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羊驼人工采精技术的研究与精液特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
(山西农业大学动物科技学院,山西太谷 030801)  相似文献   
Inhalt: Zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen auf das Scheidenmilieu wurde 12 Kühen eine PRID-Spirale in die Scheide eingelegt und dort für die Dauer von 12 Tagen belas-sen. Vier Tiere wurden mit einliegender Spirale und jeweils 2 am 1. bis 4. Tag nach Entzug der Spirale geschlachtet. Im Untersuchungszeitraum wurden Tupferproben mikrobiologisch und bei der Schlachtung gewonnene Scheidenproben histomorphologisch und histochemisch untersucht. Die Ovulation fand etwa 3 Tage nach dem Ende der Behandlung statt. Zwei weitere Tiere wurden in der Gelbkörperphase mit einem Prostaglandin-Analog behandelt und 3 Tage darauf geschlachtet. Sie dienten als zyklussynchrone Kontrollen. An den von Behandlungsbeginn bis zur Schlachtung genommenen Tupferproben zeigte sich, daβ die bakterielle Besiedlung von Vagina und Cervix uteri bei den Versuchsgruppen im Untersuchungszeitraum deutlich zunahm. Auch mehrere Tage nach Entzug der Spirale war diese Besiedlung nicht eliminiert. Histologisch lassen sich bei einliegender Spirale unterschiedlich stark akut und chronisch entzündliche Komponenten nachweisen. Epitheldefekte und freie Blutungen sind auf kleine Bezirke beschränkt. Das Epithel ist atypisch und in der Schleimsekretion gestört. Die nach Entzug der Spirale rasch einsetzenden proliferativen Reparationsvorgänge sind am Ende des Untersuchungszeitraumes nicht abgeschlossen. Das Epithel ist, namentlich um den üblichen Besamungszeitpunkt herum, weiterhin nicht zu normaler Schleimsekretion in der Lage, wie sie für den Östrus typkch wäre. Die Untersuchung zeigt, daβ der Einsatz der PRID-Spirale nicht völlig ohne Probleme ist. Die bakterielle Besiedlung und Störungen in der epithelialen Schleimsekretion sind als Beeinträchtigung des Scheidenmilieus zu werten. 06 hierdurch der Besamungserfolg negativ beeinfluβt wird, bedarf weiterer Abklärung. Contents: Effect of a progesterone releasing intravaginal device (“PRID”) on the intravaginal environment in the cow An experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of the application of “PRID” on histological and bacteriological conditions in the vagina of cows. PRID-coils (CEVA) were introduced into the vagina of 12 cows where they remained for 12 days. Four cows were slaughtered with the coil in position and 2 cows each were slaughtered on day 1, 2, 3 and 4 after coil removal. Cervical and vaginal mucus collected before introduction and after removal of the coil and at the time of slaughter was used for bacteriological examination. Immediately after daughter the genital tract was removed and tissue samples were taken from different segments of the vagina. Two additional cows were treated with a prostaglandin analogue during the luteal phase. These were slaughtered 3 days later and served as controls. The bacteriological examination revealed that in most cows application of the “PRID”-coil implies bacteriological contamination of cervix and vagina. Damage to the vaginal epithelium and its secretory activity was histologically evident. Recovery commenced immediately after coil withdrawal but was not complete by the time mating or insemination of cows would normally take place. Further investigation must show if application of the “PRID”-coil exerts a detrimental effect on the cow's fertility.  相似文献   
Canine herpesvirus-1 (CHV-1) is recognized to be enzootic in the dog population with a widespread distribution. This pathogen leads to a lethal generalized illness in newborn puppies and is associated with reproductive disorders. CHV-1 should be considered as an important pathogen of neonatal death and infertility; so, it appears to pose a threat for breeding kennels. Although serologic data point to the circulation of CHV-1 among dogs of Iran are available, no definitive diagnosis has been conducted based on the molecular assay. So, this research was done to detect the prevalence of CHV-1 in dogs of Kerman. In this study, the presence of CHV-1 in vaginal specimens and biopsies of the uterus of dogs referring to the Veterinary Hospital of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman was determined. Fifteen uterine samples and seven vaginal samples were included in group of the pregnant dogs. Moreover, thirteen uterine samples and twenty vaginal samples were related to the dogs displaying suspicious clinical signs such as reproductive disorders. Samples were collected and evaluated using real-time PCR. Viral DNA was detected in 21 samples from a total of 140 (15 %) collected samples which were related to 14 uterine samples (20 %) and 7 (10 %) vaginal specimens. The association of this virus with age, breed, housing, pregnancy and reproductive disorders was not significant. Five positive reproductive samples were belonged to the dogs with a history of reproductive disorders including pyometra, metritis, stillbirths, vaginitis and vaginal prolapse. This study is the first molecular detection of CHV-1 in reproductive samples of dogs in Iran. Considering the significant prevalence of this virus, it is necessary to carry out management measures in controlling and preventing this disease. Tracing CHV-1 requires further research on this virus in dogs of this region.  相似文献   
阴道脱和子宫脱有部分脱出和全部脱出两种。当部分脱出时,只需加强护理,防止脱出部位再扩大及受损,可不必采取特殊疗法。当全部脱出时,必须进行整复固定,并配以药物冶疗。  相似文献   
查明了淮北地区鲁西黄牛初情期等10项生殖生理参数;证实不孕症发病率为26.3%及其分类,;应用微生态方法定量检测不孕牛阴道菌群,查明优势菌为表皮葡萄球菌和链球菌  相似文献   
A total of 1050 samples from apparently healthy cattle were examined bacteriologically with special regard to Pc. indolicus and Cb. pyogenes.Pc. indolicus was found in 58 % of 130 samples from tonsils (slaughterhouse material), in 23 % of 620 samples from the vagina of cows, in 22 % of 100 samples from the vagina of calves and heifers, in 5 % of 100 samples from the conjunctival sac of cows, and in 10 % of 100 samples from the nasal cavity of cows (Table 1). Cb. pyogenes was found in 51 %, 17 %, 19 %, 8 %, and 6 %, respectively. Both organisms were found in each of 9 herds examined, though with varying frequency (Tables 2, 3, and 4).Altogether Pc, indolicus was found in 254 (24 %) and Cb. pyogenes in 205 (20 %) of the samples examined (Table 1). In 127 samples both organisms were present. Eleven of the strains of Pc. indolicus were β-hemolytic, the rest non-hemolytic.By gel diffusion analysis the strains of Pc. indolicus as well as those of Gb. pyogenes could be identified with strains originating from pathological conditions in cattle. With Serotype B occurring most frequently, usually two or three different types of Pc. indolicus were found in each of the herds examined (Tables 5, 6, and 7).The investigation has shown that Pc. indolicus is widespread among healthy cattle, and given evidence to suggest that Pc. indolicus and Cb. pyogenes are natural cohabitants.  相似文献   
The aim of the study was to identify beta‐haemolytic streptococci in the vagina of bitches who had delivered healthy litters and bitches who had delivered litters in which neonatal deaths occurred. Fifty‐one bitches divided into two groups were used. Group 1 (G1) included 28 bitches that had delivered healthy litters and group 2 (G2) included 23 bitches that had delivered puppies who died in the neonatal period. Two vaginal samples were taken, one in proestrus and the other at the end of gestation (EG). Beta‐haemolytic Streptococcus (BS) was isolated from 16 bitches (57%) in G1 and from 21 bitches (91%) in G2. The bacteriological cultures, serological tests (Streptex®) and PCR assay allowed identification of Streptococcus canis and Streptococcus dysgalactiae in G1 and G2. Ultramicroscopic studies allowed the observation of M Protein and capsules in strains of S. dysgalactiae and S. canis in G1 and G2. The S. canis strains isolated from G2 showed thicker capsules than S. canis strains isolated from G1 (234 ± 24.2 vs 151.23 ± 28.93 nm; p < .001.). No differences were observed in capsule thickness between strains of S. dysgalactiae isolated from G1 and G2 (210 ± 13.54 vs 211.66 ± 19.67 nm; p > .70). All strains of beta‐haemolytic Streptococcus isolated were penicillin sensitive. Penicillin was administered from EG to 5 days post‐partum in 10 G2 females with isolation of BS (G2A). Saline solution was administered in eleven G2 females with isolation of BS (G2B). Ninety per cent of the puppies survived in G2A and 25% survived in G2B. Our results suggest BS is involved in canine neonatal deaths.  相似文献   
本试验采用阴道涂片法对22只黑熊的阴道涂片进行了观察,结果表明,黑熊阴道上皮细胞由角化前细胞、完全角化细胞、不完全角化细胞、基底层细胞及中层细胞组成。各细胞在发情各期变化差异显著,其中,完全角化细胞在发情期数目最多,显著高于其他各期(p〈0.01);中层细胞在发情后期显著高与其他各期(p〈0.01);角化前细胞在发情期中差异显著(p〈0.01)。因此,通过检测各细胞的数量变化,可以确定黑熊的发情期。  相似文献   
采取人工授精技术可极大提高羊的生产性能,增加优秀个体所占比例,加快选育速度;可有效利用具有最优遗传性状的公羊,快捷而有效的增加优秀种羊的推广面与覆盖度;减少种公羊饲养管理费用与死亡率;防止因交配而感染疾病,提高母羊的受胎率。目前,研究人员在新鲜精液的基础上,又开发出了冷冻精液输精,冷冻精液可减少养殖场种公羊的饲养数量,控制养殖场的公母比例,大幅降低养殖成本,提高养殖场的经济效益。作者介绍了阴道输精技术及腹腔镜子宫角输精2种常用输精技术,同时简述了其优缺点;阐述了腹腔镜子宫角输精技术的各项操作流程及操作过程中的注意事项和术后护理等,旨在为腹腔镜子宫角输精技术提供理论依据及在实践过程中提供技术支持。  相似文献   
健康奶牛产道内正常菌群的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验从山东省不同奶牛场筛选出60头健康状况良好的奶牛,按试验要求分三组,第一组为20头8~15月龄的未配种的青年奶牛,第二组为20头处于干奶期(围产期)的奶牛,第三组为20头产后一个月的奶牛。采用常规细菌培养、分离、鉴定的方法从产道分离到细菌150株,其中乳酸杆菌46(30.7%)株、表皮葡萄球菌39(26%)株、无乳链球菌21(14%)株、大肠杆菌23(15.3%)株、芽孢杆菌8(5.3%)株、棒状杆菌5(3.3%)株、念珠菌8(5.3%)株。比较结果显示,乳酸杆菌为正常奶牛产道内的主要寄生菌,其次是表皮葡萄球菌、无乳链球菌和大肠杆菌。但是未配青年奶牛的阴道内,乳酸杆菌的分离率并不高。试验发现,奶牛阴道内的寄生菌一般为2~3种。  相似文献   
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