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中草药饲料添加剂在水产养殖中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中草药饲料添加剂具有低毒性、无抗药性、多功能性等优点,其在水产养殖中已得到广泛使用.介绍了中草药的特点及其在水产养殖中的应用效果,对其面临的问题进行了综述,并提出了中草药今后的发展方向.  相似文献   
[目的]研究对虾蒸煮废水和豆粕混合发酵制备发酵饲料蛋白的工艺。[方法]以对虾蒸煮废水和豆粕为主要原料,以水解度为指标,在单因素试验的基础上,利用正交试验优化发酵饲料蛋白的发酵工艺。[结果]最佳发酵工艺如下:对虾蒸煮废水与豆粕的比例为0.8∶1,接种量为0.2%,蛋白酶添加量为0.03%,纤维素酶添加量为0.03%。在此条件下,发酵后产品的水解度达26.88%。[结论]研究结果可为对虾蒸煮废水和豆粕混合发酵制备发酵饲料蛋白提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
本研究旨在明确中国罗非鱼主养区广西各地罗非鱼无乳链球菌(Streptococcus agalactiae)分离株的血清型分布、毒力基因携带情况和耐药情况,为罗非鱼无乳链球菌病的防控奠定基础。2018-2019年从广西柳州、钦州、南宁、北海等地患无乳链球菌病罗非鱼体内分离了47株无乳链球菌,并对各分离株的血清型、毒力基因分布和耐药情况进行检测和分析。血清型检测结果表明,47株无乳链球菌血清型高度一致,均为Ⅰa血清型。对4种毒力基因检测结果表明,47株无乳链球菌临床分离株cylE、sodA、gapC毒力基因的检出率均为100%,而scpB基因仅在人源参考菌株2603V/R中检出,在所有鱼源分离株中未检出。对11类(31种)常见抗生素的药敏试验结果表明,临床分离株对磺胺异噁唑、新霉素、庆大霉素、卡那霉素的耐药率达到90%以上,对氧氟沙星、左氧氟沙星、氨苄青霉素、阿莫西林、头孢克洛、头孢曲松、头孢哌酮、头孢拉定、土霉素、强力霉素的敏感性均为100%。多重耐药检测结果表明,5重以上耐药菌株占93.62%,其中9重以上耐药菌株为19.15%,且均分离自柳州地区。结果表明,广西地区罗非鱼源无乳链球菌血清型单一,均为Ⅰa血清型,且均携带多种毒力基因,多重耐药现象严重。  相似文献   
本文概述了寒流对南美白对虾养殖的影响,并结合气温、水温变化,对虾死亡情况及相关防范措施.对寒流造成南美白对虾的死亡原因进行总结分析,并提出科学的防范措施,旨在为白对虾越冬和健康养殖提供参考。  相似文献   
This experiment was conducted to determine the food source and trophic level of Procambarus clarkii from rice-crayfish field by stable isotope method, and to analyze the correlation between feeding habits, morphology parameters, weight parameters and abdomen meat percentage of P. clarkii. normal (62 individuals) and claw reborned (6 individuals) samples of P. clarkii were collected from the rice-crayfish continuous production field in Zhanjiang. At the same time, vascular plants, snails, as well as diet samples were collected. The stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values of all collected samples were analyzed, the contribution rate of diet, Elodea nuttallii and Potamogeton crispus to the abdomen meat growth of P. clarkii were calculated using a stable isotope mixing model including element concentration, and the trophic levels of P. clarkii and Pomacea canaliculata were calculated by stable nitrogen isotope model. The correlation between stable carbon and nitrogen isotope characteristics (δ13 C and δ15 N) of abdomen meat, morphological parameters (body length, full length, carapace length, carapace width, tail fan length) and weight parameters (body weight, abdomen meat weight, claw weight, claw body ratio) of the collected crayfish were analyzed. The results showed as follows: 1) the collected crayfish included 30 female and 32 male individuals, and the body weight of these crayfish ranged from 3.40 to 29.35 g, average (14.05±6.26) g. The model calculation results showed that diet contributed 63.40% of biomass, 62.28% of carbon and 75.15% of nitrogen to the abdomen meat growth of P. clarkii. 2) In this study, Cipangopaludina cahayensis was used as the baseline for primary consumers, and the calculated trophic level of P. clarkii was 2.20, while the trophic level of P. canaliculata was 2.68. 3) The abdomen meat percentage of P. clarkii (<15 g) collected were extremely negatively correlated with the claw weight and the claw body ratio (P<0.01), indicated that the growth of the claws directly affected the muscle growth of these crayfish. The abdomen meat percentage of P. clarkii (>15 g) were not significantly correlated with the claw weight and the claw body ratio (P > 0. 05), but were extremely positively correlated with the abdomen meat weight and the δ13C value (P<0.01) . It showed that the utilization of diet by these crayfish had become a key factor in determining their abdomen meat percentage. 4) There was a significant negative correlation between the claw weight and the δ13C value (P<0.05) in all collected normal crayfish. It could be inferred that individuals with well-developed claws tend to eat more P. crispus which with lower δ13C value. When the diet was sufficient, the lack of claws did not significantly affect the feeding and growth of P. clarkii (P<0.05) . It is concluded that there are significant correlation between feeding habits, morphology parameters, weight parameters, and abdomen meat percentage of P. clarkii, the diet is the main nutrient source for the abdominal muscle growth of P. clarkii in this study, but even when the diet is sufficient, P. clarkii still feeds heavily on aquatic plants. Traditional methods of stable nitrogen isotope trophic level study may not suitable for aquaculture ecosystems which are strongly influenced by diets. The results of this study can provide basic data for the genetic selection of P. clarkii and the ecological research on the integrated breeding model of rice-crayfish. © 2023 Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
为研究甘蔗渣作为载体填料用于海水曝气生物滤池中的可行性,在海水曝气生物滤池中培养生物膜,并以此为基础构建海水养殖排放水处理系统。通过监测水体总氨氮(TAN)、亚硝酸盐氮(NO2--N)等水质指标浓度变化,水体游离细菌与载体附着细菌密度变化,评价甘蔗渣载体生物滤池的降解效果。结果显示,以甘蔗渣为载体的生物滤池挂膜所需时间为26 d,挂膜完成后甘蔗渣附着可培养总菌和芽孢杆菌密度分别为3×108cfu/g和7.8×107cfu/g。在处理养殖水体时,生物滤池中水体氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮浓度分别控制在0.2 mg/L和0.05 mg/L以下,同时,水体中芽孢杆菌数量由3.3×103cfu/L增加至7×104cfu/L,弧菌数量由4.9×103cfu/L下降至3.1×101cfu/L。研究表明,以甘蔗渣为载体的海水曝气生物滤池能快速有效地完成挂膜,并在海水养殖排放水处理中取得较好效果。  相似文献   
从广东某虾苗场患病虾苗体内分离到一株致病菌(D-1),回归感染实验证实该菌为虾苗发光病的致病菌.经BIOLOG细菌自动鉴定系统鉴定,该菌与哈维氏弧菌相似度最高(0.718),可利用的唯一碳源有乙酸、D-葡萄糖酸、麦芽糖、吐温、糊精等40种;采用通用引物扩增出该菌的16S rRNA片段,并进行了序列分析,结果表明,该菌的16S rRNA序列与哈维氏弧菌同源性最高(99.84%),且在系统发育树上与其聚成一簇.药敏实验结果显示,在60种抗生素中菌株D-1仅对菌必治、复方新诺明、先锋必、亚胺培南、舒普深等12种药物敏感,对青霉素G、氨苄西林、米诺环素、米罗沙星等35种药物有抗性.防治实例表明,0.2mg/L的舒普深能治愈发光率在10%以内的患病虾苗,治疗成活率为80%~ 90%.  相似文献   
转基因食品常用检测方法的研究现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了转基因食品的发展现状,简述了常用的转基因技术,重点罗列了食品安全控制中转基因成分的检测方法,并在此基础上对不同的检测方法进行了比较。  相似文献   
乳酸菌(Lactic acid bacterium,LAB)是一群能从可发酵性碳水化合物中产生大量乳酸的革兰氏阳性细菌的通称。乳酸杆菌有44个种,连同亚种共51个种,是革兰氏阳性、无芽孢、细长、有弯曲的杆菌。有9个属:其中5个属呈球状,如乳酸球菌(lactococcus)、迷走球菌(vagococcuO、链球菌(streptococcus)、明串珠菌(leuconostoc)和片球菌(pedicoccus);4个属呈杆状,如肉食杆(caronobacterium)、  相似文献   
长牡蛎精子膜蛋白的提取及其部分生化性质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从提取时间和TritonX-100浓度两个方面对长牡蛎(Crassosstrea gigas)精子膜蛋白提取条件进行优化,确定最佳提取条件:将精液150 g离心去除精原细胞,经PBS缓冲液和Tris-HCl缓冲液清洗后,3 000 g离心10 min(4 ℃)得精子悬液;然后加入3倍体积含1% TritonX-100的膜蛋白提取液,冰浴振摇1 h;50 000 g离心15 min(4 ℃),收集上清液即为精子膜蛋白溶液.SDS-PAGE电泳后,考马斯亮蓝R-250染色检测到21种膜蛋白,分子量在26~156 kD之间,PAS染色检测到糖蛋白有14种,苏丹黑B染色检测到脂蛋白有17种,其中有13种膜蛋白既是糖蛋白又是脂蛋白.实验结果还发现1种分子量为38 kD的r16膜蛋白既为糖蛋白又为脂蛋白,且高碘酸-Shiff试剂和苏丹黑B染色最深,条带最清晰,蛋白丰度最高,与此相对的分子量为55 kD的r12膜蛋白,考马斯亮蓝R-250染色也较深,条带清晰,但其糖蛋白和脂蛋白染色相对r16膜蛋白较浅,说明r16和r12两种膜蛋白其蛋白丰度相差不大,其糖基化程度及脂化程度可能相差较大,此两种膜蛋白有待于进一步分离纯化.此研究结果可为长牡蛎精子膜蛋白在精子发生和受精过程中作用的研究提供基础资料.  相似文献   
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