结果表明,利本F1代牛的各项被检指标均比本地黄牛有明显的提高(P<0.01)。  相似文献   
落羽杉中山杉系列新品种选育初报   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
报道了落羽杉属(Taxodium)中山杉系列‘Zhongshansha’杂交新品种选育结果。以经国家林木良种审定委员会审定推广的优良品种中山杉302‘Zhongshansha302’为母本,与父本墨西哥落羽杉(T.mucronatum)回交,获得回交代杂种200个以上。通过苗期实生初选和无性系复选以及不同立地的栽植试验,初选出优于或相似于亲本中山杉302的系列新品种中山杉1号、9号、24号、27号、46号、86号、91号、102号、118号、136号、146号、149号等12个。其中中山杉1号、24号、27号、86号、102号、118号、136号、146号具有一定的耐盐碱能力,可在池杉(T.ascen-dens)、落羽杉(T.distichum)不宜栽植的盐碱地上绿化造林。  相似文献   
BMY牛杂交利用的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]以BMY牛为父本,云南黄牛、西本杂、短本杂等为母本的多元肉牛杂交,以期为云南省肉牛改良及其肉牛生产模式提供发展基础。[方法]通过应用BMY公牛及冻精与云南黄牛及其杂交母牛进行杂交改良中试。[结果]截止2009年底累计完成杂交改良14 734头,产犊12 738头,产犊率86.45%。进行了1 485头次体重体尺测定,BMY牛对云南黄牛及云南现有杂交组合的杂交后代初生体重为12.40 kg,较云南黄牛(YY)高1.64 kg,提高幅度较小(P〉0.05),但6月龄体重为108.96 kg,较YY高74.99 kg,有明显的改良效果(P〉0.01),估计的BMY牛对云南黄牛改良后代的初生重与6月龄体重杂种优势率分别是-8.02%和2.91%。[结论]以BMY牛为父本的杂交组合后代各生长性能都表现出较好的杂交优势,初生重、6月龄体重体尺有较大提高,为云南省、南方肉牛改良及其肉牛生产模式的探索提供了坚实基础。  相似文献   
安徽白山羊杂交效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对安徽白山羊及其二元杂交组合(波×安,萨×安)、三元杂交组合(波×萨×安,马×萨×安)和级进杂交组合(波×波×安)研究表明:(1)杂交能提高安徽白山羊的生长发育速度。二元杂交和三元杂交组合在6月龄前生长较快,6月龄后变慢;级进杂交在8月龄前生长较快。(2)无论是二元杂交还是三元杂交,均能提高安徽白山羊的产肉性能(P<0 01,P<0 05),但肉质有下降的趋势,三元杂交比二元杂交下降更多。(3)二元杂交和三元杂交能够增大安徽白山羊板皮面积(P<0 01,P<0 05),减小毛纤维密度,二元杂交使板皮的均匀度提高。  相似文献   
肉用西门塔尔牛改良云南黄牛的效果初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对云南黄牛、西门塔尔与云南黄牛的杂交牛(西本杂)体尺体重进行了测定,结果西本牛与本地牛体尺体重都有了显著提高(P<0.01)。西本杂牛的初生、6、12、18、24月龄体重比同龄本地牛分别高出82%、18%、69%、50%、78%。  相似文献   
The effect of buck genetic type and crossbreeding parameters on fertility and prolificacy were estimated using two rabbit sire lines and their reciprocal crosses. The relationship between the reproductive performance of inseminated multiparous does and several semen quality traits was also investigated. The semen characteristics evaluated were: pH (pH), mass and individual motility (MM, IM), percentage of viable spermatozoa (Vi), spermatozoa with normal apical ridge (NAR), normal spermatozoa (NSP), spermatozoa with morphological abnormalities of head (HAP), neck-midpiece (NAP), and tail (TAP), spermatozoa with the presence of proximal (PD) and distal (DD) cytoplasmic droplets.

Fertility was analysed as a continuous trait (kindling rate) or as a binary trait (success or failure of kindling). In the first case, the analysis was performed using GLM procedures of SAS v.8 according to a model that included the fixed factors of buck genetic type, number of ejaculates per pool and week of insemination. In the second case, fertility was analysed using GENMOD procedures of SAS v.8 according to a mixed model including the same fixed factors as before plus the physiological status of the does and the permanent random effect of female. Number of kits born alive and number of stillborn were analysed with MIXED procedures of SAS v.8 with the same model used for the analysis of fertility as a binary trait. Estimates of the estimable functions of crossbreeding genetic parameters of the lines were obtained from the solutions of the corresponding models by generalized least squares using GLM, GENMOD and MIXED procedures. Crossbreeding parameters were estimated according to the model of Dickerson. A linear regression was used to determine the relationship between fertility and litter size and the semen characteristics evaluated.

Significant differences in fertility were observed among buck genetic types, which were favourable to type R. Differences between lines in maternal genetic effects were relevant and favourable to type R for fertility. Individual heterosis was important but unfavourable for fertility.

A slight correlation was obtained between all semen quality traits and fertility and prolificacy. Two multiple models were found for fertility, including NAP, IM, NSP, buck genetic type and Vi in one model or NAR in other model. Individual motility had an important positive effect, while NAP had a small negative effect. When MM, TAP and buck genetic type were included in a multiple model for the number of kits born alive, both MM and TAP had significant small effects. Individual motility and DD appeared to be related to number of kits stillborn, but only DD had a significant although negligible effect.  相似文献   

野牦牛杂交复壮家牦牛效果观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
引进野牦牛冻精和野血牦牛,改良当地牦牛所生产的野血后代,均表现出明显的杂种优势.文章以野牦牛和家牦牛杂交后代为研究对象,分别测定了杂种牦牛和家牦牛公牛初生重、6月龄、18月龄、28月龄体重和体尺,同时进行了屠宰试验.结果1/2野血牦牛、1/4野血牦牛初生重、6月龄、18月龄和28月龄体重均极显著高于同龄家牦牛(P<0.01);6月龄、18月龄、28月龄体尺指标也是杂交牛极显著高于家牦牛(P<0.01);屠宰试验结果表明,18月龄、28月龄1/2野血牦牛和1/4野血牦牛比同龄家牦牛分别多产肉16.62 kg、24.70 kg和11.45kg、13.70 kg,差异极显著(P<0.01).  相似文献   
从5000余只杂种兔中,按公母比例1∶8选择300余只体重大、产毛量高的个体进行横交固定,经过4个世代的选育,兔只(11月龄)平均体重达5386克,年产毛量1424克,粗毛率11.74%,结块率2.24%,胎产活仔7.26只,料毛比43∶1。种兔外貌特征一致,遗传性能稳定。现有核心群种兔1200只,繁殖群7200只,生产群2.5万余只,向省内外推广繁育28万只,各项生产指标均达到或超过预定标准及全国家兔育种委员会制定的“德系长毛兔种兔鉴定标准”和“粗毛型长毛兔的选育指标”。  相似文献   
The pedigree of 317 cows of which 184 were controlled for milk production has been used to estimate crossbreeding parameters for daily milk yield of Ayrshire, Sahiwal and Ankole crosses in the Mahwa station. Lactating cows belonged to one of 6 different genetic groups defined on the basis of the mating system used to produce them. REML estimates of the genetic parameters were obtained with a repeated animal model using daily milk records. Estimated heritability (h2) and repeatability (r2) were 0.27 and 0.36, respectively. The genetic group effects were used to estimate crossbreeding parameters following Dickerson's genetic model. Estimates for the additive effects for daily milk yield of Ankole, Sahiwal and Ayrshire breeds were − 1.66l, − 0.48l and 5.22l, respectively. Estimates of direct heterosis for daily milk yield for Sahiwal × Ankole, Ayrshire × Ankole, and Ayrshire × Sahiwal crosses were 1.97l, 2.30l and − 2.33l, respectively.  相似文献   
南黄杂种牛与本地黄牛生长发育对比研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对甘南本地黄牛体格小、生产性能低的现状,用南德温牛细管冻精授配甘南本地黄牛,结果表明,南杂F1代个体具有早熟、生长快、耐粗饲、饲料转化率高、抗病力强、难产率低等一系列优良特性,很适合当地黄牛养殖区大面积推广。  相似文献   
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