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Surface and internal populations of Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli, causal agent of common bacterial blight of bean, on and in flower buds, blossoms and pods of seven bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) genotypes were studied. Bean plants were grown in the field and artificially inoculated at the seedling stage (18 days old). The pathogen was recovered in high numbers from flower buds, blossoms, pods and seed of both resistant and susceptible bean genotypes. Significant differences (P = 0.05) in population levels of X. c. pv. phaseoli between stages of reproductive tissue development were observed. Infected seed from resistant bean genotypes had no visible symptoms. Such seed may play an important role in the epidemiology of common bacterial blight because they are difficult to detect and may occur at low frequency in seed lots, as was the case in the current study.  相似文献   
以从美国威斯康星大学引进的叶用芥菜胞质雄性不育系叶用4-4为母本,以泰国清迈大学选育出的8个优良叶用芥菜品种为转育父本,杂交后连续回交4代(BC4),再将BC4与优良叶用芥菜品种40R2-3-4配制8个杂交组合,其中2个组合(4-4 × 19-H-12)×40R2-3-4和(4-4 × 2R2)×40R2-3-4结球率为100%,产量比商用品种分别高34%和13%,比其亲本分别高25%和5%。  相似文献   
对披碱草和野大麦及其杂种F1与BC1F1代的生物学及农艺特性进行了分析比较。结果表明,亲本野大麦生长发育节律较快,较早地开花结实,果后营养期较长,生育期74d,生长天数达206d,具有很强的分蘖能力;披碱草生长发育节律较慢,生育期124d,生长天数193d;杂种F1的生长天数介于双亲之间,生长动态偏向亲本披碱草,分蘖能力介于双亲之间;BC1F1代生长发育节律较F1代提早,不同株系生长天数不同,生长动态偏向轮回亲本野大麦,分蘖能力有较大的变异。杂种F1代表现出较强的杂种优势,BC1F1代产草量较F1代有所降低,不同株系间存在明显的差异。总体上,BC1F1代的生产性能倾向于轮回亲本野大麦。  相似文献   
During 1997–2000 the virulence variation and distribution of virulence phenotypes of Bremia lactucae (lettuce downy mildew) in natural populations of Lactuca serriola (prickly lettuce) were studied. Altogether 139 isolates of B. lactucae originating from the Czech Republic, France and Germany were examined for the presence of 27 virulence factors (v-factors) and their combinations. In the Czech population, 37 different v-phenotypes (P1–P37) of B. lactucae were found to occur on L. serriola . Most v-phenotypes were characterized by v-factors that match resistance ( Dm genes/R-factors) carried by L. serriola . A wide diversity of v-phenotypes was recorded every year, but most were rare and did not reappear in other populations of B. lactucae . The three v-phenotypes P21, P28 and P29 were most frequent and widely distributed. There was variation both between spatially isolated populations and within populations of the pathogen. Geographic differences in virulence were found for the southern parts of Moravia, where the phenotypic composition of pathogen populations was completely different from the remaining part of the area investigated. However, some populations had v-phenotypes similar to those of spatially distant populations in Moravia.  相似文献   
研究旨在探究安徽中华绒螯蟹种质资源状况以及资源混杂程度,以期为中华绒螯蟹资源的科学保护、合理利用以及相关产业政策的制定提供理论依据。采集了中华绒螯蟹4个养殖群体和长江野生群体共170尾样本,基于线粒体分子标记,进行种群遗传学分析。结果表明,长江野生中华绒螯蟹遗传多样性低,盲目捕捞可能造成野生资源衰退。野生群体与养殖群体间未出现显著遗传分化,存在严重的种质混杂。研究探明了长江中华绒螯蟹的资源现状,为其科学的保护提供理论依据。  相似文献   
利用座落于江都市小纪镇良种场的FACE平台,研究了FACE条件下,不同氮素水平水稻土壤的生理生化指标及微生物区系特征。结果表明,高N水平下,FACE圈土壤微生物生物量碳、基础呼吸作用、脲酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、氨化作用及放线菌数量都比对照高,而低N水平下,除真菌、放线菌数量以及氨化作用外,其他指标均比对照低。FACE条件下,高氮处理与低氮处理相比较,土壤微生物生物量碳、基础呼吸作用、脲酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、氨化作用以及细菌数量分别提高610.57%、56.55%、24.32%、9.43%、1.09%和225%,供氮水平对FACE条件下水稻土生理生化指标以及微生物群落有调节作用。  相似文献   
四川青衣江、岷江流域鹅观草遗传多样性的溶蛋白分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(A-PAGE)技术对采自青衣江流域和岷江流域的97份鹅观草材料的种子醇溶蛋白进行了分析。在对四川青衣江、岷江流域鹅观草居群的醇溶蛋白分析中,鹅观草材料醇溶蛋白带谱存在显著差异,共出现27个条带,其中多态性条带25条,占总条带数的92.59%;鹅观草的遗传相似性与其地理分布较为一致,表现在:1)青衣江、岷江流域鹅观草总遗传多样性指数为0.345 1,其中青衣江流域鹅观草遗传多样性指数为0.340 0,岷江流域鹅观草遗传多样性指数为0.310 0,表明青衣江流域鹅观草比岷江流域存在更为丰富的遗传变异,多样性指数更高;但流域间遗传分化系数仅为0.04,表明两江流域间遗传分化较小;各居群间遗传变异系数达0.326,表明总遗传多样性的32.6%来自居群间。2)在同一流域不同居群也存在遗传分化,其中青衣江流域各居群(除峨眉山居群分散聚在各居群外)能聚在一起;而岷江流域各居群在成都平原区段互相渗透,但能以上、中、下游区段聚开;青衣江流域各居群中以蒙山居群遗传多样性指数最高,达0.339 8,洪雅居群最低,仅0.094 7;岷江流域上游居群多样性指数最高,为0.301 7,而下游以乐山居群遗传多样性指数最低,为0.131 7。3)同一居群内鹅观草存在遗传变异,两江流域以蒙山居群变异最大,多样性指数最高。对居群遗传多样性的研究还表明,鹅观草垂直分布的遗传多样性高于水平分布;在成都平原居群由于生境片断化,导致岷江流域鹅观草生境片断化后小居群遗传分化增加,而整个成都平原“大居群”遗传多样性降低。  相似文献   
土壤pH值对极小种群毛枝五针松生理特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幼苗建成期是毛枝五针松(Pinus wangii)天然更新的关键阶段,为找出影响毛枝五针松幼苗存活的关键生态因子,采用植物生理学方法,研究在7个酸碱度土壤培育下,毛枝五针松松针超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶活性(POD)活性和脯氨酸、可溶性糖质量分数及丙二醛(MDA)摩尔质量浓度的变化。结果表明:毛枝五针松在弱碱土壤中抗逆性更强,形态观察得知其在弱碱性土壤中生长更好;生理指标测定结果表明,土壤在p H=7.69~8.42时最适宜毛枝五针松幼苗的生长发育。  相似文献   
Feed efficiency (FE) is the amount of body weight gain for a given feed intake. Improving FE through selective breeding is key for sustainable finfish aquaculture but its evaluation at individual level is technically challenging. We therefore investigated whether individual routine metabolic rate (RMR) was a predictor of individual FE in the European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax, a major species in European mariculture. The European sea bass has three genetically distinct populations across its geographical range, namely Atlantic (AT), West Mediterranean (WM), and East Mediterranean (EM). We compared FE and RMR of fish from these three populations at 18 or 24 °C. We held 200 fish (62 AT, 66 WM, and 72 EM) in individual aquaria and fed them from ad libitum down to fasting. FI was assessed for an ad libitum feeding rate and for a fixed restricted ration (1% of metabolic body weight·day−1, with metabolic body weight = body weight0.8). After being refed 12 wk in a common tank, individual RMR was measured over 36 h by intermittent flow respirometry. There was a significant effect of temperature whereby fish at 18 °C had greater mean FE (P < 0.05) and lower RMR (P < 0.001). There was also a significant effect of population, where AT fish had lower FE (P < 0.05) and greater RMR (P < 0.001) than WM and EM, at both temperatures. Despite these differences in temperature and population means, individual FE and RMR were not significantly correlated (P > 0.05). Therefore, although the results provide evidence of an association between metabolic rate and FE, RMR was not a predictor of individual FE, for reasons that require further investigation.  相似文献   
以游离小孢子培养获得的HY大白菜DH0代及其自交后代DH1群体与HY(F1),共33份材料为试验材料,调查了其株高、球茎和外叶数3个农艺性状,发现不同的株系性状分离较大。同时采用RAPD技术分析了2代之间的遗传稳定性。从106条RAPD随机引物中筛选出33条重复性好并且具有多态性的引物,进行扩增。从33份材料中扩增了206条带,其中多态带为136条(66.1%)。通过系统聚类分析,DH0代及其子代DH1代遗传关系近,绝大部分能优先聚在一起。说明纯合的小孢子植株单株性状在遗传中很少发生变异,具有很好的遗传稳定性。  相似文献   
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